How many current Elders,M.S's,C.O's D.O's are around that were pre 1975?

by karter 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • karter

    In my old congro i think there might be 1 Elder who was pre 75 no M.S's .

    C.O's only 1 i know of.


  • Phizzy

    I was pre-75 a M.S but i left years ago. What is your interest ? are you making the point that many left after th '75 debacle ?

    In my Congo of the time it hardly made a ripple, I don't know why, but I guess none of us really got caught up in the hype.

    I remember a number of Elders being scathing about C.O's etc who got too carried away about it, but we all had a low opinion of C.O's, we kind of operated as a very independent arm of the Borg.

    There was that kind of atmosphere at the time, the control was less than it had been in the fifties, and much less than it was to get in the eighties onward, today it is aTotalitarian regime that dictates the thoughts and the conscience of all its members.

  • cobaltcupcake

    My father was an elder back then. He stayed in the org until he died in 2001. My ex-husband was an MS and his father was an elder back then. Ex is still in and his father stayed in until his death a year ago.

    There was so much propaganda about not "serving for a date" and staying faithful and blah, blah, blah, that if you left right after '75 it was generally concluded that you were never really and truly serving Jehovah in the first place.

    The subject of being disappointed was never discussed openly. If you did happen to express even a particle of dismay or sadness about the Big A not having happened you would be regarded as virtually apostate. In fact, the best thing was to focus on how the end had to be right around the corner since '75 had passed.

    They were better at damage control back then.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I would say about 50% of our BOE were pre-75 fiasco.

    Neighboring Cong, even more than 50% -- many prominent old timers.

    WHY? Why didn't these people "get it"?

    Perhaps same reason it took me almost 40 YEARS to "get it"!


  • karter

    phizzy: My interest is i was a young person in 75 i saw the whole pre 75 ....sell your house go preaching becouse the end is about to happen.

    It didn't came and most of ther Elders,M.S's even the C/O's around now only have the WTS sanitazed verson of what realy happened.

    Try to explane it to them and your called Apostate.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I don't think I quite get your question. Aren't there a lot of pre 1975 North American Elders in all KHalls ?

    In foreign language KHalls, it would be far different. Where I am, there are old English speaking Elder guys everywhere. Most of them faithful little born in boys.

    Just Lois

    PS...What are you getting out? The demographics, of course in 10 - 15 years, will be a different story.

  • Phizzy

    As you say Karter, the WT re-writes and sanitizes its history, and the R&F JW's don't care. I think even if you establish beyond all doubt that they said what they did say, then the average JW will simply say "that is imperfect men, getting ahead of Jehovah's Chariot" or some such nonsense.

    They cannot see that they are living through a similar time now, O.K the WT are not stupid enough to set a date, but it is worse in a way, this constant hype about how close the "End" is, the only End that is close is the one the Writing Committee and the GB speak out of, their collective arse.

  • Heartofaboy


  • UN informed
    UN informed

    I was appt in 1972. Befor that I was Bible Study Servant.

    left in 2005.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hey UN Informed aka Brant Jones...Welcome to you, your wife of 45 years and your 3 children and grandchildren. You posted of counting 200 years of faithful service, among your family alone.

    Wow. We rejoice with you and your family escaping!

    Maybe, start a new thread, introducing yourself and family, so we can all welcome you. You might get lost in this thread. : (

    Just Lois thrilled for you All, that you are out!

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