Watchtower softens position on Jehovah' Witnesses and blood transfusions? Canadian National Post Story.

by Balaamsass 57 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Scott77

    Other than from the Watchtower's own publications, I do not think this 'worldly media' article will have any influence on the Watchtower policy on blood transfusion. No way.They do not carry any weight.


  • frankiespeakin

    The blood ban for its members with threat of being df'd if a violater was a very bad business move brought on by delusional thinking of the Governing Body, these guys can't run a coporation on delusional thinking one has to look at the facts unharnessed to a delusion.

    This ban should have never been in place from the get go it makes them to liable in a court of law and so why hold tenaciously to it? They changed thier collective mind on vacinations and organ transplants why the big hold up on blood?

    The Governing Body are mainly old men, set in thier ways about how God's organization must be run, and so they are running it full steam ahead just like the Titanic before it sunk. Thier delusion filled psyche's chassing shadows, disfellowshipping transgressers of a bronze age Deity arbitrary prohibitions.

    Not good business management when you are chasing a dream that will never come true.

  • frankiespeakin

    When you think of an enforced blood ban made under the collective delusion, and you think of the legal cost for the corporation, its a no brainer for any corporate executive to ditch it before it turns into an iceberg that sunk the Titanic.

    These guys on the Governing Body are just old and so set in thier ways that can't make a good decision to save thier sinking ship that is floating on the sea of delusion. Because of thier narcistic fantacy they have little consideration for the lives lost, more important to them is the imaginary blessing of a bronze age Deity, or the humiliation of having to admit they were wrong and many live were lost unnessecarily from a way to strict interpetation of ancient texts that say nothing about transfuseing blood.

    Delusions can be fun and they could be deadly. They can be like a monkey on your back sucking the life out of you and causing unnessecary hardship, and faulty decision making.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    This policy is just like all the other potentially harmful, if not, life threatening policies that the GB thought of, assuming that the end was within a few years. I can't see them with any sort of long term plan, outside of Real Estate.

    It must annoy the GB that Jah is taking so long

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis


  • Chaserious

    They hold onto the blood policy either because they still believe it or because they would lose so much credibility among current members if they dropped it. If they dropped the blood policy and made it a conscience matter, then what did all these people die for? It would be obvious even to many of the sincerely devoted that they died for a corporation. It wasn't as big of a deal dropping the organ transplant policy because there probably weren't nearly as many people affected as it was still in the early stages of effective organ transplant. Plus with the advances in modern medicine, there are lots of loopholes now where they can take "fractions", so there's less need than ever to drop the policy. They don't really have a substantial legal cost related to blood issues. I am not aware of the WTS paying settlements or verdicts related to followers who die due to the blood issue, so they have no incentive to drop it, even as a business decision. They don't care about those who die; it lets them have modern day "martyrs" to publish stories about.

  • Finkelstein

    I believe the supposed softening down of the Blood issue comes in from the recent court cases where governments have stepped in to enforce JW

    children to receive Blood Transfusions, such as what has recently happened in Canada and the UK.

    The WTs. has always played along with public awareness and appeal toward its own structured image, being that the organization had lost

    these court cases they are now pushed to amend their BT position a little.

    Its just too bad that it had to take those court cases to instigate the WTS. to make a softening position, previously hundreds of children have died.

    The WTS. is always trying to create and uphold a public image of itself, losing court cases wasn't helping this outward endeavor so changes

    were accordingly implemented.

    Obeying Cesare's Laws eventually overturned the enforcing controlling power of the WTS. and thats probably going to be a good thing for many

    JW children who unfortunately are placed into this precarious situation.

  • garyneal


  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I am not at all surprised. In the US, the WTBTS HLC doesn't even get involved anymore in children's blood transfusion cases. They told me to 'follow my conscience' which I did and signed off on the possibility of blood being given. Didn't get in trouble for it, one of the elders on the HLC even told me in confidentiality that in those difficult situations, you are weak but you should then ask for forgiveness later, he even said he wouldn't know himself what he would do for himself if he was in that position, but that's a decision between you and God and the elders don't need to know what your decision is.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Anony: If you don't mind, in what year and in which state did your circumstance occur?

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