Checklists for High-Control Groups/Cults

by Lady Lee 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    "All the lists can be easily used to describe The Mormons, or Scientology or any fundamentalist group that takes away a member's freedom of choice."

    Ummm...freedom of choice about what? Mormons don't try to take away anyone's freedom of choice about anything unless you're speaking of abortion. Like most religions, we have standards and commandments, covenants, just as the ancient churches did. The double standards employed by today's cult callers seem awfully incongruent when one considers they can be used against just about any ancient or modern religious movement.

  • moshe
    Mormons don't try to take away anyone's freedom of choice about anything-

    CS, this is really tragic and dangerous thinking- of course the LDS Bishops gives you a choice and so does the WT Governing body/elders--my way or the highway, my way or lose your family ties.

    Mountain Meadows= history gives us a lesson on why we can't trust Mormon members, like CS who are still under the mind control of LDS leadership.

  • Terry

    September 15, 1981 Watchtower article slammed the door tight shut with stringent, harsh and inexorable

    DF policy clampdown. The purpose was to seal off insiders from even a whiff of internal chaos by denying the right

    of ex-members to talk about those problems with family.

    By applying a vacuum tight seal to Kingdom Hall publishers the mind control began.

  • designs

    Terry- That summer the District Conventions had those articles as featured talks, I remember the sickening feeling as the axe fell.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    September 15, 1981 Watchtower article slammed the door tight shut with stringent, harsh and inexorable

    DF policy clampdown. The purpose was to seal off insiders from even a whiff of internal chaos by denying the right

    of ex-members to talk about those problems with family.

    By applying a vacuum tight seal to Kingdom Hall publishers the mind control began.

    TERRY nails it here. This is where it all really began.

  • moshe

    Wasn't the big purge at Bethel was around 1980?-- by 1981 the WT was in damage control mode= censor the brothers from talking to DF'd ones who had knowledge of dastardly deeds perpetuated at WT HQ.

  • LostGeneration
    Mormons don't try to take away anyone's freedom of choice about anything unless you're speaking of abortion

    Oh I guess you conveniently forgot about how the LDS went full on opposing prop 8 in California?

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