What is the most out of line / disturbing experience you have seen from Circuit Overseers?

by Poindexter Lionel Humperdique 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poindexter Lionel Humperdique
    Poindexter Lionel Humperdique

    I once heard of a Circuit Overseer blaming a loyal Ministerial Servant, that served as the Accounts Servant, of steeling from the contribution boxes, simply because he deposited the congregation funds bi-weekly instead of twice a week. Due to the accusation, the Ms was immediately removed without hearing his side of the story. Isn't this rather counter-intuitive and innefficient? Does the organization really have such Cash Flow difficulties that they need checks deposited on a real time basis? Last time I checked, the Borg's Assets are probably valued at North of 500 Million Dollars Internationally.

    I recall a CO that presented a rather Autocratic approach to his role, rather Rutherfordian in my opinion. Although he was aggressive and unforgiving to the publishers during most interactions with them, he spent almost an entire Saturday Meeting for service boasting how his favorite Basketball team was raising hell in the play-offs. This same CO has a conducting approach at meetings, in which he would ask a question, and immediately disagree with whoever answered and qualify their respone with a black-and-white Borg Approved Left Field Answer. The problem is, why does he get to pick and choose when he follows the rules of the Borg, but everyone else has to follow all of the rules inexpicably?

    Another C.O, spent the first 30 minutes or so of the Semi-Annual Pioneer meeting visit with the Congregation ranting about so-called slang the brothers use in speaking to one another. The C.O. expressed that brothers should not use the terms Bro, or Pal, as these terms originate form Sexual and Gang type prison terms. It's too bad he overlooked the Spirit of our meeting together, typical of most Brothers with a Title. This same C.O. was notorious for submitting Congregation Expense reciepts that had most of the items blacked out with marker to ensure noone saw what he was spending the congregations hard earned moneys on.

    I acknowedge we are all imperfect, and I love my fellow man. However, when arrogance posseses leadership, shouldn't we be concerned? Please share any experiences you have had with C.O.'s or anyone in leadership in the Borg that is off Par.

  • Joliette

    This one circuit overseer was acting really weird toward me. I opened the door for him, and he decided to go out of another door. The whole incident was just strange. As a female, you really see how unimportant women are in the watchtower world. (Except for field service and pioneering of course).

  • Poindexter Lionel Humperdique
    Poindexter Lionel Humperdique

    Quite interesting. Thanks for Sharing Joliette!

  • zeb

    telling us at a conv not to watch the movie 'ET' as he represented the anti-christ. Followed by an audience wide "Wha!"of disbelief.

  • Poindexter Lionel Humperdique
    Poindexter Lionel Humperdique

    Wow Zeb that is rediculous!! Typical extreme borg proclamtions with no scriptural basis to submit fear!! Just Absurd!! Thanks for sharing!

  • Splash

    At an elders and servants meeting one CO told us our children didn't belong to us, they belonged to Jehovah.

    My shocked face must have caught his attention, since he did a double take, looking at me.

    *** w09 3/1 p. 29 Does God Take Children to Become Angels in Heaven? ***

    "The Bible affirms that children are “an inheritance from Jehovah.” (Psalm 127:3) Would Jehovah, the God of love, take back a gift that he has given parents? Surely not!"


  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Going back about 14 years, a passerby on the street stopped and then sat (or rather leaned) on the CO's car (probably to get out of the way of pedestrians for a moment while he made a call). The CO was standing across the street about 4 houses down talking to an MS.

    When he saw this, the CO stopped his conversation with the MS abruptly and then quickly walked over to his car to reprimand the passerby for leaning on his car. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He actually got in that poor man's face for leaning on his precious car (a '98 Chevy Lumina I believe).

    I asked the brother that I was paired up with if he knew what that was all about. He said: "Brother CO is very meticulous with his things. He gets up early every morning to wash or wipe his car and doesn't like anyone putting their hands on it or leaving hand prints on the windows." (WTF???)

    I had already heard that previously but thought it was an exagerrated rumor...

    Incredibly, the passerby didn't respond. He simply got off the CO's car and went on his merry way. He probably thought: "There's no sense getting into an argument with a wacko in an oversized polyester suit."

    The CO walked back to the MS with a little swagger in his step as if to say: "Yeah, that's right. I'm the new CO in town."

  • Sixtyfive

    After a spate of teenage suicides, the Circuit Overseer gave a talk at our congregation in order to give us the spiritual perspective . He said; " Jehovah is winnowing out the chaff from his organisation" he also said to talk about it "to the World", would be showing disloyalty to the Governing Body, and therefore Jehovah.

  • punkofnice

    I rarely met a nice CO. Arrogant bustards most of them which filters from the top down. What arrogance and hubris must the GB have?

    One CO brow beat the congregation for not singing the kingdom maladies with gusto. I said to him after the meeting 'that's why we're getting a new songbook!'

    The stupid twat went off on one. I quit as an elder later....though not because of him.......

    He was the dozy c*nt that came to a meeting where we'd got together as a body, prayed to invisible sky twat-hovah who somehow told us to bid £600,000 for a plot of land with a glorified shed on it. He told the elders that twat-hovah had actually meant £650,000. It all went down hill for me after that. I was sickened at how the other elders all licked his arse. I left the meeting without talking to anyone. I was angered and appalled.

    I hope he has a shit ridden life.

  • Pyramid Scheme
    Pyramid Scheme

    We had a CO who was one of the biggest pompous asses I have ever met.

    On his first visit, his whole 45 minute talk was about him and his wife - what they had done, all of their family in Bethel, etc......not one word of "encouragement" to the hall....just all about how wonderful and super-fine he was.....I had met them when I was a little kid since they were Special Pioneers in the area a few years prior to going into the Circuit work.

    Then, to conclude his talk he said "Instead of us going around the congregation and meeting all of you, my wife and I will stand at the front of the hall after the concluding prayer so YOU can approach us and YOU can introduce yourself."

    I remember asking my Dad (who was an elder, couldnt stand him, and was deleted by a Kangaroo court a few months later) "Should we also go up and kiss his ring?" ....... Needless to say, we didn't go up and greet him that night.

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