A note to my elder 'friends'

by George 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • George

    The laugh is on you my elder 'friends.' Years ago you could prance up to the platform, stand behind the mic, and declare, 'brother Parrish has been disfellowshipped' and no one would talk to me. But those days are over my 'friends,' because there are many who talk to me anyway in spite of what you've said. Most of the younger Witnesses simply ignore you and send me email anyway. The days of your wielding control of information are over. Now I can say what I want, mail information to whomever I like and even maintain a website just for those who have doubts about the things you teach.

    Why just the other day I was getting my haircut and I got to talking to the stylist about the Witnesses coming to her door. She told me that there is one who comes rather often. So I told her about how I was disfellowshipped and gave her my website URL. She said she would be happy to show it to the nice Witness lady when she comes 'round again. Yes, the laugh is on you my 'friends!'


  • Caliban

    So what's the URL ?

  • Frenchy

    George, George, are you gloating? Tsk Tsk Tsk...I'm shaking my head!

  • George
  • RedhorseWoman


    I don't think anyone here would put you down. Everyone here is discussing and debating. No time to be rude to anyone.

  • Scorpion

    YA George, what RedhorseWoman said.

    I will check out your site. We as witnesses should not be afraid of anything if we have the truth. I know the WT has made some mistakes. So has all religion.

    BTW, welcome to Simons board. You may be surprised that there are some thinking people on this site.

  • waiting

    Heard any good jokes lately? We come here for relief and to talk - and to be civil.

    That's such a cool word Simon used for this forum. We don't use it much in the USA - in Alaska where I am residing - but just like real conversation, it takes effort to be civil.

    Want to give it a try? Welcome.

  • waiting

    Just visited your site. I have visited it before - and left confused. You obviously have written many articles and books - why was the wording of your first post to this forum so out of touch with your website and the post about Revelation? It really reads like two different people are involved. Are there? I think H20 gets into situations like that.

    I probably would have been more interested if the abrasiveness of your post wasn't so apparent.

  • George

    I suppose if I had posted a third article about fishing you would say that I was a trinity. Maybe you've been in the org too long and you've developed a 'one track' mind.


  • Frenchy

    Dear George,

    The people on this board are not afraid to talk about almost anything. The difference between this board and H20 is that there is no hostility here. We ain't mad at nobody! We prefer to discuss things in a civilized manner and with due respect for each other. We are not on a campaign of any sort, we're just trying to sort things out. No one here presumes to have all the answers but we do help each other out. Sometimes all we can do is listen. That works too. Some of us here have been hurt very deeply but we are trying very hard to interact with others. That speaks volumes for our spirit and character. Again, we have respect for each other.

    In short, we have found that we can disagree without being disagreeable. Please be friendly and we will try our very best to reciprocate.

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