Watchtower softens position on Jehovah' Witnesses and blood transfusions? Canadian National Post Story.

by Balaamsass 57 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    My read was that Jehovah's Witnesses - the Publishers, NOT Jehovah's Witnesses - the Organization, are the ones "softening."

    The writer evidently doesn't understand that this thing works top=>down, not bottom=>up.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    from someone not in the know, (The writer), it would seem natural that the org would follow what the publishers prefer. He has no idea of the thought control imposed on them.

    Interesting how publishers view "sin". "Sin" apparently is only a "sin" if others in the hall know about it.

  • wasblind

    Blood products from humans and Bovine

    " Some manufacturers now process hemoglobin, releasing it from human or Bovine red blood cells.

    The end product is called a hemoglobin based oxygen carrier, or HBOC. Scince the heme is responsible

    for the rich red color of blood, a unit of HBOC looks just like a unit of red blood cells, the primary component

    from which it is taken.

    The HBOC can be stored at room temperature and used months later. HBOC is derived from blood,

    and carries out the key function of a primary component of blood, the red cells. Hemoglobin, from which

    the HBOC is derived, makes up a significant portion of that component"__________August Awake 2006 page 11 Grey box

    Bottom line : they now refer to blood parts as derivetives because it's more than a tiny fraction


  • wasblind

    Y'all know what they say about a duck . You can say they same when it come to this HBOC

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    JW Dr's and Nurses must be biting their tongue in half

  • Chaserious

    I don't think they're dropping the blood ban, they are just signing forms that basically say "We don't want you do give my kid blood, but if it was serious enough where you would otherwise go to court, just do the blood instead of taking us to court; we know we would lose in court anyway." It's a loophole. Also, I think this is only for minors. Competent adults still have to die instead of taking blood if it comes down to it.

    Also - if they did change the blood policy they would face no legal liability in the U.S. Moral outrage, I would have to think, is another story.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    if they did change the blood policy they would face no legal liability in the U.S.

    Not so sure about that. It's well documented that the ban on blood was real. It doesn't help printing magazines, telling of countless youth, dying for this principle.

    I beleive it would open them to lawsuits for this policy, only to pull a 180

  • Finkelstein

    Also - if they did change the blood policy they would face no legal liability in the U.S.

    Not too sure about that !

    Being that the WTS. is responsible in encouraging certain human behaviors which resulted in pain and suffering in people,

    they may very well be held libel.

    Leading and encouraging people to act in giving up their life, may create wrongful death law suits against the WTS.

    Perhaps not so easy in the States with the free of religion act to hide behind but perhaps more so in other countries.

  • MrFreeze

    The JW view of transfusions are downright bordering on some form of idol worship. They care more about the symbol of blood than what it is supposed to be a symbol of.

  • zeb

    My condolences to the Lawrence Hughes family.

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