JW Rules That Are Just "Too Much"!

by Ephanyminitas 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SPAZnik


    The thing that tipped me over the edge however was the "Medical Directive" that gives another person Enduring Power of Attorney over you for the rest of your life! And it can't be orally revoked by you even if you want to.

    I'd really like to know...what "Medical Directive" was that? Pardon my ignorance, but i wuz a "faithful dub" for over 2.5 decades and i never saw anything like that. Was it b4 my time? What are you talking about Mackin? I'd really like to know.

    ok wholewheat...so rules = guidelines. alrighty then.
    just read the subject as being "jw guidelines that are just too much".
    oh and fyi:

    n 1: guidance relative to setting standards or determining a course of action 2: a light line that is used in lettering to help align the letters 3: a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior [syn: guidepost, rule of thumb ]

    Source: WordNet 1.6, 1997 Princeton University
  • plmkrzy
    I'm half-expecting them to make a comment about PG-13 movies

    That already happened at my KH a long time ago and others that I know of. I asumed it was the norm everywhere.

    I could never understand:

    1) the length of hair, had to have a clean shaven neck. It could not grow to touch the collar. I remember that because thats what my brother went through. I remember my dad looking at the back of his neck before we left for meetings to see if his hair touched his collar.

    2) facial hair.

    3) shunning

    we had many worldly friends, always did, so that wasn't an issue with me.

    The 4 door car thing..WOW haven't heard that one. That IS stupid beyond stupid.

  • Mackin

    There are links to the document on Watchtower Observer. Follow the blood links.

    It was implemented about 1999/2000 or thereabouts.

    The legal form will probably differ slightly from country to country but the one I saw said that once you gave Power of Attorney to someone, to have them uphold your stand on blood, you could not verbally revoke it in an emergency. So if you were in the ER screaming "I've changed my mind, Give me Blood" the person with power of attorney could overrule you and prevent blood being given.

    How controlling is that!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    One of the things that really bothered me was a rule in our congregation about spending more time in service than caring for the sick. We had a sister who was dying of cancer. The doctor had given her about 2 weeks to live. I stayed with her and her family - giving them breaks and helping feed her and care for her. My ex - an elder and the other elders basically told me my time should be in service and at home caring for my family rather than helping her. My husband and I had a huge fight over this. There was no way I was going to leave this family.

    At the end her sister and I held her hands and were with her when she died. In my mind that was much more a Christian loving "service" than going door to door. But I was marked for that and never allowed to foget it. I left shortly after.I was so disillusioned with the elders by this time.

    Rats there was something else but I forgot what it was. Might come back and share it if I remember

  • Matty

    I'm glad someone brought this thread back to the top, thank you Xandria.

    Going back to dancing. You are allowed to go to a pub or bar, that's OK; but you are not allowed to go to a club or disco, which is just a big bar or pub with music. You are allowed to go to any pub, bar or restaurant providing it doesn't have a dance floor or plays loud music. A dance floor suddenly makes it into a taboo establishment and a den of iniquity.

  • SpiceItUp

    My mother tried to ban me wearing black (as it is the devils color). Ha! I rebelled and wore it anyway.

    Also I hated having to go clean the hall...and doing the yardwork was the worst (I always got stuck with weeding)


    Edited by - SpiceItUp on 28 June 2002 10:4:41


    a m e n to all!!! I am getting better at doing as I darn well please---the hell to rules and regulations....QUEENIE AND family

  • professor

    Wholewheat says:

    When someone dedicates their life to Jehovah, they make the choice to serve Him and uphold His standards. There are no "rules" as you describe them, just guidelines for clean living for a Christian to live by.

    Some folks who have been disfellowshipped for violating the rules might think this notion is pretty silly. Do you really believe this?

    Edited by - professor on 3 July 2002 2:26:16

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