Why Does The Watchtower Dis-fellowshiping For Smoking and Not Gluttony and Alcoholism?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    "LongHairedGirl" the medical evidence is now stating obesity is a greater threat to our health than smoking cigs. In countries were food is scarce, "bettlenut" has been used for energy as well as keeping hunger pains from hurting so bad. How can the Tower tell them not to chew beatlenut or Quat when our brothers and sisters are getting plenty of food in the States? Drinking is the biggest problem in our organization of God's holy clean people, what does that say about the Organization as a whole? It screams we got problems!

    To the poster who had to learn to drive when you were 15 years old to drive around your drunk family, how are you now and how did it affect your current view of alchoholism? I quit drinking ten years ago after seperating from my drunkard family members. Why, the only thing we did when we got together was get drunk with Whiskey, Rum, Single Malt and watch R-rated movies and dirty filthy shows. I was drinking a twelve pack of Corona and all my friends had no problems with this level of heavy drinking! I revealed something I never posted on JWN, I was addicted to alchohol and stopped it and it cost me half of my friends!

    The consensus on JWN is almost everyone here has seen the wild abusive and immodest actions with alchoholic beverages, these same people who would over-drink, use to make fun of all the fat brothers and sisters saying "they had no self control and brought reproach on Jehovah because food was their god!" It's hypocrisy that started to chip away at my belief we were different from Christendom.

    I know it was popular in several congregations where brothers and sisters were taking Phinn-Finn (It's a diet drug and I spelled it wrong, I know) and having gastric bypass surgries before most health insurance companies were allowing these procedures as "medical" instead of "cosmetic" and when each person lost all their weight, they lied to all the poor brothers and sisters saying "We had will power, we eat right, excercised and dieted!" The truth was they used Phenterimine and Topax cocktails that burned their weight from 400lbs (some high weight friends) down to 185lbs and these drugs they took for 15 years. Everyone who received these occult treatments (hidden from the congregation) and bragged out their will-power gained all their weight back, we have 41 year olds who are totally gray from the side affects of Phen-Topamax. Do you know how bad the lie had one brothers and sisters who tried every book diet, only to have these liars say they were doing it all natural? These drugs are the same as amphetimes and Topax burns the weight off your body with side affects of "gray ness", once you stop using the "cocktail", the weight come's back with 10% interest because you changed your body into a permenant "starvation mode on the cellular level." Read the recent Stock Prospectus for Arna Pharam's new drug, it's taken fifteen years to develop a new diet drug and still ARNA's new weight loss drug is going to have side affects, ARNA will be a blockbuster drug but will the effects last forever?

    The "Phenterimine-Topamax Club" never excersised or eat right, the drugs did everything as they starved their body into submission. Some elders had ten "false starts", the gastric bypass proved to be another joke, the stomach stretched back and they gained their weight back with a new problem, malabsorbtion of their foods, they crapped out most of the food they ate. The issues that force the brothers and sisters to eat were never addressed and they lived a lie, told a lie to everyone who asked "you look great, how did you do it?"

    JWs loved to go to "Buffets" or "Green Tomato" "Fresh Choice" and I would not say anything when both brothers and sisters ate six to ten plates only to polish off all the ice cream and deserts, I felt they had emotional problems food which the effects of food helped. Cheese has the same affect on brain receptors as heroin, the most unwholesome food and it's addictive nature soothes us when we feel dirty or sick about ourselves, there's nothing like ice cream when I am feel like a loathsome pieceofshit.

    It's not fair to judge someone who smoke's cigs or medical cannabis or beattle, Quatt (Somalia herb-stimulant) when we are all one screwed up human family trying to survive life with all the judgemental guilt we all carry. I hope I did not insult anyone, that was never my intent nor do I think anyone here on JWN believes everyone who has their own crutch is on public welfare.

    I feel empathy because our companies in America are going to start to discrimate against overweigth people, it's hard enough for uneducated members of society to get a job, and the Tower is not helping them be more job worthy!

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill


    Some very good points. Once you try to legislate (read "Compile your own Talmud"), where do you stop? How do you stop - and who has the authority to start making rules over other people, anyway? Certainly not a committee of eight self-appointed #$%*s in New York.

    (I seem to remember Murphy's Law No.7 having something to say about this, to the effect that "Each new solution brings its own set of problems.")

    By the way, welcome!


  • smiddy

    Isn`t disfellowshipping for smoking going beyond what is written ? I mean their is no mention of smoking in scripture , either for or against ,whereas it was obviously a practice in bible times .Certainly amongst contemporary nations.

    And the witnesses didnt make it a disfellowshipping offence until the early 1960`s


  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Bungi-Bill, I kid you not, I heard more elders who refused to excercise attack people who did as "faithless and putting the less important things first", these idiots said "we are going to receive a new body, so why should I worry about "bodily training and it's little value, I am training for the spiritual things!" So Jehovah made our bodies to "slash and burn, treat like dirt, so he can give us a new body in the "new creation" (wait, they don't believe in the New Creation" Romans 6) as we sit back and refuse to try.

    There are people with chronic illnesses who have problems with pain syndromes, studies show if you can fight against the pain syndromes and use a common sense and gentle approach to excersise, you can reduce your pain or C.F.S., RSD, RCPD and other ailments you are battling. Not all exercising is for ever person, so please be safe if you try work out, I can help assistent anyone with ideas.

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