Obama's speech writers used the strawman fallacies yesterday

by moshe 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • truth_b_known

    The President's powers are limited. Any real change comes through legislature. Our legislators have more power to make change.

  • Finkelstein

    Personally I think Obama is on the right path but its unfortunate that the Congress in Washington is sternly obstructive toward his initiatives.

  • moshe

    Obama has the power to submit a budget to congress, lets see what that does. Does anyone remember what Obama said about the economy and how he was going to fix it? Hmm?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    I’m ALL FOR the Barack Obama who so well articulated the need for getting America’s fiscal house in order.

    Read it for yourself right from the congressional record. It’ll take less that one minute to read it: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-2006-03-16/pdf/CREC-2006-03-16-pt1-PgS2236.pdf

    His well said speech begins middle of the page 2237. It’s short and sweet! It contains no strawman fallacy.

    Read it.

    I hope Mr. Obama’s daughters read their father’s words back to him, and I hope he acts on his own stated principle without making us give more of our hard earned dollars to government programs.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Personally I think Obama is on the right path but its unfortunate that the Congress in Washington is sternly obstructive toward his initiatives.”

    Right path to what?

    Congress did not make President Obama fail to put forth a complete federal budget. He fulfilled that failure all on his own. Yep. MY PRESIDENT did that.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Finkelstein

    Well at least its better than when he took office Moshe.

    The economic problem is not just contained within the US, pretty much the entire world is economically slow.

    Hence the reason why US exports are so low.

    The other problem too is that the Republicans have offered little as to what could be done to stimulate the economy.

    They are firmly supportive toward corporate financial interests and people of wealth and little else.

    Because they have control over Congress, I think Washington is in for 4 years of mostly gridlock if the recent battle over the fiscal cliff

    is indicative to whats going to happen in the future.

  • soontobe

    Obama wants to keep the big government spending and entitlement train rolling as if it hasn't gone off the tracks. Not only that, he wants to keep bloating it. But he might as well sit on the beach and order the tide to not come in. There is a force of nature he can't detain with honeyed words and executive orders: MATH.

    It's a new century. Time for new solutions. Not crap out of a 1913 playbook. Time for liberalism 5.0. We aren't dealing with a progressive here. That's a misnomer. Obama is a regressive. Stuck in a 1913 timewarp in 2013. He can't even submit a budget on time, which law requires. The most basic obligation. A budget. Add the Senate to that pile of fail too. It's been 4 years without one. I guess they have MATH problems.

    100 years from now and people will read the history books and scratch their heads. WTF?

  • LisaRose

    Moshe: Obama has the power to submit a budget to congress, lets see what that does. Does anyone remember what Obama said about the economy and how he was going to fix it? Hmm?

    And of course Obama is the first politician to promise more than he could deliver, right? I voted for him, but I never for one minute thought that he could do all that he said he could do, it's the nature of politics. The president is not all powerful, nor is he perfect. He also said he would work with both sides, but that hasn't happened either. Its not all his fault, but still, he said he would do it, and he hasn't.

  • Finkelstein

    Its unfortunate that there's a socially conscious inspired President in the White House right when the country is in great

    economic turmoil and great debt, its makes for difficulties to accomplish anything.

  • DaCheech


    mass ego................


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