All of Bethel Know About The Child Molestation Law Suits: And The Governing Body Is Looking Very Bad In Most Bethlites Eyes I'm Willing To Bet

by frankiespeakin 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Yeah the title of this thread is a lil delusional.

    I was at bethel from 94-96 and didn't even realize the red wings were in the stanley cup against NJ till after I left!

    The way your schedule is and the work load they expect (both hall and factory) the last thing a bethelite is doing is thinking about some molestation case.

  • Chaserious

    Now we have out of court settlements with victims with a gag order

    Even if Bethelites know something about the Conti case, you can bet that if they get gag-order settlements, knowledge of those at Bethel is strictly kept on a need-to-know basis.


    The thing is my brother is in Patterson headquarters - he said "I would rather be wrong and a jw than be right and in the world". Thus was after I confronted him 3 years ago on molestations.

    This sounds like something my brother would say. To me it is made of equal parts of pride and fear. When you live a big part of your life thinking that you are special, and have all the answers, you have a lot to lose. You are a somebody in the one true channel of God! Your identity is the Org, and the org is your identity. You give breath to your own little image, and then worship it. If it dies, your perception of yourself dies.

    " Where else can I go" most dubs think. They don't realize that their persona is fake. They don't even know who they really are, but they are so scared of the outside world that they will never let go of Mother's skirt.

    There are alot of people who experience some life before going to Bethel. Some of them may know some things, but they are kept so busy! It's worse than a normal dub. It is their life. Imagine being a kid who's parents send them off to Bethel at a young age. I shudder at the thought. Normal dub kids are extremely sheltered, I can only imagine what a Bethel " lifer " is like.

    I would rather be a nobody and be free, than to be a somebody based on a lie.

  • frankiespeakin

    I was thinking maybe Johnny the in cognito Bethelite would post and tell us about how everything is going at Bethel.

  • frankiespeakin


    Johnny the Belthite just phoned me and said a lot of people at Bethel are talking amongst themselves about these New Boy Wackos on the Governing Body, they think these guys are over the top and are suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

    I asked Johnny where they got their information he said everybodies is looking it up on Wikipeadia. He said Tony M and Stephen L are freaking out in the psychiatric ward mumbling something about Satan had posessed the internet and was out to get them over this issue of universal soverneignty.

    They are both on lithium and are expected home at bethel but must keep on their staight jackets and are to be kept away from sharp objects. There was some talk about a new type of koolaid drink they were preparing in the Bethel dinning hall, which they had accidently dropped in some cyanide, but that was cleaned up by the emergency responce team, and the potentially dangerous situation is over.

    They are on restriction from all Bethel duties and there is some talk about them being replaced by some New Boys from Guyana, Jonestown, South America, but nothing is certain.

    Things has settled down now but it seems as though Gerrit L is still rambling something about don't give him a college education as he likened it to bullet brain surgery.

    David S said he like the idea as he rambled incoherently something about Governing Body ruling in heaven and earth both at the same time.

    Needless to say people here at Bethel are having some second thought about the high rate of mental illness among the Governing Body members, some seem to think they are finally getting direct messages from the Almighty and soon they will be up and running again.

  • metatron

    There is a current video showing lean North Korean soldiers crying in hysteria over a visit by their fat thug leader, Kim Jong Un.

    sadly, take that as your model. One of the 'thrown-in-the-street, 'discarded after decades' Bethelites who got laid off, was uber loyal - until he had to live on charity from from relatives and wanted to know 'how the GB could have done this'.



  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Are you serious Frankiespeakin about some of the GB being on lithium? Come onnn....

  • Balaamsass

    Just look at corporate drones that work for Big Tabacco, the north Korean Public, WW2 Germany...people frequently CHOOSE to be in the dark....something PERSONAL has to happen to them.

  • frankiespeakin


    Yup and it all came from Johnny the Bethelite.

  • steve2

    Frankiespeakin', oh that you were correct - how wonderful that'd be! However, t he closer humans are to something, the less clearly they can see it for what it is. It is as true in the physical world as it is in the spiritual. Those who are the least likely to wake up are those at the wheel! Scary reality.

    Bethelites are an elite group who are super-close to the goings-on. There is a higher likelihood they are 100% rooting for the organization and not at all disturbed about the outcomes of Child Molestation Law Suits.

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