by Julia Orwell 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Balaamsass

    Julia...remember JWs are a FRACTION of the population, like Scientologists. Do not give them power.

    Start by planning some nice weekends AWAY from the Borg with hubby. Be accepting. Don't argue.

    Make lots of yummy comfort food at 6:30 and his favorite drink before meeting...tell him you are to tired to go to the meeting, and want to go to bed early. If he STILL wants to go by himself..fine...pour a glass of wine and read a nice book in bed.

    Mention some basic "DUH" things that puzzle you...plant seeds. Make it EASY for him to miss meetings and have questions. When JWs speak bad about you behind your back to him it will anger him. People are people.

    Pounding garden seeds into the soil and watering them with a fire hose doesn't make them grow faster.

    Hang in there!

  • gone for good
    gone for good

    Julia -

    The last paragraph of your opening 'rant', is ample evidence that you are solidly pointed in the right direction for any human.

    That you, or anyone, pursuing such a life as you desire , should feel encumbered and not encouraged by that organization is truly a rebuke to their very existence.

    I percieve that you are already free, as your path ahead is so clear that you can discribe it - and beautifully, I must say.

    You are exactly what the WTS fears most.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi Julia Orwell, Ditto what Balaamsass wrote and start making new non-JW friends, who you share common interests and have fun with. When you fade, it will be easier for you and your husband to enjoy life with all your non-JW friends.

    If you want ideas for places to visit with your husband to divert his attention from the wTBTS and you live in the USA, sign up at for daily deals. I signed up and the deals can be very inexpensive to moderately expensive.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Hey Robert,

    Great idea! We have those sites in Australia too.

    And thanks all for your encouragement - gotta take it slow, but that's never been one of my strong points...

  • transhuman68

    I would just say if you actually open or read any of the books or magazines before you get to the meetings, then you are doing it wrong, lol. It's more fun at the meeting if you have no idea what any of it is all about.

  • TotallyADD

    I agree with gma-tired2. I remember my Dad when so called new light came out. He was willing to forget the old teaching and dive right into the new so called light. He be so happy about this because he felt he was learning something know one else knew. After all it was a college education!!! Cults are experts of how to do this. The WT has been doing it for a long time. Totally ADD

  • NVR2L8


    I experienced the same emotions for decades...I wish instead I listened to reason and left long ago. Of course I would lose all my friends, but I quickly realized I had no friends within the "brotherhood". I stopped going to the meetings suddenly and I didn't get one phone call from my friends...of course they would tell my wife to say "hi" or that they "miss" me. Then a year later 2 elders came to my door unanounced with their uniform suit and tie and bible in hand. I told them to leave me alone. One of these elders is the hugger type...he even kissed me on the ckeeks at every meeting...Now I realize this meant absolutely nothing since he never even made an attempt on his own to find out what was going on with me. He to my door because of his sense of duty for the Watchtower and not love towards me!

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Wouldn't you agree that your feelings and personal dilemmas are pretty much much the same as those experienced by 1st century faithful Jews who were awaiting the Messiah's arrival?

    They must have been sickened by the teachings and practices of the Pharisees and their self-righteous, self-appointed priesthood who were lording it over the people and making God's Word invalid by their traditions. Faithful Christians are now awaiting the Messiah's arrival also. Sound familiar?

  • Oubliette


    Mixed metaphors aside, your "rant" as you call it is a powerful testimony to the human spirit.

    We just want to be free. No one wants to be enslaved.

    I came to this organization seeking personal freedom and enlightenment. Instead I found enslavement and darkness.


  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    Mr. Flipper: If anything the WT Society owes millions of duped believers and former believers a huge apology for this 134 year scam since 1879.

    And of course we know that this will never happen! If you take a closer look at this new WT regarding the 'New light' & GB, it appears to me that they are taking the first steps of re-inventing themselves so that the 'publishing company' can now publish a whole NEW series of books to entrap the minds of a whole new generation of non-thinking people.

    Affectionately Brother of the Hawk [ I will surrender my mind no more forever ]

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