CO Disfellowshipped in UK

by konceptual99 142 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    OMG - Ron Drage!!

    The first talk he gave at our kingdumb hell was about the apostle Paul.

    He quoted the scripture "we are not gods, merely men" then went on to say nobody should be afraid to approach the CO with a question.

    As if anybody would be dumb enough to think he was a god...


  • St George of England
    St George of England
    did read elsewhere that ron drage was closely connected to a guy that was a pedo--cant recall the name--but it was a big case.

    Michael Porter

    Yes Ron Drage is at Mill Hill, he is listed on the CC website


  • bigmac

    seems that quite a few of us UK ites go back to those 60's years--happy days--pioneering--window cleaning--bit parts at assemblies ( to impress the girls)--did i mention happy days--the fonz ?

  • hamsterbait

    BIGMAC -

    Dont you think that those 60s - mid 70s were happy days for the young witlesses?

    Everything was certain, the flip flops hadnt got too alarming, we could have fun, congo parties, trips and rambling.

    Then it all went sour about 1983.

    Turnbull - I remember him giving a CA talk about how "right " the society had been in the old Daniel book "Your willl be done on Earth" So if they say Armageddon may well come in 1975, we shouldnt doubt it.

    I hear that Ernie Elliott was said to have committed embezzlement and fraud, but was never brought to justice as the brother who owned the firm was threatened by the society if he tried to seek justice and compensation:

    "You will just be remembered as the one who tried to take one of the society's representatives to court."


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Was Ernie Elliott the one who looked like the guy in The Burbs?

  • jookbeard

    St George; what is the link with Porter ( his FIL is an elder in my old cong former PO) and Drage?

  • bigmac

    BIGMAC -

    Dont you think that those 60s - mid 70s were happy days for the young witlesses?

    Everything was certain, the flip flops hadnt got too alarming, we could have fun, congo parties, trips and rambling.

    we were just teenage kids trying to cope with 2 standards: it was always a compromise between the religion and the world. often the edges were blurred.

    after the circuit assemblies--in birmingham england UK we had sunday night parties.---often in a penthouse flat in an office block in the center of the city---one of the lads parents were the caretakers---we all donated money to give to the non-jw dad to take the jw mum out for the evening.

    it was a case of anything goes. but--tales got told and there were big rows afterwards.

    but they were happy days for me--i never doubted the religion then---after all--it had to be the truth--because we were in it !!!!

  • besty

    Colin Bird allegedly.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    Ah Ernie Elliott. When he was a CO he asked each congregation to give him a street map pasted to a board with each publisher, pioneer and servant represented with a different colour pin. Our PO commented that he'd very much enjoy just sticking pins into Ernie Elliott.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    Jookbeard - we used to visit my wife's auntie who loved in Sandy Lane.

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