Confrontation of the city bus with witness

by perfect1 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • perfect1

    Hi all!

    I want to share with you an experience I had last night. I was on my way to a Vday date, hopped on the bus to get me there, and in front of me is a man folding tracts. They say something about an end to suffering with a delusional paradise illustration.

    So, he hands one to the woman in the row next to him, and tries to hand one back to me. I will try to recap our dialogue here, which by the way, was loud and clear for the entire bus to hear:

    HIM: Would you like a tract

    ME: No, this religion is a cult

    HIM: Do you know what a cult is

    ME: Yes I do. A cult controls its members

    HIM: You think we control our members, what would be an example

    ME: well, you practice shunning of former members, destroy families, and have a ban on higher education

    HIM: have you done any research, you dont know what we teach

    ME: I probably know more than you do.

    HIM: We believe in educating ourselvves with the bible.

    Me: YOu dont allow higher education

    HIM: I am a retired music teacher

    Me: You are an exception. Most people are janitors

    HIM: Dont they deserve dignity too. They do this by choice

    ME: Its not by choice if they are brainwashed and under cult mind control. They dont allow higher education.

    HIM: You are making claims with no source to back you up.

    ME: As a source, I could pull up a youtube video of one of you Governing Body dissing higher education right now.

    HIM: I have seen that website its full of lies.

    ME: Its not a website, its youtube, and its coming out of they guys mouth.

    HIM: Let me define to you what a cult is.

    ME: (At this point my stop is nearing so I decide to opt for a dramatic exit. I apologize to the bus driver for disrupting his bus and explain this man is distributing religious propaganda. STANDING) No, a cult destroys families.

    (A woman asks me to stop, because her son is there- I think my voice has been quavering and raised as my emotion is rising, I say:)

    You should protect yourself from this dangerous cult, which destroys families.

    (Standing now for my stop, announcing to the whole bus:) My family will have nothing to do with me because of this religion. All I did was go to college.

    (I step off and he gets in the last word)

    HIM: Even Jesus had no place to lay down his head

    I had adrenaline rushes for the next hour.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Awesome courage and intestinal fortitude. Sorry to hear about you family shunning you.

    This is a horrible cult that ruins people's lives. I know because I'm pushing 50, NO education, and yes, we did have a janitorial business but not by choice we had to try and support ourselves.

    I whole-heartedly agree with you because when I was about 12-14 I told my parents that I wanted to be a veternarian and they said 'No, the end is real close. You won't have time to finish so it will be a wate of time."

  • RobertT18

    " have you done any research, you dont know what we teach"

    Typical brainwashed cultist answer. No wonder why he decided to join the JW after failing in the music career

  • Phizzy

    Very well done ! so brave and so lucid on the spur of the moment !

    I think all the normal people listening on the bus will realise that he did not answer your charges or have any answer, he confirmed for them the truth of what you said.

    Well done again !

  • perfect1

    Newly enlightened- Yes. I dont mean to diss on the janitorial as individuals- its just astonishing how the lack of pursuing a career seems to have a common outcome. Everyone deserves, dignity, but the tragedy of missed opportunity in life is one of the worst acts of theivery of the Watchtower lies. As it is very personal to you, it is also very personal to me. People I love now find themselves in terrible financial straits due to WAITING ON JHVH. And they can never get that time or money back. It is lost forever. I am going to have to provide for the generations ahead and behind me.

  • perfect1

    Thanks Phizzy.

    I was pretty astonished by the physical intensity of the exchange- I was full on fight or flight, and while I was not the least bit physically threatening- I think that intensity was palpable to everyone around.

    As I said, this was my first time engaging a JW- other than family of course- and other than here on JWN I have zero outlet for what I have been through. In a way, I am lucky that the people in my life now dont really know or understand- not they way you all do- because it would just be a constant reminder. This little incident gave me a glimpse at what is stored up in there.

  • RobertT18

    My mother was a bright and a woman full of spirit. She was a doctor and then she was transferred to the Public Health Dept. After leaving her job for the cult she turned into an insecure person, miserable and she has this mood swings. She now lives an unhappy life cleaning and working on an unpleseant environment. Is she happy? Thanks WT for ruining my family.

  • perfect1

    I am kind of proud of this because I guess this is my first true APOSTATE moment.

    I declared publicly what this religion is. IN the past I would not have thought of EMBARASSING a JW in this manner, because hey, that could be my mom, dad, aunt uncle - you know, anyone I care about and I know they have good intentions.

    At this point, due to their bad behavior, even if the person sitting there WAS my family I would do the exact same thing.

    Now I have two thoughts about strategy.

    1) Witnesses are going to start witnessing more in public places as someone mentioned about those carts. What if those of us who are not fading or undercover and can afford to do so would ALWAYS make their own voice heard when approached in a public place. I think in this instance the people on that bus will definitely think twice before engaging this guy. From now on- I will always speak out. The astonishing thing is witnesses are trained to be tenacious and think their little dress rehearsals every Tuesday night can prepare them. They cannot be prepared for someone like me. They cannot script this shit. They arent smart enough to read the warning signs that they are dealing with a former member and learn when disengaging would be the better option. There must be so many of us- it would be really astonishing if everyone just stood up to them.

    2)People who are not yet members are not mistrustful of all non JW sites like born ins or current members are. For anyone on that bus, a quick google search will turn up more than they need to know about who JWs are and what they believe. They have seriously underestimated the intelligence of regular people by even having a website and trying to keep people from going to other sites. Viva La Internet!

    I really COULD have pulled up that Losch video and had him watch it.

  • punkofnice

    Oh, BRAVO! Well done Perfect1

    HIM: I have seen that website its full of lies.

    Facepalm! Typical ad hominem attack by a brainwashed drone.

    1. He should only look at He shouldn't be looking at the 'site' as this is disobeying the holy Governing Body (May they die in pain)

    2. He's a p1ssing liar. He's looked at nothing.

    HIM: Even Jesus had no place to lay down his head

    I agree. Imaginary friends don't have heads. Mind you this is in itself a weird reply to you going to college.


    Good job! It's okay to get emotional. Next time you can cover even more ground with the next dub!

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