My wife buys "50 shades of grey??? How shes changed since being inactive!!

by Witness 007 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    So this morning we flirt and i tell her what a "dirty girl" she is for buying those books...but i was thinking this from a girl who broke a frying pan on my car years ago because i didnt want to go to the Meetings. Slowly i wore down that rock that she is with little facts and qoutes...i would not have stayed with her if she remained the fanatic Witness she was....also she now swears like a sailor...i like that.

  • Lore

    Good for you 007!

    For anyone wondering what this "50 Shades of Grey" is. I've included a small sample:



    "How she's changed since being inactive!!"

    Well she won't stay inactive for long reading that stuff. My wife has all three books and reads a little in bed some nights. I flicked through one book and told her it was badly written but have not bothered to read it. What could it possibly teach me?

  • 00DAD

    Her authentic self is coming out.

    I still wouldn't buy any frying pans for a while!

  • cobaltcupcake

    Jeepers! I've been out for 9 years and even I'm afraid to read those books.

  • SophieG

    Shades is hilarious. Yes badly written....but for some women it seems to broaden their imagination....

    now me....mind always in the gutter!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I am reading it at the moment, purely for the gigglez.

  • talesin

    It could teach you about abusive relationships.

    This is not a B&D (bondage and discipline) story, it is one of degradation and humiliation. I suggest Anne Rice's Exit to Eden, for someone who is interested in the B&D world ... it is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but ever-so-explicit and no one is being degraded.



  • Bella15

    @ ".... i was thinking this from a girl who broke a frying pan on my car years ago because i didnt want to go to the Meetings"


    I hope she reads it aloud for you!

  • Pickler

    It's so badly written that when I read an sample of it I thought it was a spoof/parody.

    If she wants to explore this kind of thing there is much better out there! Have a search!

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