The January 1st Watchtower Admits That JWs Have Been Wrong As To Their Expectations Of The End!...but

by minimus 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bella15

    Stupid CULT ... now that I am a Christians I see they are just saying what for hundreds of years TRUE CHRISTIANS, THE WORLWIDE BODY OF CHRIST, have been saying about the "end" ... easy now for WTC to write their never ending stupidity after destroying THOUSAND IF NOT MILLIONS OF families ...

  • Ucantnome


    Then Freddie Franz should have kept his ideas to himself.

    I dont think it was just Freddie Franz. I think the 'modern day Ezekiel' was identified as the 'dedicated, baptized proclaimers of God's Kingdom who have been anointed with His spirit for their work (Isaiah 61;1-3).' (The Nations Shall Know That I am Jehovah How.WTB&TS 1971) These were commissioned to speak in God's name. Those who partook of the emblems I imagine.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Mom pointed out this farticle to me like it was a big deal. After we went around a while with neither of us getting anywhere, I went right back to the point that they are STILL WRONG about elders calling WT Legal Department BEFORE they call the police. Until they change their policy and publicly admit that they were completely wrong to put protection of pedophiles above the protection of children, they deserve none of my attention. When are they going to change their procedures to protect children? When are they going to print their admission of guilt for enabling the sexual abuse of children?

    ...and then Mom changed the subject because she knows they're wrong about that.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Yeah, okay, they admit, in cautious language, that they've been wrong, but when do they apologize for blaming the R&F for the 1975 debacle?

    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses - The End is Near!!!

  • Giordano

    What the village didn't know was that the Lookout was also the village idiot.

  • Londo111

    Classic binary thinking. Either stay awake and give false dates OR be asleep. There are no other options.

    In one Watchtower, they called Camping’s prediction a false prophecy. But the Watchtower's failed predictions are called ‘wrong expectations’. Was not Camping keeping on the watch too?

  • cult classic
    cult classic



  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    It is one thing to say you were wrong when only you were the person hurt by the error; it is entirely different when you misled thousands and thousands. You are culpable according to natural law and thus accountable for your error. This was not a harmless mere simple mistake. By their own rules they are unrepentant as the "degree of deviation should be commensurate with the degree of regret". I do not see anything remotely resembling the regret over the harm caused.

  • pixel

    GB/FDS: The apostles didn't publish their so-called "wrong expectations" for other to believe and teach.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Pixel: You are right - plus they were chastized for doing so by Jesus if you read the account early in the book of Acts.

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