What Was Your "Status" Within The Organization?

by minimus 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bob_NC

    True Hortensia, about sometimes "we" still regard positions held in the org as if the former role makes one more important. My interest in a person's former role pertains what things they experienced or saw as a result, like former Bethelites or even Bethel elders. I would really like to hear former CO or DO perspectives now. Or a person who saw themsleves as one of the anointed, what that was all about.

    But since we know now that our role was a role in a false organization, it doesn't matter so much. Me, baptized at 11, always doing the right thing. Then MS, then elder, then many parts on assembilies. My only claim to fame would be that I put effort into my delivery so that no one would have to suffer through 45 minutes of boredom listening to me drone on and on about the same ole same ole.

  • Dagney

    Single, working, non-pioneering seester = invisible

    Had friends(former), association.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I was a card carrying member of the Dead Beat Club.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Dagney, you were a member of the Dead Beat Club.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Pink Sapphire and Jewel, also Dead Beats. Long Haired Gal, perfect 1, also members of the DBC. Broke the Chain, take heart, you weren't scum, you were a Dead Beat.

  • FlyingHighNow

    There are more Dead Beats on page one.

  • jam

    Did it all and had a breakdown. At one point I was the school

    conductor, WT conductor, Book study conductor, service overseer,

    secretary, PO and working nites (full time job-machinist) and a

    family of 6. We only had three elders in the congregation and one MS.

    We were in the in crowd in the circuit. At least once a month I gave

    talks in other congregations in the circuit.

  • Dagney

    @FHN: I'm in good company.

    Thanks for that video, haven't heard it in years! Love the B52's.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I was the "quirky/artistic/cool" elder.

    Laid back.

    Don't come to me with any major problems. I don't do JCs.

    Meeting parts were always a little left-of-center and entertaining.

    My wife and I were the "Most Likely to Succeed" as a couple. We were in high demand on field service days.

    I have a feeling that my wife is now the "Poor-Sister-Whose-Elder-Husband-Had-A-Nervous-Breakown-And-Never-Bounced-Back."

    And I am "Missing-In-Action."

  • Bob_NC

    champion...let sleeping quirks lie, I always say.

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