Do You Fully Support "Obamacare"?

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • soontobe
    Yes. I'm going to quit my job and go to school full time. I want obamacare.

    Cool! I went to college full time.

    I didn't take summers off either.

    I worked 2 jobs and paid my own fucking way.

  • designs

    Oh geez now kids with scholarships will be attacked

  • breakfast of champions

    There will always be people who want to be lazy and mooch of of others. It doesn't matter what era, what country, what regime, I am sure that on other planets there are alien slackers. They do not want to work. They just want to talk on the phone all day and expect everyone else to carry the load.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    LOL at Roberta complaining because she won't make $300 an hour anymore.

    For psychotherapy which is about as bullshit as medicine gets

  • Roberta804

    Excuse me Barrold Bonds?

  • garyneal

    I voted for Obama because I believed in his healthcare proposals. If the Republicans have something better, I am certainly willing to listen to what they have to offer. To date, they have not come up with anything of substance and they had 6 years (2000-2006) of power in the executive and legislative branches to do something. Nothing, unless you count that consumer driven health care stuff. It is not the worst plan in the world but it did little to fix the overall problems with healthcare.

    I just don't think the market is the best place for healthcare. As long as the profit motive exists for the system, it will never get any better. I can understand why the insurance companies wanted the individual mandate in exchange for providing coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. After all, how else are you going to spread the cost around? I just don't get why so many people are upset with Obama for the individual mandate when it was something the insurance companies wanted.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    [rethought(?) above post..]

    MINIMUS- perhaps I was being a bit "cheeky" in my post, but yes, if the only reason I am keeping my job is for healthcare, then I'll take Obamacare and go to school. Hell, no matter what, I'm going to take the buyout (from my company) in a couple years and go to school FT regardless of whether Obamacare exists or not. Healthcare should not be a privilege in a first-world country.


    SOONTOBE - Let's see. . . you signed up two months ago. . . sorry, I missed your bio. . . . . . Oh, you don't have one (from what I can tell) and I have no idea who you are or where you are from. .. .

    BARROLD BONDS - . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .

    aaaaaaand. . . .





  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    Whoops my math was wrong. 200 an hour. Truly you'll be in the breadlines soon because of obamercare.

    UHC would be preferred and I'm not keen on the fact that this bill amounts to a giant payout to insurance companies. that said there's some good provisions in the bill, for example free birth control for women.

  • minimus

    The Norwegian comment was pretty funny.

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