Redhorsewoman from DriveslikeJehu

by Antioch 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Antioch

    Hi Redhorsewoman,

    I doubt you still log on here but I wanted to try. I just wanted to thank you for arguing with me all those years ago on Beliefnet. Back when the great world of sincere JWs and apostates/survivors-of-the-JWs/Evangelists collided online in the early 2000s, I was at the forefront having a blast. I had a hay-day exploring the new battles to be had about real issues and on an intellectual level that Field Service and meetings just couldn't satisfy. Beliefnet, Touchstone, CARM, Yahoo groups, and all the other places where a great argument was to be had, I was there. It was a fun time for JW apologetics with books being published (Stafford, Furuli, etc), we were developing more refined arguments that the WT never got into and we were hitting hard against the Evangelist wing if Christianity. I was never so sure about the more doctrinal side of JWs (Trinity, Paradise, Kingdom, etc).

    However, I was the true pupil because I was forced to really really dig and try to put the whole puzzle together. You were one of my sparring partners as I fought for the message that would be read by onlookers and visitors. I just wanted you to know I finally figured it all out. I left the JWs in 2006. I became a FireFighter/Paramedic and I'm about to finish my bachelors degree. I'm determined to repair the damage that the JWs wrecked on my extended family. I would not have exercised my mind and heart had you not been there to give me a reason to. Thanks.


  • cantleave

    I became a FireFighter/Paramedic and I'm about to finish my bachelors degree.


  • cofty

    Fantastically encouraging post.

  • Chariklo

    Redhorsewoman is the most wonderful name! Fantastic! Love it!

  • cofty

    Here is a link to redhorsewoman's posting history.

    It looks like she hasn't been here for a while. I hope she is also doing well.

  • happytobefree

    Wow DriveslikeJehu...I remember you.

    And I use to love love Rehorsewoman's post.

    Congratulations to your Freedom!!!!

  • AnnOMaly

    DriveslikeJehu! I remember the name from lurking on Touchstone. There were some great discussions there, weren't there? Redhorsewoman hangs out a lot on the JW Topix forum (e.g. recently HERE), I think. Good to see you around in cyberspace again!

  • Dagney

    I remember your name also from my lurking around that time.

    Good on you!! Continued success!

  • Antioch

    Yeah, she does have a great name. Also, nice to hear that some of us who interacted with those boards all those years ago are still around! Hi all!

    It seems like the frenzy of JW apologetics is kinda over, am I right? Is there anyone at the intellectual forefront anymore? Back in that day everything was a fresh argument to explore but now it seems like everyone has shown their hand and the cards have been set for awhile. No new damning revelations to help JWs break free?

    AnnOmaly, thanks! You were right on target. I did a search and there she is. What a small world. I'll say "hi" to her via that website.

    P.S. I actually saw "Marvin Shilmer" over there at JW Topix. Is that guy a machine or what? haha

    - Adam

  • zeb

    wonder what the die hards would think if its you who pulls them out of a car smash?

    Every happiness. big hugs.

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