Did we ever fulfill Mathew 24:14?

by raymond frantz 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Larsinger58

    Not if the end hasn't come. It didn't come did it, did I miss something?

    Yes. The Jews used concepts like the "system of things" or order of things or "heaven and earth" to refer to the current situation they were in. So the "system of things" they were looking forward to ending, was the time they would be under gentile rule. They were waiting to become an independent kingdom again. So the "END" to them, the "end of the system of things" to them was the system of things of gentile rule. Thus once the Jews officially came out of exile and set up the State of Israel, then that is when that "system of things" of gentile rule would end. Thus the "END of the system of things" that Matthew is speaking of, which would occur just after the "good news" is preached world wide, occurred on NOVEMBER 30, 1947. That's when the UN's "Partition Agreement" took effect. And earlier that year, NH KNORR did literally go on a world-wide speaking tour, thus the "good news" in this way specifically was preached world wide just before the "end of the system of things" of gentile rule ended later that year in 1947.

    Kingdom Proclamation Surges Ahead
    With a view to worldwide expansion, on February 6, 1947, the Society’s president and his secretary, Milton G. Henschel, embarked on a 47,795-mile [76,916 km] world service tour. The trip took them to islands of the Pacific, New Zealand, Australia, Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, the Mediterranean area, Central and Western Europe, Scandinavia, England, and Newfoundland. It was the first time since 1933 that representatives of the Society’s headquarters staff in Brooklyn had been able to visit their brothers in Germany. Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world followed the two travelers as reports of the trip were published in issues of The Watchtower throughout 1947.
    (Proclaimers, p. 98)

    That is the fulfillment. The general fulfillment is that this small sect from the mid 1800's, once a small single congregation of Bible students, would preach the "good news" world wide by the time the State of Israel is set up again. So that got fulfilled. The "worldwide" preaching was in the context of within Christianity. But it turns out there is also a specific fulfillment of this occurring by Knorr's worldwide speaking tour earlier that year.

    The "end of the system of things" is not a reference to Armageddon, but to the "end of the gentile times" which occurred in 1947, a time when the WTS was an internationlal organization.

  • Qcmbr

    Yes, the sign is in a poorly drawn picture. You are the messiah. Please could you feed the starving children this time around.

  • cedars

    Lars - it is frustrating to see you hijack another thread in pursuit of your own delusional agenda.

    When will you accept that you will never be taken seriously?


  • Larsinger58


    Lars ***Luke does not mention Daniel at all in connection with Jerusalem.****

    Luke may NOT have specifically mentioned Daniel by name, however, it has been observed by Bible scholars that Luke is the ONLY one of the gospel writers who identifies "the disgusting thing that causes desolation" as the Roman army surrounding Jerusalem. Based on this observation it has been concluded that he wrote his Gospel with hindsight after this event. I concur with VanderHoven7's excellent details on how these events were specifically fulfilled in 70 AD.

    Christ next visit to earth, is like a THIEF in the night, NO SIGNS, and no further dealing with sin.

    Hebrews 9:28

    Please note that, indeed, what happened to Jerusalem forshadowed what would happen during the end times. That is, the Nazi army would completely surround the city of Warsaw, the largest city of Jewish population in exile.

    The "disgusting thing that causes desolation" during WWII was the Nazis, who are Gog of Magog. Gog of Magog is identified as the agency that will desolate the Jews. The Germans are the white descendants of Magog. The Romans are not "Gog of Magog."

    Further, we find Gog of Magog being a prominent faction when Satan is released after the millennium. Gog of Magog repesents Nazism or white supremacy. But of course, Christ being black and promoting a communistic society, that is, a society where everyone basically takes care of themselves and are not rich, would offend capitalists. So already I know I'm going to have some white supremacists organizing to oppose my rule after the 1000 years. I guess it becomes personal at the end of the 1000-year reign since Christ is black.

    At any rate, I showed that the destruction of Jerusalem happens "before" the paraousia, though there are parallels. Further, the 7-year tribulation must begin in line with the 490-year weeks, and thus between 1940-1947. The chronology contradicts Jerusalem fulfilling what Matthew and Mark speak of as the "great tribulation." Further, Luke never uses the term the "disgusting thing in a holy place" and he also notes that the "appointed time sof the nations" was to continue while the Jews were going into exile. Thus when the Jews are returning from exile to inherit their land again is when the "appointed times of the nations" would end. This also confirms the context of the "END of the system of things" to be the end of the apppointed times of the nations.

