Notes from 2013 Memorial talk: Appreciate What Christ Has Done for You

by WinstonSmith 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Emery

    Thanks Winston

  • Ancientofdays

    My last memoral was many uears ago and looking at the Winston's note nothing has changed.

    It's all about Jesus sacrifice and deadth.

    It's all about stimulate sense of guilt in the audience.

    Not a mention of resurrection at all.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    did they say "two hopes"? eph 4:4 ugh

    I've got to remember that one

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition
    Both groups benefit from the ransom sacrifice, but only the ones with the heavenly hope partake. This is because Jesus set this covenant with his close followers, ones who would be in the kingdom with him.

    I'm dying to go tonight to hear this part for myself. Not that I don't believe you, but just I need to hear it myself. It's true Jesus set the covenant in a setting with his close followers, and heck maybe it only applied to those with him in the room that evening. Regardless, how is it that a handful of American men with one Aussie born 2000 years after Jesus set this covenant are considered his preeminent close followers, along with the average eccentric that partakes in whatever congregation? How do you throw so many Christians under the bus?

    For this reason we would expect that someone who partakes has a long history of faithful service to Jehovah.

    If that's the case, then one would expect that someone who partakes would actually be one of the other sheep considering the average non-annointed JW has contributed more to the JW cause than the average so called annointed.

  • WTWizard

    Sounds like a nice waste of time, gas, and money to attend. Why do we need to be "saved" from death through Jesus? Why not just have joke-hova not make rules that bind mankind to being slaves to that thing? You try to bind mankind, Satan (who actually cares for us a lot more than joke-hova or Jesus) tries to set us free, what do you expect? And who was it that placed Satan in charge of mankind in the first place? Being that Satan cared more for us than He did for joke-hova, naturally He would do something about it.

    Hence, this whole exercise is totally unnecessary. It is about joke-hova wanting us enslaved, unable to function fully. Satan wanted us to be all we could be, and was willing to actually do something about it. That pxxxed off joke-hova to the point where that thing threw a fit, condemned mankind to damnation, and then had to offer Jesus to bring us back to a state of slavery. Is that what you wish to commemorate? If so, by all means attend this waste of time.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Basically, it's nothing more than their annual "Don't Dare Partake" fest, where the dubbies all get dolled up in their faux-Easter outfits to pass the plates -- and gawk at anyone who does.

    At last year's local memorial service, purported to honor Jesus' sacrificial death and its signficance to the eternal prospects of humanity, the visiting speaker from Bethel quite managed to talk for almost an hour without one recourse to the word "resurrection".. a remarkable achievement, given its centrality in the belief system of nominal Christianity.

    Nor were the stirring moments of high drama in the Bible's depicting of Jesus last hours on earth-- his last supper and his prayer for the well-being of his disciples, the betrayal of Judas, the agony of the garden; his disciples' succumbing to sleep; his betrayal and arrest in the Garden of Gethesemane; the scattering of his fear-gripped disciples; Peter's denial, and the climactic soul-stirring awareness of the signficance of the empty tomb and its guardian's chilling pronouncement to Mary Magdalene and the women "why are you searching for the living among the dead?"... and so on, to his post-resurrection appearance at Emmaus, etc.

    All of this was swept aside in favor of convincing those in attendance that they had no business in partaking of the emblematic bread and wine.

  • undercover

    Both groups benefit from the ransom sacrifice, but only the ones with the heavenly hope partake. This is because Jesus set this covenant with his close followers, ones who would be in the kingdom with him.

    The close followers formerly known as the Faithful and Discreet Slave, but who have since been demoted by the Governing Body. Give em a couple years and no one but the GB will be allowed to partake...

  • Wholly

    My Lord, my God, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords endured, with love for every one of us, false accusation, abuse, torture, humiliation, and excrutiating pain unto death by the "Governing Body" of the Jews so that every people and tongue could choose to believe in him and be saved by him to be with him, love & be loved by him for all eternity if we would only believe in his status as the Alpha and the Omega, The Redemer, The one and only Lord Almighty God.

    That is one reason I appreciate all that Christ did for us.

    I didn't see that covered in the J ritual.

  • suavojr
  • WinstonSmith

    Good morning everyone, I'm guessing that by now you would have had your Memorial, or at least it won't be far away. Would love to hear the details of the talks you had to sit through.

    Kristina1972 picked up up on a point that really struck me as a cunning use of words. When speaking of those in heaven the speaker said that because they bore God's name they were Jehovah's witnesses. This is where they get tricky. Note that I typed 'witnesses' with a small 'w' this is because this is what the speaker meant, as in they are witnesses of Jehovah (ones who can testify about him and his character). However, anyone new or along for the first time would have most likely heard the brother say "as they have God's name on their forehead, they are Jehovah's Witnesses" note the capital W. So while what they said was correct (from their point of view), the uninitiated would most likely hear a not so subtle reminder that when the drinks and nibbles come around, it would be expected that only a Jehovah's Witness would partake, not some lackey off the street. This was further emphasised later when they clearly said that they would expect that only someone with a long history of service to Jehovah would partake.

    @Theocratic Sedition: I think they were going for the ol' "Jesus was in the room with and only speaking to his faithful apostles, so the words only apply to them, and by the way, we are the modern day version of the faithful apostles, so this applies to the anointed and not the general populace" schtick. As usual they add meaning and put words in the mouths of bible writers and characters where the text indicates no such thing.

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