Was Judas present when the Emblems were passed? Who should partake?

by DATA-DOG 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lore

    Basically the only gospel to mention Judas leaving at all, is John.

    None of the others indicate that he left.

    John though doesn't mention the passing of the emblems, and thus doesn't say whether Judas left before or after.

    If we assume that John is in chronological order and Luke is not. Then Judas may have left before the passing of the emblems.

    If we assume that Luke is in chronological order and John is not, then Judas definately did not leave before the passing of the emblems.

    So it just comes down to how you want to twist it. One of them is wrong. Flip a coin, pick one that matches your dogma, either way your odds of being correct are the same.

    Frankly if it mattered at all, you'd think god would have made sure he got bible writers who were less haphazard with their orders of events. The fact that it's not clear kind of indicates how irrelevant it is.

  • Bobcat


    None of the others indicate that he left.

    I posted about this also here (See my post # 668; For any interested in exploring that further).

    Take Care

  • prologos

    bobcat, you summed it up very well under:

    FOR THE CUP for sin

    FOR THE RULE different from new covenant.

    This preoccupation with memorial attendance and partaker COUNTS is unique to JWs (although the Vatican has its devils advocates for sainthood proceedings too) but

    it appears that now with the new partaker vs. FDS light, the bean counters at headquarters have less to worry about the billions that did or did not (rightly) take the emblems during the millenia, but can concentrate of the billions at hand (in the accounts)

  • Crazyguy

    Its pretty obvious that if Judas left so that only the anointed 11 were to partake as a sign that only the anointed were to be under the new covenant and partake each year, the the bible would have been clear on that. But is is not because it didnt matter because all that belive in christ are sons of God and are to partake. The one that are anointed dont get the prize until after death or atleast until they have proven themselves worthy. Paul spoke of chasing after it. So if only the anointed were to partake how can this be fare since they could possibly not endure to the end. Also in the first covenant all were under the covenant not just the High priests, all including alien residents.

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