by Oubliette 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    Thanks all for your comments. Here are a few specific responses:

    Wholly, You're welcome! I'm hoping that some lurkers are reading this too.

    wha happened?, Exactly! It's a classic example of Orwellian doublespeak when a "slave" is actually master over the R&F Witnesses.

    breakfast of champions, yesidid, alecholmesthedetective, Thanks for the words of acknowledgement and support.

    zeb, Good point. Apparently Jesus "invisible presense" is equivalent with non-involvment in the WTBTS.

    Larsinger58, Interesting points, although I think thread hijacking is poor form. BTW, you apparently misunderstand my purpose in writing. Please see my comment to Wholly at the top of this post.

    ÁrbolesdeArabia, I'd be interested to hear the response from you JW-apologist associate. Don't hold your breath expecting anything rational. The "Famous Scholars of the Watchtower" as you call them have created a "theology" so convoluted, so contradictory and so confusing that they can't unravel it without creating more of the same. Their delusional ramblings would be little more than a religious curiousity if it were not for the very real fact their policies and practices have adversely affected countless lives.

    konceptual99, Your wife's response is sadly typical. It demonstrates how easily the average JW will excuse in their own religion the exact kinds of illogical, contradictory teachings which they eagerly point out in other religions as proof of their being false.

    The problem is that JWs are too invested emotionally, whether by time committed to the beliefs, by familial ties and supposed friendships or all of the above, to take a stand over something as easily dismissed as confusing and contradictory teachings.

    Cognitive Dissonances is a bitch.

  • Ding

    Good catch!

    The new light undermines the GB's claims of authority, but they are counting on the fact the most JWs just follow the script and never consider the implications.

  • Oubliette

    Ding, yeah, they can't even get their own story straight, but for the most part it doesn't matter for the reason you observed.

    Ironically, for as much noise as JWs make about "The Truth" and the importance of "accurate knowledge" belonging to their organization has nothing to do with either of those things: Listen, Obey and be Blessed!

    Or in other words, "Sit down, shut up and do what we're telling you."

  • frankiespeakin


    ::By the way, have you noticed that every time the WT publishes an "adjustment in our understanding" in an attempt to solve one problem with doctrine it usually ends up creating more problems? Why do you suppose that is? What does this mean?::

    Grandious Delusions are like a house of cards the bigger it gets the greater the possiblity of collapse. Or one lie needs another lie for support eventually it gets more and more complicated with more and more lies supporting the original lie, till finally the ones telling the lie can't keep track of all the lie and so contridictions and chaos abound.

  • AnnOMaly

    Oubliette - I thought along the same lines as you did LOL!

    [From ANOTHER THREAD] The foremost reason given for completely trusting the 'slave' was that Jesus put them over all his 'belongings.' This is now known not to be true and naturally can not be put forward as a reason for trusting the 'slave.' Seeing as this reason for trusting never really was a reason for trusting, how can they be trusted to truly clarify important issues (like why we should completely trust the 'slave') and expect our wholehearted support and obedience?

  • notjustyet

    So they are saying that Jesus can come more than one time?


  • Wholly

    A JW who is not actively, consciously, strenuously seeking the Lord himself has already found what he is looking for. The LIEfestyle of a JW is worth more than anything to a JW. Because of this, my heart breaks for them. My sister and nephew are such ones.

    About the UN issue, she said to me that she doesn't believe it, she can't and won't. Even though she later found it was true, her position is that Jehovah is using even the evil of this world to work his purpose and she trusts the GB explicitly as the direct channelers of God even though she doesn't understand everything. So, no matter what the GB says it is the "t" word to her. Her LIEfestyle is preserved.

    She and I now find ourselves in the awkward position of each praying that the other hear the voice of God and wake up.

  • Quendi


  • Jeffro
    Of course, many active JWs are only just now learning about this “New Light” and some probably won’t learn about it until it is considered in the WT Study in their congregations in the first week of September.

    And you can bet that when they 'study' the 'New Light', they won't be holding up the 'od' book (or any of the many other contradictory things in many previous publications) next to it for comparison.

  • Oubliette

    Bumpin' it for Data-Dog!

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