People who will never hear the WT message

by jgnat 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LouBelle

    and look how happy they all look!

  • Heaven

    In 2008, a remote Amazonian tribe was discovered. I'm pretty certain the Christian/JW message either hasn't been delivered or if it was, didn't sink in:

    Remote Amazon Tribe

    Regarding getting the 'life saving' message to 'all the inhabitted Earth'... the math just doesn't add up. Seven million people are pretty ineffectual trying to deliver a message 'door-to-door' to 7 billion people.

  • Chaserious

    There are tens of millions of Christians in China. If there are no or only a few JWs there, they can not be said to be the only ones preaching the gospel to all the nations without sounding dishonest or ignorant.

    You mean tens of millions of Christendomites spreading false religion.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    The WTS has no effective life saving message. It's a man-made cult, and their door-to-door work is nothing but a formality of following a set of religious rules that prove your personal standing & self-righteousness in the cult.

  • jgnat

    Broken Promises, I did not include Russia in my list of unreached people. The following countries were not included in the Yearbook:

    China - officially athiest. OMF Internantional

    Algeria - Sunni Muslim is the state religion. Conversion is forbidden. Christian Aid Mission

    Egypt - as I suspected, this is a relatively liberal muslim country. There are no legal impediments, just a dearth of evangelical opportunities. About 9% of the population are Coptic Christians. Operation Serve

    Iran - officially muslim. R eligious legal system based on sharia law. Elam

    Iraq - officially muslim. while there has been voluntary relocation of many Christian families to northern Iraq, recent reporting indicates that the overall Christian population may have dropped by as much as 50 percent since the fall of the Saddam Hussein regime in 2003, with many fleeing to Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. History Makers

    Morocco - officially muslim. Proselytizing is illegal. Missions Mandate

    Vietnam - there is no state or legal impediment. There just aren't very many Christians about. 6% Catholic, 0.5% Protestant Mission Vietnam

    Yemen - officially muslim. It is illegal to convert to Christianity. Frontline Missions

    All told, they repesent 1.6 billion of the earth's population.

    Agreed, that the Witness door-to-door work would not work in these countries. The missionaries who do dare to work there show ingenuity and courage. Foolhardy even. Their supports tend to be around health care, schools, supporting the indigenous Christian population, and charity work (winning without a word?).

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises
    Broken Promises, I did not include Russia in my list of unreached people. The following countries were not included in the Yearbook

    I'm well aware of that. Russia was an example of a former country of "unreached people". My point (that obviously went over your head) is that places that are not included in the year's statistics are not "unreached".

    I think you should have another cup of coffee before you post.

  • jgnat


    Russia is a completely different kettle of fish. It has a long history with Christianity and the Catholic church, not to mention a corrupt political regime, so would be open to the Witness message, even if meetings were held covertly. My husband's family is Hungarian, and they were open to the Witness message before they left their country of origin (communist at the time). We also have the example of Romania. Not so for China or the other contries I mentioned. China will always be a tough go.

  • Bloody Hotdogs!
    Bloody Hotdogs!

    Further to what 'jgnat' said:

    The 2012 Yearbook notes "30 other lands" that are not listed by name. These 'lands' had a peak of 26,272 publishers.

    A quick look through the list reveals the missing countries/lands and at least five others that must have zero publishers:

    1. Afghanistan

    2. Bhutan

    3. Brunei

    4. Cabo Verde

    5. China

    6. Djibouti

    7. Egypt

    8. Eritrea

    9. French Polynesia

    10. Iran

    11. Iraq

    12. Jordan

    13. Kuwait

    14. Laos

    15. Libya

    16. Maldives

    17. Micronesia

    18. Monaco

    19. Morocco

    20. Oman

    21. North Korea

    22. Qatar

    23. Saudi Arabia

    24. Singapore

    25. Somalia

    26. South Sudan

    27. Syria

    28. Tajikistan

    29. Tunisia

    30. Turkmenistan

    31. United Arab Emirates

    32. Uzbekistan

    33. Vatican

    34. Vietnam

    35. Yemen

    These countries/lands represent about 1,920,463,036 people.

    At best, that is a publisher ratio 1 : 73,100!

    The only countries with a worse ratio are Bangladesh and Pakistan.

  • shamus100

    I've seen men and women who haven't seen white people before in person. I doubt that they've seen a jobie nitiwit (amerikan religion)

  • blondie

    some are more receptive - countries where Christian missionaries opened the way (not jws)
    limited response to the "kingdom" message - or limited response to the WTS message
    Proclaim Jehovah or Jesus?

    righthearted people given an opportunity--an individual witness? Not according to the WTS.

    *** w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 “Keep on the Watch” ***Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.

    *** w97 8/15 p. 14 par. 11 Living for Today or for an Eternal Future? ***True, untouched territories still exist, and perhaps in Jehovah’s due time, a door of opportunity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Still, Jesus’ words recorded at Matthew 10:23 are sobering: “You will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives.” While the good news will surely be announced throughout the earth, we will not in person reach all parts of the earth with the Kingdom message before Jesus “arrives” as Executioner.

    *** w62 2/1 p. 96 Questions From Readers ***Accordingly, by means of his instructions to his twelve apostles Jesus was prophetically telling us today that his anointed disciples or the remnant of spiritual Israel would not complete the circuit of the entire inhabited earth with the preaching of the message of God’s established kingdom before the glorified heavenly King Jesus Christ would arrive as Jehovah’s executional officer in the battle of Armageddon. This means that Jehovah’s witnesses today, who now include hundreds of thousands of the “other sheep” or earthly companions of the spiritual remnant, will not be able to reach personally all parts of the earth with the Kingdom message before the battle of Armageddon breaks out.

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