My latest university experience...

by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chaserious

    Best of luck with the RA job. Sounds like you earned it!

  • likeabird

    Hats off to you Billy, that's really great. I'm so pleased for you. Take every opportunity you can and you will go far, really far.

    I'm going through something similar too and while it can be really hard, the doors that open can be amazing.

    It just goes to show how many amazing brains the WT totally wasted and overlooked!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Simply AWESOME! Congrats!

    What's cool about your experience is that it shatters another JW myth: that out there in Satan's cruel, evil world, people don't care about you as a person and are ready to steamroll right over you.

    I had a similar experience this semester, but certainly not to the same degree as yours. My fall semester was a living hell after Sandy, and it was a struggle to get to class let alone study or do homework. I was working 24/7 and was exhausted. My performance on my two finals fell FAR short of what I knew I could do, and I ended up having a mini-breakdown towards the end. I think it's my JW programming, but I felt that my shitty performance on the two finals (same professor, BTW) not only disappointed me, but disappointed him. In the end, I got A's in both courses (I had gotten near perfect scores on pre-Sandy exams and maintained 100% on homework)

    So fast foward to a few weeks ago at the campus student center, I've got my head down in my iPad (reading JWN), and I hear someone call my name. It was my professor from last semester! I got up to shake his hand, but inside I was still really embarrassed with how I did on the final (Jw programming kicking in again). "Breakfast, you did AMAZING last semester! A's in both my courses! You did some really great work." I replied that yeah I did manage to pull an A, but finals were not the best. He reassured me "You did really great work! You should be proud of what you accomplished."

    The thing that impressed me is that this prof teaches three large auditorium classes (300-400 students each) a semester, but remembered me personally and went out of his way to say hi and give me a huge compliment. And while my JW programming had been hard at work tearing apart my own accomplishments, the prof realized what I had overcome last fall and saw the big picture.

    Anyway, just thought what was telling about this experience and yours is how the JW programming keeps popping up, perhaps not into our explicit thoughts, but our feelings about ourselves, who we are, and our accomplishments.

    Best of luck as a research assistant!

  • cobaltcupcake


  • Slavenomore


    Great job, to get a nod like that as an undergrad is a real accomplishment! I wish for you success in the project/s. Iwould research what this professor has published in the past to get to knw his mindset a little more. Im new here so i don't know your story, nor do I know how to look up past threads, but I would like to know how long was your tour of duty?


  • NewYork44M

    Congratulations! Education is the great equalizer. If you can't succeed on your great looks, education is the second best option.

  • moshe

    Thank you for the story, Billy.

    Now, don't be shy, tell us what happened to you at spring break! Inquiring minds are ready for the , truth.

  • Hortensia

    Well done, all you folks struggling through college. I am impressed with your dedication and your results.

  • jamiebowers

    Billy, I've heard from several people who have worked technical jobs like engineering that theoretical applications from the classroom do not match practical applications in the field. That's probably why your professor chose you to be his research assistant. While your brainiac classmate has a head for book learning, you have real world experience. The professor probably also realizes that your experience may be getting in the way of learning from books. In the end, you'll have a much stronger grasp on the knowledge it takes to be in the engineering field.

  • mrsjones5

    Wonderful news Billy. Maybe I can go back to school too.

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