Can one person make a difference? Need your help please.

by apocalypse 25 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Mad Sweeney
  • jwfacts

    Apocalypse, every effort makes a difference. The letter you received is one of the most influential aspects currently assisting people leaving the Watchtower, as it is key to proving the association UN NGO.

    Even though the letter is buried deep within the UN site at$/DigitalLibrary/Dig/, it will always be available somewhere, such as webarchive sites and of course all the JW related websites that have copies of it.

  • apocalypse

    I have read and pondered all the responses here. I am also keeping abreast of what is happening with the new anti-watchtower movement.

    My belief that 'one can make a difference' has been bolstered. But I must acknowledge a few facts.

    First, since I was in a situation where I couldn't receive the UN letter at my home, how would I get it? I was using a post office box to get my books from Ray Franz. Could I use that? I fear that Paul may have been reluctant to work that way. Fortunately, there was Hawkaw. He filled the slot gladly. So, I wasn't left alone. Also, as Hawkaw later told me, Paul was backpeddling somewhat. But Hawk leaned on him. Made sure he was on board.

    So, if I was left to being just 'one', I suppose after more time I, or somewone else, could have done an Erin Brockovich. But more time would have gone by. It might not have worked out the way it did.

    Second, it was the threat of multitudes, 'myriads and myriads of brothers' telephone calls and emails and snail mails that worked as a motivator.

    So, I guess I was never really alone. However, if we all took the attitude that 'somebody else' can do it, then nothing would have happened.

    And if Norm wouldn't have done the leg-work and found out about watchtower's betrayal of us all in the first place, " then we would all be speakin' " watchtower.

    So, is there room for a group of some kind? I would say so. I think so. But what shape will it take.

    When the good people of Stratton Ohio were moving against watchtower, trying to force the dubs to wear ID badges, I called the lawyers down there. I told them that they had to do it right, because they are not fighting amatures. I told the lawyers that they didn't understand watchtower, that they needed to do the legwork, understand the past court battles, and definitely have input from those who have lived watchtower.

    So, those lawyers lost miserably. No surprise there. Why? Because they had no humility. They were too big for their britches. And they wasted their time and money.

    What I see with the anti-wt group is alot like what I saw in the lawyers of Stratton Ohio. They will waste their time. Many will be alienated. And people will be saddened with an opportunity lost.

  • Satanus

    Most movements, most changes are started by individuals, not to say that all individual efforts are successful or smart/right. Congratulations on your efforts. Was norm hovland the individual that originally sniffed out this truffle? I was always curious about who it was that was the very first to unearth the wt un involvement. Thankyou.


  • problemaddict

    Hello Apocalype. I do not know you, and as a newer member and a younger member of this board, all I can do is offer you my poor excuse for an opinion. 1 man does in fact matter. We are a community of people, and no one person acting in the interest of others is ever alone. Part of the reason I support any group no matter what its struggles or current incarnation regarding WT activities, is because of the need for community.

    You would take delight in the WT being bulldozed. That is by definition "anti" watchtower. Yet you remain in some form because of people and your conscience. You even serve those whom you do not agree with. I have actually considered your route. I have an iron stomach, and tried to justify to myself that being an inside man would allow me to help more people, and do more good.

    Then I had a child who is still very small. So that is no longer a consideration, because I would be allowing, even fomenting the indoctrination of my child.

    One man or woman makes a difference, when that person acts with integrity for the sake of their community and others.

    From what I understand, that is exactly what happened. The UN thing was never a huge deal for me personally, but many people have been woken up as a result of it, so bravo.

  • Fernando

    'The best way to predict the future is to invent it' - Alan Kay.

    'Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible' - Doug Larson.

    'Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing which ever has' - Margaret Mead.

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