    So regardless of the fact that what happened to Jerusalem is a parallel to what would happen to the Jews in exile, the chronology confirms there was a fulfillment of the "disgusting thing in a holy place" during the end-times and specifically between 1940-1947, which occurs at the point of the 62 weeks. So my hands are tied. But I appreciate your sharing this.

    NOW REGARDING SIN: Now you are correct that Christ the first time does come in regards to "sin" that is, to become a sacrifice. Thus he is born as a perfect man without a human father. But then he gives up that perfect body forever as a sacrifice, so when he returns for the second coming in a physical body, he does not need to be perfect. That is, the does not come in regards to "sin" the second time, that is, as a sacrifice. So the 1st and 2nd coming are different but both physical and in the flesh. The 2nd wave offering during Pentecost, which is linked to the 2nd coming, is of leavened bread. That is, leaven represents "sin" and the first time Christ is here he is perfect and sinless and thus his body is represented as UNLEAVENED BREAD. But the second wave offering is with leaven! Meaning he is in an imperfect body.

    Now this is covered very well in the Bible. For instance, in Revelation 12, it shows the messiah being born from the woman who God hides in the wilderness, thus the messiah is produced by this woman, who makes up the secret followers of Christ. One of her members is chosen to become the messiah, so when she gives birth, he goes up to heaven to the throne of God. That is, Lazarus now is in the bosom position of the Father. In the meantime, Christ Jesus as Michael the Archangel is still in heaven and he just kicked Satan down to the earth. So you have two messiahs here: one being born from the secret societies of Christ, and one up in heaven having just warred with Satan. But these two combine and thus Christ enters the body of the prodigal son and that becomes his new physical manifestation. It is not a glorious body or handsome appearance, but just an ordinary man. That is how Christ becomes flesh again. The second time he arrives, he comes to rule for 1000 years.

    As a more specific explanation, the "cut off" that begins the "great tribulation" of 7 years must align with the 70-weeks. The end of the 70th week of the 1st coming is 36 CE, which gives us an anchor date for the entire week of 70 Jubilees. thus we need only count down 70-weeks from 36 CE to find out the 70th week of the second coming.

    4 x 490 = 1960

    1960 + 36 = 1996

    Thus the 70 weeks of the 2nd coming are from 1506 to 1996. The 70 weeks are divided into 62, 1 and 7 weeks. The 7 weeks are 49 years that will be the 70th jubilee when the Jews are restored to their homeland, thus from 1947-1996. The "cut off" that begins the "great tribulation" where 2/3rds of the Jews in "Judea', meaning the exile Jews who settled in Eastern Europe primarily, would be exterminated. This fulfills Zech 13:8. 62 weeks is 434 years, so you just add 434 to 1506 and you get when the 1 week of tribulation would begin. 1506 + 434 = 1940. So for the Bible to be fulfilled, 2/3rds of the Jews in "Judea", which means the new homeland of the Jews while in exile, and the "holy place" which would be atypical Jerusalem, the capital city of the Jews in exile, which is Warsaw, Poland, between 1940-1947 2/3rds of those Jews would be exterminated. And, indeed, that was fulfilled, 2/3rds of the Jews in that war experienced what we call the Holocaust, which was a unique event like no other, that had never happened before nor would happen again.

    But I totally et that the Roman army surrounding Jersualem in 70 CE parallels the fulfillment of the "disgusting thing in a holy place." The "holy place" during the end times would be Warsaw, Poland, the largest settlement of Jews, but also on a spiritual level, Jehovah's witnesses, who are the true temple "chosen ones" who were also attacked by the Nazis! But the "disgusting thing causing desolation" actually was the Nazi army, which is also "Gog of Magog" meaning the white descendants of Magog, the Germans, who have adopted Nazism. God considers nazism and white surpremacy as "disgusting."

    But either way, the Bible is fulfilled on this point.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    I just wonder if Larsinger is a Watchtower troll ,he is not here to communicate but repeat the same things over and over in effect destroying every threat ...

  • Pterist

    Hi Ray, any feedback on my response to you ?


  • Larsinger58

    RAYMOND: I just wonder if Larsinger is a Watchtower troll ,he is not here to communicate but repeat the same things over and over in effect destroying every threat ...

