Are Elders waking up to TTATT?

by Londo111 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Wha happened?>>>>> And a "g" goes to you for that fine illustration Brother! lol

    Yes. Twins. Separation. We are connected by a snippet of skin, a bond. Snip it and we should both be free. Why does Watch Tower Society Mother, want to kill those who Jesus set free? (The Truth Will Set You Free...) Oh yeah. I forget sometimes. Watch Tower Inc. is a business. If their sales people are not working for them...Out! lol

    This is gloriously, 2013. Computers and Internet are common. More Brothers fingers, will do the walking over here. Someone just posted recently, they were lurkers for 2 years. Awake and watchful Elders, will have to come here. We are The Doctors who understand where they hurt. We understand they are not crazy. The Watch Tower Society is!

    Just Lois

  • Cagefighter

    The ones that remain will likely be more hardcore and less emphatic.

    Londo, you made the point I was going to make. I personally think JW's have peaked in membership and popularity and it will be a strange and bizarre spiral all the way down. They are like the shakers in a way, a victim of their own dogma.

    Anyone with half a heart or half a brain has one foot out of this organization. The next generation that take over at the local congo level and in Bethel will probably be the biggest sociopaths this organization has ever seen (which is saying a lot). The ones that stay and follow will probably be largely those with major psychological and personality issues. I don't see this being a good combination.

    I would not be surprised to read 40 years from now that the last 30,000 JW's drank cyanide laced Kool-Aid on a remote farm during a "convention" in Upstate NY. Later it will come out the farm was about to be foreclosed on, but only the GB knew.

  • gma-tired2

    Cagefighter, my friend and I had the koolaid discussion 25 years ago and yes we both thought ir is quite probable.. Sad to add she is thinking about going back..She needs her spirituality needs met.. It will not work out the way she hopes they are the same people we left. She is worrying me. She will listen to nothing I say and a 60 year friendship will end. Her decsion not mine

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Everything CageFighter said.

    Just Lois

  • Bobcat

    Even seeing problems with the doctrine, in my experience it took some unfair treatment - both towards myself and others - to really get the wheels in motion.

    If not for that, I would probably still be going thru the motions with a few curious academic problems waiting to be solved.

    And that is part of the 'unfair treatment': People, elders and COs especially, just going thru the WT authorized motions, mowing good hearted people down in the process, and making robots out of everyone else.

  • EdenOne

    TJ Curioso, are you in in a portuguese-speaking country?


  • TJ Curioso
    TJ Curioso

    EdenOne I'm from Portugal. :)

    TJ Curioso

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    They hear and see so much you would think they would start searching. What I don't understand is how you could read the letter from the WTS on how to handle pedefiles and not question things. I know the cong we were in had only appointed 1 new elder in 13 years and the cong was full of brothers but no one would reach out. They wanted my husband to for years and he didn't want any part of it because he had his fill from being an elder for many years.

  • flipper

    I've been out for over 9 years now and my older dad and my brother are longtime elders. As well as a brother in law who is still an elder. I see no budging in their hardcore attitudes and even IF they did have doubts they'd keep it silent only to themselves out of fear of losing their elders positions they value so much as well as saving face in front of rank & file publishers. My brother in law has read lots of non-Witness material , but my fanatic older JW sister his wife I'm sure keeps him in check.

    I hope it IS true that lots and lots of elders are waking up, I just haven't seen it among JW elders I knew or know. I know there are a hell of a lot of you ex-elders on this board and current elders and for that I'm very thankful. I welcome you guys with open arms. Keep on freeing as many people as you are able to from this destructive cult, O.K. ? We have your back guys

  • steve2

    It's great to be hopeful about a wider "waking up" within the organization; but it's also helpful not to let our wishes blind us to reality.

    Fact is, periodically there have been wider "purgings" within the organization. They are not new. You could even say they are "cyclic". It happened after Russell's death, it happened more than once during Rutherford's presidency, it happened after 1975 and it happened at the time Ray Franz left Brooklyn. Other posters will be able to add to this list, I'm sure.

    The organization is probably "concerned" by the ramifications when purgings occur and issue new warnings about apostates. However, the organization also knows beyond any doubt that those who remain are the genuine "organization-minded" witnesses who slavishly follow no matter what.

    I'd also add that the great unknown is, How many people who remain in the organization do so for purely self-interested reasons (e.g., they do not want to lose family, friends or business). And I cannot blame them if that is the case.

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