Confidential Materials!

by Atlantis 106 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis

    Since the post was created Atlantis has sent out over 300 emails. But 3 emails were returned to us and the message did not tell us much. If you sent us an address to receive the documents and did not get them, write to us again and we will send again.


    The message did say that there were incorrect symbols in the address. Such as a symbol that was not accepted like these: ( " or % or ^ or * ), and perhaps this is why the email was sent back.


    If you didn't get the files after sending an address, write to us again so that you do get those files. We will keep sending until you do get them one way or another!



  • traveb

    PM sent!

    I always appreciated your posts in the past, thanks so much.

  • puffthedragon

    email received, thanks!

  • El_Guapo

    email recvd!

  • Lied2NoMore

    I'm surprised they haven't devised a way to put serial numbers or bar codes on letters with info where they are headed that only show up when copied like bank checks. Maybe they will devise something but if it surfaced boy would it make a great news story of their paranoia.

  • problemaddict

    Thanks guys. New fake name and alias is all set up and the PM sent. I look forward to it. I also might start a new little buisness with this alternate version reality of myself. Maybe underwater basketweaving? Perhaps we will come up with ways to stripe candy more efficiently? Who knows! The sky is the limit now that I am someone else!

  • nastyrnyi

    I Cant send a PM ...

    I'm from Russia , I really need your stuff !
    Here is my blog on JW: Enter me in the list for distribution of documents.

    Here is my mail:

    nesterov1 "at"

    Thanks, Atlantis!

  • Simplicity

    I'm unable to send a pm but I would like to be added to the list. Can someone help me out please?

  • ilnonnosa

    Io sono italiano.

    Vorrei essere inserito nell'elenco per la distribuzione dei documenti.

    Questa รจ la mia Email:

    ilnonnosa "at"

    Grazie, Atlantis

  • 88JM

    Atlantis you have a PM

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