New magazine Carts

by jonno12225 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • RN

    As if the D2D work wasn't embarrassing enough

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I hated service. So glad I left when I did. I never had the desire or heart to be a "preacher"

  • wasblind

    As if the D2D work wasn't embarrassing enough______RN

    I can't wait to see the Brother who promised me a return visit about blood

    that was almost a year ago I think

    By the time I get finished wit him, the only way you'll know he was there

    will be from the skid marks left by the wheels on his cart

    From then on, He'll start his field service in a prayer wit me in mind

    Brother Dubs prayer :

    Jehovah, I'm come to you at this time and ask of you

    to keep wasblind from seein' the things in front of her

    mainly me

    I ask this in the name of the Governing Body . Amen


  • whathappened

    This will cause resentment because most dubs would probably prefer this to door to door but not be in the right clique to get to work the carts.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Have they really lost their minds? They still can't get it into their heads that no one care about them. They aren't a spectical to the world. well I'm sure it's going to generate a few interesting threads once this rolls out. What countries rae they doing this in?

  • purplesofa

    Will this require special permits? not from WT from where ever they are using the carts?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    how do they intend on transporting the cart from venue to venue. Is it so large they tow it? I can't see two elderly sister pushing this up and down the hilly streets of SF

  • Ding

    I wonder if they will be equipped with a phonograph so they can play recordings of Rutherford too...

  • Ding

    I wonder if they will be equipped with a phonograph so they can play recordings of Rutherford too...

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    or kingdom melodies, that'll draw a crowd

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