    Good question. But here is the stumbling block for XJWs that they don't seem to understand. This is the CRUX of understanding. The WTS is, indeed, the temple in its right condition that appears after 2300 evenings and mornings. (Daniel 8:14). But having said that, many, many references in the NT are to the WTS. Unfortunately, the WTS becomes apostate by the time Christ arrives and so many of those references are negative. The parable that explains it best is the one about the wheat and weeds. This is about the WTS. Someone plants good wheat in a field, but before the wheat even comes up, the Devil plants weeds. Both are seen coming up together. So the choice is to root out the weeds now or wait. The reason for waiting is because of the delicate condition of the wheat at this point and the fear that while rooting out the weeds early on, then the some of the precious wheat would be lost as well. So what is decided. The decision was to let the wheat and weeds grow up together until the harvest and then when it was clear what was wheat and what was weeds, the wheat would be harvested and the weeds burned.

    Now this is qbout the WTS, how early on, it was infiltrated by Freemasonry via Russell. Note the Freemasonry symbols on the early books, the cross and crown linked to the Templars and the winged sun disk, all the pyramidology. Russell being buried near a seeing-eye pyramid just like the one on a one-dollar bill. These are all "Illuminati" and secret society, thus "Babylon the Great" connections. This is the corruption of the WTS early on. True to the parable, remember, the weeds were there before the early blades of wheat were seen, thus very, very early in the growth of the organization.

    Bobbom line is, though, if you are going to let the wheat and weeds grow up together, you are going to have an organization that has some right bright spiritual light combined with some darkness and false teachings. So God decided to use an imperfect, weed-infested organization to carry out the work of preaching the "good news" and other important issues, while suffering from the embarrassment of false teachings.

    Now the average XJW who is not cloudy by emotional connection to the WTS see these false teaching and see this is a false prophet organization, and thus would never consider it as the "true religion" as the witnesses do. But, in fact, this organization does serve as that temple in its right condition after the 2300 evenings and mornings end, which ended in 1886. They serve as this temple, thouch infested with weeds, for 110 years, from 1886 to 1996. But after that, which is after the 2nd coming in 1992, their covenant ends, along with the Abrahamic covenant with the Jews. From this point on, the actual anointed ones sealed into the kingdom are now the new temple.

    So, getting down to me and the WTS. Christ comes through the WTS at the second coming and has a connection to them, but in the end, he condemns them as apostate, but recognizes them as the true temple from 1886-1996. When Christ returns, he starts cleaning up first in God's own houses, which is with JWs and the Jews.

    So I might seem like a Watchtower troll because some of the chronology, like the 2520 years from the fall of Jerusalem linked with the 2nd coming is what I also teach, but I will also rant on the WTS for their now exposed false teachings. The harvest occurs when Christ arrives and that means there is a separationof of the wheat and weeds, the sheep and goats. When Christ comes to separate the sheep and goats, it is specifically within the WTS which is a mixture of wheat and weeds: witnesses following a charismatic leader and ones who have become witnesses because the Bible pointed them in that direction, at least up until 1996.

    So having created that context, I'm the true messiah who arrived in 1992 who fulfills all those prophecies, in the context of the WTS being apostate and the "antichrist" who teaches Christ would not return in the flesh. John 4:

    2 YOU gain the knowledge of the inspired expression from God by this: Every inspired expression that confesses Jesus Christ as having come in the flesh originates with God, 3 but every inspired expression that does not confess Jesus does not originate with God. Furthermore, this is the antichrist’s [inspired expression] which YOU have heard was coming...

    Now some try to use the vaguenessof this reference to claim this was about the first coming only. But the fact remains if you apply this to the 2nd coming then it means JWs are part of the antichrist because they are now claiming that Christ did not come in the flesh in 1914. Plain and simple. But, in fact, the "second coming" is just that. The second time Christ becomes human in the world, the second time arriving to rule for 1000 years. Now, just in passing, doesn't it make sense for Christ and the elect to be on the earth in the flesh to rule all that time, than to be up in heaven? How can they rule the earth while up in heaven? What are they going to do? Send thousands of inspired dreams to the "other sheep" elders in the world telling them what to do? That makes no sense. If they are right here, then they are actually ruling and actually have hands-on involvement with world affairs. Of course, many other scriptures confirm Christ must be in a physical body at the second coming, including the fact that he must come through the tribe of Joseph at the second coming.

