Not meaning to sound sexist : In general are women more emotional/feel good about religion,and men more proof/doctrinal in their acceptance ?

by smiddy 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chichi89

    I think thy are....i speak myself anyway...since i ws born i hve accepted everything as it uknow >>>> if its one of th publications thn i couldnt question it<<<<<< ..u knw dnbt get to "prove the truth" to myself..

    in my early twenties curiosity crept in..i started asking questions,reading seeing how other pipo understand the bible..n now well I AM DISFELLOWSHIED..(i guess curiosity did kill this cat)


    villagegirl What have you got against the Taliban?

    Compared to you they seem like reasonable people.

  • konceptual99

    Got to agree with villagegirl. The view of women in the WT society is supposedly one of honour. Trouble is that phrases like "weaker vessel" coupled with an organisation that refuses to accept women on an equal footing breeds a disjointed and patronising attitude even amongst men that should know better. What is worse is that many women are culturally discouraged and restricted in achieiving their full potential.

  • cofty
    Its horrifying to see in the posts on this site of so-called "liberated" men. - angrygirl

    What is horrifing is your anger and aggression towards men.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    and even start religions Ellen G White ? who wrote as many books as Russell and they are still read in the Seventh Day Adventist Church

    There's no doubt about it.. assh**es have no gender, they just are...LOL

    God forbid women should be emotional...what a dreadful thing to say... **I'm just going to go take my EPO to help keep mine under control** LOL

    I celebrate being a woman...and being emotional....I LOVE IT! (but sometimes I don't)

    That doesn't mean I can't be anything else. One aspect of being female doesn't define WHO I am, it is just part of who I am. And not all females are emotional. Just as not all men hog the TV remote...

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Tater T wrote:

    how bout this instead...

    In general womens some people more emotional/feel good about religion,and men some people more proof/doctrinal in their acceptance ?


    Also, there is an issue with the title of the thread and the originator's argument. He is trying to apply to the general public an anecdotal finding from his experience within the org.

    The organization certainly is not representative of the world in general, so the argument fails from the outset. Certain types of people are attracted to JWs and convert. The women who choose to convert (or stay within) the organization may indeed be more emotional, but that was not my experience.

    Personally, I thought the men were just as doctrinally ignorant, and I tired of having to delicately correct them.

    TD noted studies indicating women gravitate to religion more than men, but that probably is always true of the weaker members in a society. We will not know if they are attracted to religion because of being women or because of their status as women for multiple decades. A possible indicator would be whether powerful, educated women gravitate to religion proportionally to powerful, educated men. That would militate towards the difference relating to status rather than gender.

  • Tater-T

    to villagegirl.. did you even read my post ....? I crossed out the words men and women .. replaced with some people

    I don't agree with the OP....

  • grumblecakes

    lol tater! you just became collateral damage!

    also, another big thumbs up for your post striking out "men" and "women"!


    Not trying to be sexist here, but..... Most of the women I personally know, ( with the exception of my maternal Grandmother, and Mother, who were very analytical) want to be told what they want to hear. For instance some want to be told how beautiful and physically attractive they are even though they have let themselves go and wear ugly clothes all the time. As a man, I believe that amounts to wanting to be lied to. Is that a women thing? I know it cannot apply to all women, but it could to some. It can also apply to men.

    If I go to the gym and can't lift a weight that I picked up last year, that means that I have become weak. I have two choices, 1) accept the truth and work at becoming stronger, or 2) Avoid mirrors and tie a sweater around my butt, and insist that others lie to me.

    Perhaps some women, and men, prefer to tie a sweater around their spiritual problem areas........

  • Apognophos

    I remember someone on here posting about a brother who proudly said, "If the Governing Body says this [black] Bible is green, then it's green."

    Many of the men in the organization who climb the ladder to "elder" have this same love of being the middleman in a hierarchy. The sense of belongingness and the enjoyment of following and giving orders... the willingness to "cease thinking on command" in order to maintain one's position, and be proud of it... is that logical?

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