What childhood toys do you remember and what memories do they bring back?

by usualusername 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Cofty couldn't help himself, he had to pull out the chitty

  • wasblind

    double post

  • dmouse

    I remember the clackers, they were banned because they could shatter. Also Lego was a great toy. Does anyone remember sticklebricks - strangely addictive? The best toy EVER - a humble cardboard box big enough to get inside. As a child, I spent many hours in a box which became a car, house, spaceship, train, den...whatever your imagination could come up with.

  • james_woods

    Two things - the large Marx train set of 0-27 three rail size. Four engines and a large number of cars.

    The other was the size 12 Erector Set. I also had a size 4, a size 10, and then finally the largest one.

    I really enjoyed building the robots and the tanks from it. Yes, I actually built the big parachute jump thing.

    I learned that it was more fun to build the things than to take them apart and put the pieces back.

    This is also strangely true of Christmas Trees.

  • kurtbethel


    Erector set - I built my first time machine with this.

    Etch a sketch

    I still have all of these.

  • Chariklo

    We can date people by their toys!

    Those of us growing up just after the Second World War have somewhat different memories to those with more recent childhoods!

  • Skbj

    I had very little toys. I don't remember my parents ever buying me any toys. The ones I had were either gifted from family friends, relatives or passed down from my older cousins.

    All I remember age 0-6 I had a brown teddy (don't know who gave me this I had it as toddler) a spin top (my uncle's gift) and my bicycle (my other uncle's gift)

    Age 6-10 Easy bake oven, tea set, a couple of Barbies ( passed over from my older cousins)

    My parents never had money to waste on buying toys to their only child, they were all spent on the WT.

    With my best friends (2 JW boys) we would however do pretend-play and do all the TV shows from Star Trek to Dukes of Hazard, ChIP's etc. We built the Enterprize in my friend's loft. That was pretty hot, although he ALWAYS had to be Captain Kirk, at best I got given Mr Spock's role. In Dukes of Hazard I'd argue that as I was blonde and he was dark haired I get to be Bo and him Luke, but I never won the role. Hmpf!

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Transformers G1 era toys. I've been planning on splurging on the remade "Masterpiece" collections. Skywarp was my favorite as a kid and still is one of my favorite characters. Mom never got me one. I plan on getting this somewhere down the road.

  • james_woods

    How interesting it is to think back into our childhood.

  • kurtbethel

    We can date people by their toys!

    So true. I was noticing the toys mentioned and guessing at what decade the owner grew up in. I like toys from the 1950s and 1960s that are made from metal.

    I tended to like toys that I could use to make other things with. Watercolors and modeling clay were also favorites. I had a "pizza oven" that was like an easy bake oven, but marketed for boys. It was fun, but I just graduated to a real kitchen since I was unsupervised a lot, and that worked out okay.

    I had a printing press, published an underground newspaper at my school, and I also had a radio broadcaster. These items were the start of my early media empire, which generally got me started on a life of mayhem and mischief.

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