    So that pretty much explains what is going on. In the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, after the Rich Man is condemned, we find Lazarus in a place of joy in the bosom position of the Father, which is the messianic position, who has all this knowledge which torments the Rich Man, who is the GB. So that is happening RIGHT NOW! I have all the knowledge and I'm exposing the WTS as the "falses prophet" and "man of lawlessness." But even so, the "man of lawlessness" must be in God's temple and thus must be from the anointed of JWs and thus can only be the GB of the WTS. The MOL makes itself a god in God's own temple, and that is precisely what the GB has done, claiming they are the "faithful and discreet slave." Now they promoted that CT Russell was the fulfillment of the "faithful and wise servant" for a while, beginning with the "7th volume." That lasted for 10 years from 1917-1927. Then it got old and they wanted the FDS to refer to whomever is running the WTS. But they claim those who called CT Russell that were guilty of "creature worship." Bt the FDS god has not changed other than being an entity rather than just a person. The average devoted witness doesn't want to hear anything bad about their God and will refuse to look into the Bible if they think it will expose the WTS. They think their responsibility is to be loyal to God's organization and to follow and worship it since they think God has provided it. Now that is true in general, at least from 1886-1996, but now it is time to leave the BROAD ROAD and go down the narrow path. That broad road, that public religion, is now leading off intro destruction. Now it was okay to be on that broad broad from 1914-1996, but now, it is time to dump the organization and find Christ through an individual search, leaving the broad road and going down the narrow path.

    Now that is what was inspirational about Harold Camping. His dates were wrong or misunderstood, but he wasn't trying to form any religion behind himself as a prophet of God. He was a prophet of God but he was telling people the "church age is over!" That is absolutely correct. there would be a time when the broad road was no longer leading to life. The broad road represented organized religion, the "church age." But then at the end, the church age would end. The covenants with Jews and Christians would end and then the path to the kingdom was an individual one, which is what Camping preached. No church, but individual understanding and devotion with God in a personal relationship.

    So the witnesses were in, surving their purpose for a while, but now they are out. And Lazarus, who is me since I'm the Christ, has all the knowledge and am now tormenting the WTS, spirtiually and doctrinally. So that's what you are seeing here. I'm accepting some degree of their teachings, but refining it, correcting it.

    So the big difference is that I understand the WTS has a unique and special role and I accept them as God's chosen "temple in its right condition" from 1886-1996. Most XJWs can't imagine the WTS fulfills anything in the Bible, they are so angry and hurt over this organization. But that anger and hurt are blinding them to what is really going on and what is really prophesied. They are not paying attention any more than the witnesses are. They see the WTS could be the "man of lawlessness" but don't accpe that the MOL has to be of the anointed of JWs because the temple is the anointed of the WTS! The concept that the "true religion" is also the false religion is too complex to understand. But maybe this will make sense to you.

    Many can't accept that I'm the Christ, either, but the Bible requires the Christ to be in the body of a gay black man at the second coming. But those scriptures don't resolate with them -- maybe they don't believe the Bible at all. So it doesn't matter if I'm rejected by them, since it is rejection based on a false Biblical concept of the messiah at the second coming. The true elect , though, recognize those references and would be actually looking for me. So they are needing confirmation from me that I'm the true christ. They are looking for a cross-dressing ex male prostitute claiming to be the Christ. So I tell them I was arrested in Seattle for prostitution and show them myself in drag, just so they can see how closely the Bible describes me in prophecy. But by this time, this is totally beyond the casual Christian. I'm only going to be the messiah to the elect or Bible scholars who are familiar with all this, but especially the WTS, who actually printed the image of the "sign of the son of man" in their publications. So my position here is multi-level.

  • Pterist

    Lars *** Many can't accept that I'm the Christ, either, but the Bible requires the Christ to be in the body of a gay black man at the second coming****

    Where is the scriptural support for this Lars ?


  • daringhart13

    Yes. Every time you leave a WT in a laundry mat or at a bus stop.....you're doing exactly what Jesus was saying.

  • Larsinger58

    Lars ***Many can't accept that I'm the Christ, either, but the Bible requires the Christ to be in the body of a gay black man at the second coming****

    Where is the scriptural support for this Lars ?


    Okay, it's pretty simple. Noe that in the parable of the prodigal son, when he returns, he receives a new robe, "the best one" and the father gives him a banquet where the young bull is slaughtered. Elsewhere in the bible the "kingdom of the heavens" is about a father giving a son a wedding banquet wherein the young bull is slaughtered. So this leads some to interpret that this is the same private banquet of the messiah and that the prodigal son is here becoming the messiah.

