The Early Morning Field Service Scam.

by I quit! 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Early yesterday morning I was driving through town on a street that rearly has any foot traffic and never at 7:30 am on a Sunday morning and there they were. A group of Jbubs milling about counting time. I drove a little further and there was a second group walking slowly down the street in the morning drizzle. One thing I know is that if they were selling cookies they would never go about it this way.

    Deep down these witness have know they are running a time card scam and so do the head scammers in Brooklyn and none of them care. The individual Jdubs get their hours in and the Watchtower gets the hours they need for their statistics. The literature is already bought and paid for so it does't really matter if there is no one there to accept it.

  • Tater-T

    yep... just like amway.. they're their own customer...

    but they spend more money on gas, to trick themselves into thinking they sell it to the world

    jokes on them

    they forces themselves to buy their own BS

  • wasblind

    I quit, you no better you can't qualify for paradise

    wit' low hours. Salvation is earned

  • pixel

    If they REALLY think their work is life-saving, they will do other things, with more urgency.

  • wasblind

    Yea, It's a good thing it wasn't left to the publishers to warn folks about that earth quake

    that flooded Japan a couple of years back

  • Ding

    Now THERE would be a good guilt trip for the WT to lay on JWs:

    1. The new system won't come until the good news has been preached everywhere.

    2. The good news hasn't been preached everywhere because you are slacking off and just going through the motions.

    3. Therefore, Armageddon hasn't arrived and this wicked system continues, and it's all YOUR fault!

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I used to do that at least once a month. Start at 7am, ride around to landromats, convience stores, gas stations. Drop off mags. You'd end up getting around 10 placements (depending on how many dropoffs there were). Then count your time straight through the FS meeting at 9:30 and by noon, you'd be setting at a sweet 5 hrs.

    It especially helped when aux pioneering. You could get an 8 hr day in by 3pm.

    What a colossal waste of time!!!

  • nochoice

    No matter how unproductive field service is, all of the publishers still believe they are doing life saving work. They are conditioned over and over not to view the actual results - placements, actual witnessing conversation time, etc. - as a gage. If the Slave arranged it it must be good!

    Somehow, Jehovah's blessing is on it. Some sheep will see you in your nice clothes and be influenced to question thier beliefs. Some sheep will see our well-behaved children and be influenced to read the bible. Some sheep will be wandering the streets early and get your tract it be just what he needed because the angels directed you there.

    And since any and all of these things COULD happen, you can just be fat, dumb and happy, carrying on witnessing when it's convenient for you even though there are no viewable results. To question the results is not trusting in Jehovah!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I see it all the time. 3 to 5 of them walking business territory together early in the morning when they are the only foot traffic around. I see the occasional JW working the street at a time when people are out, but they simply hold their magazines in a way that they can be seen and don't talk to anyone. I suppose just being out there will allow the angels to direct "deserving ones" to the "undeserved kindness" from Jehovah via those pioneers.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    If it wasn't for street work I would have never made my time. 1st of all, no one ever answers the door. Secondly, even when they do, I hated it.

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