How Can I Kindly Kick Weak And Unproductive Publishers Out Of My Kingdom Hall?

by AuntConnie 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    Scott, i don't read all the stuff, even of posters to whom i respond. And so, i missed this tidbit. Do you, by any chance, remember where it was stated that she is a he? Thanks.


  • AuntConnie

    Mrs. Jones, we own a small business and do very good thanks to my Uncle (the man I ran away from at the store, thinking he was going to hit me up for money or complain about his health problems), he taught my husband how to work and run a business. They were friends until Uncle lost his health and we "marked" him as weak because there are people in "iron lungs" who attended meetings, why can't he? I know you think I am a bitch and arrogant and still right here, individuals complain of the mind control they experienced during their tour of the Organization. My life started much different than ninety percent of the women here. nosey parents were very happy to push me out the door at the age of seventeen to get married. We were told we had two options during the 1960s, either "Pioneer or Get Married"! I chose the latter and soon was off to another State where my husband found a garage rental from some poor Witness in the North. I was allowed to leave the house only to work, because he got fired job after job. My parents decided to surprise me by showing up towards my nineteen birthdays and were shocked in our filthy and heatless hut. My Dad and Mom flipped out and harassed us to move back home and provided a free place to live. Dad got my husband a job only to lose his reputation because my husband hated to work and my dad felt guilty and humiliated for bringing him about his company.

    Until you have been locked in a room, padlocked from the outside of the door for speaking your mind, please don't judge me. I had alot on the line, everyone thought our marriage was going to fail and what was I suppose to do? I could divorce him for abuse and willfully not supporting me or I could keep some dignity and prove everyone else a liar! Your not old enough to realize women were not treated equally back than, nobody asked sisters why their faces were smashed into a pulp or had sagging black eyes. Husbands could drink and beat their wife and elders would ask "are you obeying Peter's counsel? Can you try to be a better wife? How about make him his favorite dinner and be romantic?"

    Flipper, you are able peel back the onion and see each layer of a Witness life for what it is. Name callers or hecklers are no different from any brainwashed or inexperienced human. Lacking the insights into the dynamics of the Organization, since they never experienced pride or arrogance on this scale, it's easy to close your eyes and plug your ears and yell "Lah Lah lah lah lah!" Only two choices are really valid, I can walk away from the Organization and have dignity and rebuild my conscience and loose all my friends and family. My second option comes with more benefits, pretend to love Jehovah and my brothers and bask in all the honor and praise, privileges, "demos, parts on the Circuit and District Assembly", "Invitations to International Conventions". I am honest enough to admit, I am only a cog in the Watchtower's wheel, I never claimed to be a lowly follower of Christ

    Is that better MJ, if I am able to help one person think outside the box and start to move more freely in Life, it's the it!

  • mrsjones5

    You kiss your elder hubby with that mouth AC? lol!

    Yeah, I think your character is a bitch. That's old news. But really nothing you say really shocks me. It's all satire to me. I have no proof that you are real. That you are who you say you are. The inconsistencies get in the way.

  • Scott77

    Scott, i don't read all the stuff, even of posters to whom i respond. And so, i missed this tidbit. Do you, by any chance, remember where it was stated that she is a he? Thanks.

    A sister asks: "How Can I Kindly Kick Weak And Unproductive Publishers Out Of My Kingdom Hall?"

    A brother [Elder or Ministerial Servant] asks: "How Can I Kindly Kick Weak And Unproductive Publishers Out Of My Kingdom Hall?"

    You see the tone in the above two examples? In JW land, a sister cannot and probably will never say the above. It cannot happen. Its implausable. I cannot go into details but did you read the OP for this thread? The POV does not reflects or support the fact that its coming from a sister,a 'lowly sister'. In other words, you would have to have some sort of responsility [ie kick the weak and unproductive publishers] to say somethings as if you are entittled do say it.

    Edited to add: An example is, if I say, "Iam tired and angry,always field service report to the Society is sent late. How long can I continue reminding brothers and sisters about this responsibility?" So in JW land, what is the gender of the speaker in this statement?


  • Satanus

    Yes, i see that. Thanks.


  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I could divorce him for abuse and willfully not supporting me

    What do you tell AuntConnie when she has 2 black eyes??.................... Nothing, she's already been told twice!

  • wannaexit

    Aunt Connie is having some fun .....I think

  • truthlover

    Why did you listen to people here? That must be a joke... you came on the board, you don't have to do anything but each word you write gives us more information that indicates you must be on Prozac.... so her daughter is dressing down and has a Iphone, what has that to do with you? Your responsibility is to be nice! Three richest ladies... what a smug, self opinionated person you are, and if true, very materialistic..and to call her daughter a slut?? Hummmm -

    Just shut up and drive! Say, nice to work with you and go home and make supper for your mate!

    I can just see you standing before "the throne" and giving excuses for your actions. People in the "world" are not as ignorant as you are in the "truth".

    --"" us apostates"", well you are here, you apostate and still going out in service?

  • daringhart13

    You sound like the BOE's following every CO visit where he blasted us for low hour publishers.

  • Finkelstein

    I think this person is truly fucked up AuntConnie , she or could be a he working in incognito as not to disclose themselves,

    is certainly and truly mean spirited, vindictive and completely apathetic in character and personality.

    Hopefully in time Simon or one of the other moderators will give her the boot off the forum.

    I've never read such spiteful hatred from any member coming here.

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