    This is contrasted with Zech 3 where we find messianic character of high-priest Joshua becoming a king. The first coming is about a sacrifice, the second one is when Christ returns as a king-priest. So here is a priest becoming a king, so we know this is specifically about the second coming and not the first. But we find a clear parallel here, that is, we find Joshua, representing the messiah, arriving with befouled garments which represents his past sins. But he, like the prodigal son, is being given new robes and being made a king. This adds to the idea of the parable of the prodigal son being a messianic prophesy relating to the 2nd coming. But note the parallels. You have someone coming from a life of sin becoming the Christ, in this case, represented by getting a new robe and past sins forgiven.

    At his point, we have to conclude that the messiah at the second coming is not only back in the flesh, but that he uses the body of an imperfect man with a history of many past sins.

    Now to seal this off, to confirm that indeed we are interpreting this correctly, we note there is a difference between the two wave offerings. There is a first and a second. The first wave offering is during the festival of unfermented cakes so a lot of focus is on unleavened bread. Leaven represents sin and the unleavened bread represents Christ's sinless physical body at the frist coming. Pentecost is linked with the "1335 days" which thus links it to the 2nd coming. Of course, the 2nd wave offering occurs at Pentecost. This time, though, loaves from the house with leaven are being offered up. Huh?

    But this is very simple. It simply means Christ's body at the first coming is perfect and sinless, but at the second coming, as we have deduced by the comparison of the parable of the prodigal son and Zech 3 about high-priest Joshua. the physical body of Christ being one with leaven, means Christ is in an imperfect body!

    Now we get another illustration of this in Revelation where we see Christ, as Michael the archangel, kicking Satan down to the earth where he then pursues Christ's followers represented by a woman who must be hidden in the wilderness by God. But she is seen giving birth to a child who is caught up to heaven to the throne of god. This is clearly the messiah. But how can that be? This is what the WTS stuggled with. This is clearly the messiah being born from this woman on the earth, when there is a Christ already in heaven. How can that be? If this woman represents Christ's followrers, though, the ones following him in secret, then this child, this messiah, is one of her members being chosen to be the Christ. This person, again, must be an imperfect man. So we have another confirmation that Christ would be in an imperfect body at the second coming. The child being taken up to heaven to the throne of God, indicates that he is going to the bosom position of the father, where Christ is, and thus the two... become one!

    So that's how Christ bnecomes flesh again at the second coming ACCORDING TO THE BIBLE, through the agency of another human adult, but an adult who lived the life of the prodigal son up until the last minute.

    So now that we have that settled, we can look closer at what the Bible tells us about the description of this person. We know he lived the life of the prodigal son. We know from the Ethiopian eunuch reading from isa 53 that his physical appearance would be that of a gay black male. In the Bible a eunuch is a gay person (note you can be celibate and still be a gay person, so no indication in this reference is there to any overt homosexuality, eunuchs were expected to remain single and celibate). It also indicates that he would be a black person.

    Now that is confirmed to the elect, by the image of the "sign of the son of man" which appears in heaven to them of the dead black messiah. A drawing of his, of course, as I'ved posted many times, is found in the Revelation book, proving the elect and the GB have seen this sign and at one level had to take this interpretation seriously that Christ would appear in the body of a black male at the 2nd coming. So that the messiah is in a black man's body at the 2nd coming is confirmed by the Ethiopian eunuch reading Isa 53 but also the actual "sign of the son of man" which shows the face of the dead messiah to be black.

    So this is the point of no return. If you are looking for anything other than a gay black messiah, you are not following scripture. Of course, you can choose to ignore this interpretation if you wish and just be in denial.

    BUT...there's also the JW chronology! 2520 years from the fall of Jerusalem marking the year of the 2nd coming. 607 BCE is just a wrong date for the fall of Jerusalem on many counts. There was revisionism for this period, but apparently the Jews did preserve some astronomical references in diaries of the original timeline which we can use to reset the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II, the most documented dating for any foreign ruler in the Bible in connection with Jewish history. The two critical documents, well known to the WTS, are the VAT4956 and the SK400. Each contain matched references to the rule of Nebuchadnezzar. The SK400 dates year 7 of Neb2 to 541 BCE and the VAT4956 dates year 37 to 511 BCE. Both would begin the rule of Nebuchadnezzar in 547 BCE and year 19, the year Jerusalem falls, in 529 BCE which means the 2nd coming would occur in 1992.

