Are JW'S "hated" in all the world? Or...are they considered IRRELEVANT?

by Terry 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • cobaltcupcake

    Irrelevant. Obscure. Kooks.

  • wasblind

    Jehovah's witnesses are taught to literally hate the whole world and everyone in it

    If you are not part of " God's Organization " then you belong to Satans

    Jehovah's Witnesses are the biggest haters of all , If they come to your door

    and your not interested they will mark you for destruction ( Like they think they have the power to do so )

  • GromitSK

    I don't think people hate them. I think they 'nothing' them (Scrubs).

  • designs

    wasblind- If you have a nice house they will mark for Occupancy after the Big A

  • Phizzy

    Irrelevant, even Scientology is better known. Many of my kids friends have never met them, a few had never heard of them , and this is kids in their 20's and 30's, in the U.K, where the "urgent lifesaving work" has been going on since the turn of the last century, perhaps a bit before, late 1800''s.

    Even what they claim as Satan inspired persecution is because they have ignored the law where they live in most cases.

    They really are an insignificant silly little cult.

  • Chaserious

    I'm sure they point to what is going on in Russia as evidence. Although, Russia of course is not "all the world".

  • moshe

    When the public shows them up at the door for following a dumb religion, well they confuse being kicked in the keester for being hated. Most people don't hate JWs, if anything, once they learn what the WT religion is really about they pity the JWs for being foolish and wasting their life on a lie= they are irrelevant.- But the simple-minded JWs feel important and that is all they care about.

  • designs

    Does the Wt. still have their big Read The Bible Daily sign up. If that goes Manhattan will be Out Of Sight Out Of Mind.

  • wasblind

    wasblind- If you have a nice house they will mark for Occupancy after the Big A _________Designs

    In my rant I forgot to answer Terry's question so I'll add it here

    Jehovah's Witnesses are an irrelevent group that go D2D

    breakin' the tenth commandment " Thou shall not Covet "

  • Vidiot

    I remember the day I had the epiphany that the WTS was small potatoes...

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