How to spot a Sociopath

by larc 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    I agree with Six, you don't have to be afraid of anyone's words written here, or in real life for that matter. It is the behavior you have to watch out for. Sociopaths appeal to your benevolence, greed or vanity. So when someone comes on too strong with their charm, when they appeal for money and you don't know them, or they give you a financial offer that is too good to be true, just be very, very careful.

    I know of only one Sociopath that came here, and I know that because of private emails that told about their destructive behavior. So be careful when their words lead you to some kind of action.


    I was not writing this as a warning about anyone who is currently posting here. I was writing this as a general warning, as a public service as it were, for all of you to give some thought to this subject. I always presented these ideas to my General Psych. students in much more detail than the watered down, abstract version in the textbooks, because I don't want to see anyone hurt by these people. I have seen the damage they can do in real life situations where they hurt people I knew personally.

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    larc, thanks for responding... I'll be careful. Love and Harmony,


  • waiting

    Even though there may not be any sociopaths in the 1,000 posters here, no rapist, no child molester, no pedophile, no criminal, no person engaging in beastility, voyeurism, etc., etc., and a long list of's wise to realize that all these types of people exist with us, to some degree.

    If the victims of these people come here to speak, why wouldn't the abuser/criminal come here? After all, these same sort of people live next door, work at the next desk, - why wouldn't they communicate with us on this forum or in chat....or any other forum?

    It's unreasonable to think that our forum, or any forum doesn't have any - or some - of the above people, at least visiting. Hopefully, they'll get bored and leave.

    It just makes common sense to accept that - and common sense to be aware of that fact, and be careful. Hopefully, just like in real life. We're all just people.

    This is a good thread, Larc, thanks once again for starting it.


  • waiting

    Howdy larc,

    I tried to e-mail you, but msn isn't connecting. It's important to me, so I'm going to try later.

    What I'm going to ask (generally) is if mental conditions such as narcissism, sociopaths, etc., can be passed on generation to generation, or skip a generation? In other words, like bi-polar?

    If you know the answer, and can give some specific, current, information I can look up - I would dearly appreciate it. Either e-mail me, or I'll try again later.

    Thank you.


  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini


    I think you gave a balance to the thread. You centered. Good. I'm grateful for this thread.


  • waiting

    Well, thank you, Yadira.

    Police & mental workers put forth stats on what percentage of persons in an unspecified group will be *such and such.* Just any given group. Now take our group. We're xjw's - inactive, walk aways, da'd, df'd or just people who know jw's. At least 1,000 registered posters.

    People, including me, know that statistically, the percentages seem high in the amount of jw's who are child molesters - or persons who cover for child molesters (elders, ms, mates, & other children in family.)

    Someone speculated at least one molester for every two congregations. Now here's SilentLambs website....with all kinds of molested children/adults posting. And here, all kinds of people. It would seem sensible to me that some molesters would read - and some post - on these sites. If for no other reason than to feel out the climate of people and what might be going on in the WTBTS. They surely aren't going to find out by going to the KH, right?

    Now........take other oddities (whether mental, emotional, or physically caused illnesses) - it would seem sensible that some of each of these would also access the web - and the people they know......or would like to know.

    Does that mean that we should stay away? Naaaaaaaaaa, just be aware and take precautions - just as Larc and LadyLee brought out. We absolutely will run into some of these people in our lifetime, here or in real life - we might as well learn about them beforehand, eh?


  • plmkrzy

    My skin began to crawl when I started reading hear again. But what your saying is more then reasonable. I never thought about it like that before but it makes perfect sense. Your right it is a good idea to bring that up as a reminder.
    It would be simple if abusers were recognizable from first or even second impressions but there not. In many cases if not most they learn how to become a confidant or gain the trust of someone they see as an easy target to manipulate. I use to be an easy target. It doesn't hurt to have a reminder once in awhile.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    waiting asked
    What I'm going to ask (generally) is if mental conditions such as narcissism, sociopaths, etc., can be passed on generation to generation, or skip a generation?

    My understanding of these disorders is that for the most part sufferers have experiences some type of childhood trauma that dramatically shifts their perceptions and behaviors into the unacceptable. I know that in the cases of both my parents (father anti-social and mother narcissistic) there are histories of severe childhood abuse.

    I know that when I was researching narcissism about my mother there needed to be a separation from the mother/family around the age of two and this definitely applied in my mother's case.

    I know I have this info around here in a textbook and will try to post it later. I did a quick search on the net but didn't come up with anything and need to run out for a bit so will look later. The DSM-IV would be a help if anyone can find it and post the data.

    We know that not all abused children become narcissists or anti-social. We also know that abuse is inter-generational. It is a learned behavior. I don't know if the verdict is in yet about nature vs nurture (or lack of it).

    oops gotta go bbl

    Aspire to inspire before you expire

  • larc


    I will try to answer your questions as best I can. Waiting, you asked if Sociopathy is genetic. Lady Lee pointed out that it might be environmental and related to child abuse. My opinion is that we just don't know. It does not seem to be genetic like schizophrenia or manic depression which does run in families. Child abuse may be a factor, but there would have to be a predisposition to the condition, because abuse alone does not account for it. Waiting, you, Lady Lee, and my wife were abused, you and Lady Lee in more gross ways and my wife in more subtle ways, yet none of you are sociopaths.

    We have pretty well figured out the etiology of schizophrenia and manic depression, but we have not come to an understanding of the origins of the sociopath.

    I guess that is a fancy way of saying, we don't know.

  • larc

    Grave Dancer,

    I am not sure if I get the drift of your last post. If you are saying that you could be called a Sociopath, because you keep an emotional distance from us, then I would have to say that is not true. One sign does not make a syndrome. We all vary our emotional closeness and distance, both here and in real life. The difference is that you and I can do that. The Sociopath can not. They never are able to establish a close personal relationship with anyone. They are devoid of feeling for others. Other people are no more important to them than a chair or a cup of coffee. Do you get my drift?

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