A comet coming to end the world? Useful information?

by EntirelyPossible 177 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    My Lord has asked me to ask you, dear Sab (again, peace to you!)... if YOU have perhaps heard of someone who says that a comet is coming... and you believe such a person (perhaps because you have not found them to be a liar)... such that YOU now know... should YOU say anything to the government/science field? And if so, what would YOU say... to whom... how... and when?

    My understanding is that you don't have to respond here - you can simply respond to him. If you don't believe he directed me so... and asked this of you... you can also ask about that of him, as well...Aguest


  • Tater-T
    If you remove the privacy free will is impinged upon.

    the angels.. do they have privacy?.. yet they have freewill

  • sabastious
    Ah the willful ignorance defense of god.

    The God I was refering to grammatically would get a capital G. You seem to be refusing an entity that you believe doesn't exist the satisfaction of a capital letter. Interesting.


  • sabastious
    the angels.. do they have privacy?.. yet they have freewill

    Hell if I know.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    That's because he created it that way. He gave Adam privacy. What a gift!..sab

    LMAO! He couldn't find Adam in the garden because he gave them 'privacy'. But he knows EVERYTHING. And sees EVERYTHING.

    Good to know he looks away when I'm having sex. That used to creep me out a bit to be honest. Thinking about all the angels in heaven watching EVERYTHING.

  • sabastious
    LMAO! He couldn't find Adam in the garden because he gave them 'privacy'. But he knows EVERYTHING. And sees EVERYTHING.

    Everything he chooses to see. He has free will too. Sometimes you just got pull the blinds down!


  • Tater-T
    Hell if I know.

    why does God want us to BELIEVE in him with no evidence.. faith?

  • cofty
    The God I was refering to grammatically would get a capital G.

    Your god is too dumb to find Adam in a garden.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Sorry EP..not trying to derail. Just responding to some of sabs comments...

    Back to the topic. My Brother in law is obsessed with end time stuff, because he was brought up in an ex JW cult. They talk about things like comets hitting the earth, nuclear war with Iran, earthquakes etc etc. Their latest prediction is that a huge earthquake will hit NZ (where I live) and NZ will disappear under the sea. Apparently this is going to happen soon. Guess thats why they are staying in Australia..LOL

    He is stockpiled with weapons. And his hobby is making knives. (actually he is very good at that, he makes amazing knives and swords).

    He wants to make sure that he can defend himself 'when' armageddon happens. Guess he doesn't think he's been good enough to deserve to be raptured like his parents believe they will be. So he believes he is going to need to defend himself when lawlessness begins.

    His parents tell anyone who will listen about their gloom and doom predictions. They don't keep it to themselves. But they don't have any factual information to share with governament agencies either. If they did, I'm not sure if they would pass that info on or not...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Using capitals is VERY imortant cofty. LOL

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