McDonald's Cashier Job Requires Bachelor's Degree

by VM44 14 Replies latest social current

  • out4good3


    I thought that years of reading WT and Awake magazines would equip one with the equivalent of a college education?

  • Chaserious

    No sweat... as long as they don't start requiring degrees for window washing.

  • applehippie

    It was just a typo by the job listing service...LOL

    McDonald’s Cashier Job Requires BA Degree–Not

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    By ABC News

    Apr 4, 2013 4:33pm

    A job posting for a McDonald’s franchise cashier opening in Massachusetts that required a college degree caused a stir among the media today, with much hand-wringing about job prospects in America, but it was all in error.

    Tony Cesolini, assistant manager at McDonald’s of Winchendon, a town on the border with New Hampshire, said the educational requirement was an error in the job posting.

    “We’re still trying to figure out how that happened,” Cesolini told ABC News. “At this time, it’s misreported information from an independent job offering website.”

    Read more: Highest-Paying Retail Jobs

    News outlets including the New York Daily News reported about the education requirement Thursday on

    Cesolini said the franchise did not publish the job posting.

    The job posting, as published by the Daily News, showed Crew Cashiers required a bachelor degree and experience as well.

    Cesolini said he has been fielding inquiries from the media about the job description.

    “We do not require a bachelor degree and haven’t required it in the past,” he said.

    An email from a support team member of said the job post was listed incorrectly with the educational level defaulting to bachelor’s degree.

    “The post was only live for a short time, and was completely removed once we gained knowledge of the error,” said.

    Joe and Lori Ruscito, owner and operators of the franchise in Winchendon released a statement about the job posting:

    “There has been some misinformation reported by an independent job site with no relationship to the Winchendon, Massachusetts McDonald’s. The original job posting, which could be accessed through, did not require a bachelor’s degree and we do not require a bachelor’s degree for employment. Our organization is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse work force.”

    SHOWS: Good Morning America
  • MrFreeze

    Have you seen the people who run the cash registers at McDonalds? I find it hard to believe they've earned a bachelor's degree in anything. Most can't figure out how much change they should give you back when you give them $6 for a total purchase of $5.80.

    And no soontobe, it isn't good for people coming out of college. You don't have enough money to live on, let alone pay off school loans.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Notice that is an independent franchise. I didn't think McDonalds sold independent franchises. Forever they have been 100% company owned. Perhaps this is in jest?

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