How do I keep from being an enabler while not appearing like Satan

by marriedtoajw 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • marriedtoajw

    One thing that I havn't mentioned in any of my posts is that I have a 26 year old son along with the 4 kids that my wife and I have together. I became a father very young, 15 to be exact. That's a whole other issue but not on this post. I never mentioned it before because I didn't want to complicate the post because it wasn't relevant to what my post was about. His mother and I obviously didn't work out and we never married, not my doing she's the one that wanted to move on. I raised him with my wife and our other kids. In fact, my current JW wife and I married at 19 because she was pregnant at the time. I was a stupid kid doing things I shouldn't have been doing but what can I say, it is what it is. My son is married now with three kids of his own and has a very good job and is a very hard worker and is a great dad. He credits me and my wife for teaching him how to be good parents.

    I mention all of this now because I know now that I made a huge mistake in that I took it very easy on my 21 years old son in so many ways particularly in encouraging him not working so that he could focus on his basketball practices and games as it was his dream to give that a shot. I just wanted him to enjoy his high school days to the full as I didn't have that opportunity. Having a child so young I started working before the legal age. Anyway once it was time to look for work, he has been very picky and passing up on jobs that he just didn't want to work. He's studying with the JW's through my wifes encouragement and seems content to continue on. I have yet to discourage him because of fear I will be seen as satan. He know's I'm an opposer as I'm sure my wife and her family have already made him aware. I did take him aside about 4 years ago, after my wife's baptism before he understood anything about the JW's and explained what was coming. I told him I loved him but that my wife's family may begin to encourage him more and more to study with them and that he needed to know why I don't believe in the religion. I mentioned the "false predictions" and how JW's suffered believing in it all. I think he may have forgotten this conversation though. It may seem strange but my wife and her family didn't really push the JW stuff until his late teens when they tried to study with him by phone behind my back. Once I told my wife it was wrong to do this behind my back, it was stopped, or at least it was done very discreetly.

    My oldest son once mentioned to me that he thought my JW mil is brainwashed and seems to want to control and brainwash everyone else. I was very very taken back because he was shielded from all the JW stuff, but he nailed it. Anyway the whole point of this post is to give the contrast of my oldest son who is very confident, hardworking, family oriented and spiritual all of which he says he learned from me without me beating him over the head with it. Yet my 21 year old son has associated much more with JW's, especially over the last 4 years, has been love bombed by my wife's family and is beginning to adopt the JW world view. Yet, he has yet to get his first job, wants to go to every meeting, does not have a good sence of reality and is overall just like his mother. I love my wife, but she has always been taken care of either by her parents or me. Has worked maybe 4 years in 40 and has a cynical view of the world, as my son is developing as well. I don't blame myself for all of this but I do struggle with a game plan or questions I could ask to get them to start thinking without it being so awkward since I have been so careful in everything that I say or do. I type this now as my wife and son just went to the meeting with my 8 years old daughter. So hard figuring this crap out...

  • Honeybucket

    Maybe your older son will talk to him. He can play devils advocate. If the younger one looks up to his older brother, perhaps he will listen to his brother better than his father

  • Ding

    Would they be willing to read "Crisis of Conscience" or "Captives of a Concept"?

    If not, would they be willing to do research to see what the WTS was teaching in 1918-1919, the time when Jesus supposedly inspected them and declared them to be the faithful and discreet slave?

  • garyneal

    You need to be Enrolled, Employed, or Enlistment. Religion or not, I would take issue with a 21 year old living in my house who is unemployed or not in college. I would just stress the importance of that, especially in light of your starting a family at a young age.

    Unlike your wife, I doubt there is a woman out there who will take care of your 21 year old after he leaves the house.

  • marriedtoajw

    Would they be willing to read "Crisis of Conscience" or "Captives of a Concept"?

    If not, would they be willing to do research to see what the WTS was teaching in 1918-1919, the time when Jesus supposedly inspected them and declared them to be the faithful and discreet slave?

    I don't think so, although I've never asked. I've read COC many times to be very familiar with it. Once in a fit of impatience I rattled off a list of reasons to my wife why the JW's are wrong when my wife and her family did a kind of intervention on me by bombarding me with invintations to go to an assembly when her parents visited us a couple years ago. Maybe I should go to the next one and then begin to ask questions as if I might be interested in order to regain some of what I might has lost by opposing in earlier days. What do you guys think???

  • jamiebowers

    Open your Bible, and read your son this:

    For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."

    Make it matter of faith that he goes out and gets a job. In so doing, he'll get a taste of the real world and hopefully see that he must gain a skill or an education to support himself and family he may eventually have. The more time he spends away from the cult and its activities, the more chance he has at being awakened.

  • Retrovirus

    Garyneal has a point but. . .

    he has yet to get his first job, wants to go to every meeting, does not have a good sence of reality and is overall just like his mother. I love my wife, but she has always been taken care of either by her parents or me

    it doesn't sound as if he'll be easy to dislodge. Yet it can be done; my youngest was similar but has now moved out and is earning a living. Perhaps, in your wife's avbsence, appeal to what interests him. Does he enjoy music and concerts? Would he like to have a decent car? Travel? Does he plan to marry one day?

    Present financial independence as desirable - which, after all, it is. Then discuss a plan and motivate him. No pocket money or handouts, he needs to earn it! By all means involve the older brother and anyone else who might help.

    Leave the religion and meetings right out of this. How could you be Satan when you're just enabling him to become the head of his own household one day?

    There's a good chance that as he develops a life the meetings will become less important to him.

    Good luck, Retro

  • marriedtoajw

    Retrovirus said: Does he enjoy music and concerts? Would he like to have a decent car? Travel? Does he plan to marry one day?

    He is very much into hip hop and does go to concerts. He has still maintained a close relationship with his worldy friends but I believe he is trying to be the example. As a matter of fact, he had about 4 friends here at the house but told them they had to go since he was about to go to the meeting with his mom. Oh, and about wanting a car, mistake on my part again, I bought him an old car cheap with mechanical problems that I bought to get him to and from school which he quit late last year. He likes to go to visit my wife's JW family out of state but that's about it. About having a family, you know I'm now sure. I'd always assued so but he has yet to have a real steady girlfriend or even go on a date. I've asked him if there was any girls in his life but it's always no. I have noticed that the only girlfriend he's every had in high school, for about 3 months, has been coming around to vist. But she's divorced with a kid. Don't think he's looking to make her the one though. Then again, he doesn't really confide in me much...

  • MrFreeze

    You have to look at how they view it. If you aren't with them, you are against them. I don't think there is any way to change that viewpoint.

  • ruderedhead

    Retrovirus is absolutely correct in saying NO MONEY OR HANDOUTS. It will be a harsh reality check for him. A 21 y.o. with no job experience and only (I assume) a high school education does not get to be picky And please consider using your status as head of the household in telling your wife she is not to give him spending money, either. While it sounds harsh, you are doing him no favors. He will be ill equipped to handle the future if things continue on like this. Job or school. And please find a way to keep your 8 y.o. from the kh as much as possible, and active with outside friends/activities. All the best to you. I hope you and your oldest son can prevent losing your other children to this religion.

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