    So, since 1992 is a past date, with this interpretation in hand of Christ being in the body of a gay black male, the question is did that occur as prophesied that year? The answer is YES! It was fulfilled by me, to my own great surprise, that very year.

    So now we have two levels of realilties in modern times to deal with. One, of course, is the "sign of the son of man" depicting the christ as a dead black messiah, and two, my Bible knowledge and ability to expose false WTS doctrines.

    Now, "interpretation belongs to God" but at this point, reality confirms that interpretation is true.

    Now my issue is not so much trying to convince the world that I'm the true Christ, but showing what the Bible teaches and where the corrected chronology is pointing, as well as to show that the WTS has known about this for a long time, and in fact, has cooperated in suppressing God's work. The Bible, for instance, notes that the UN is allowed to kill the two witnesses and their witnessing for 3.5 days. The WTS was a member of the UN since early 1992. Is that a coincidence? Maybe the UN understood the messiah would come through the WTS and so this became a joint effort. The appearance of the "sign of the son of man", of course, would be what made this a priority for them. This was something miraculous, believed in by a group of people. I wrote a letter to the WTS, to the GB and the Writing Committee on November 10, 1992, basically disfellowshipping the GB and telling them they would be in spiritual darkness. I didn't know I would become the Christ at that time, but that gave Fred Franz a chance to investigate me, and to find out if I was black, and perhaps gay! The UN agents used drugs on me to try to prevent me from going into a deep transe for the 2 days needed for the "transmigration" to take place. Funny to me, the date of the 2nd coming which should have aligned with the winter solstice on December 21, didn't take place, but Fred Franz died the very next day, executed by Jehovah, likely for his cooperation and participation in interrupting God's plan. the 2nd coming took place on the 25th while the Christ was in a commercial dumpster, safe from UN agents and their surveillance and tracking devices.

    So even if you don't like this interpretation, there's no option now, since the REALITY has confirmed the interpretation that the christ would be in an imperfect body of the Ethiopian eunuch, that is, a gay black male, who arrives in 1992.

    So where IS this person? Where is this Christ who has so much Bible knowledge?

    Here I am! Examine my background and see if it fits what the Bible is takling about.

    Now the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus is also about the Christ. Here we find Lazarus at the end in the bosom position of the Father, clearly showing him to be the Christ, the messiah. When he was spiritually sick, though, his ulcers were licked by dogs. Dogs in the Bible are linked with straight men who sodomized male prostitutes who dressed up like women in ancient times. So that scenario where Lazarus is surrounded by dogs who lick and thus sooth his wounds, his desires, lends to Lazarus being a cross-dressing male prostitute. In the parable of the prodigal son it is said he wasted his inheritants in the company of "harlots." But the question is, was he having sex with these harlots or prostitutes, or were these harlots his companions, thus indicating he was a harlot or prostitute himself? Well, when we compare that with Lazarus, we know the latter is the case. The prodigal son was in the company of harlots because he himself was a harlot at one point.

    So you take that, and investigate my life to see if that detail fits my past to fulfill this detail about the Christ, and I tell you that I was arrested in Seattle, WA once for prostitution, which proves I was a prostitute at one point. This is embarrassing, but it is also a necessary fulfillment of prophecy. Even though, the Bible is just describing who God would choose as the messiah's physical identity at the second coming and it is just illustrating some details of my life and who I wasand what things shocked God as far as my behavior goes, at one point, but then how all that was forgiven when I returned to the truth and to a moral lifestyle.

    So all the mourning and crying and beating themselves in lamentation over me has to do with the "two witnesses" the "eagles" who followed my life from the time I was born. They had to go through seeing me leave the truth and become spiritually dead.

    But that's another thing you have to deal with! If you don't have a scenario of a dead messiah at the 2nd coming, then what is allthe mourning and crying all about?

    So the Bible tells us about the 2nd coming, though not in such a direct manner, but it does! And I'm he! IT"S real.

    I have a "messiah video" that discusses the 2nd coming scriptures but also shows me in drag and how the WTS knew all about this via their subliminal artwork here: Check it out and if you have any questions let me know. It also shows you the photo of the "sign of the son of man" that appeared to the skyscape potographer in 1998 on December 26th to help convince the anointed that I, indeed, was the Christ.


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