
by Honeybucket 46 Replies latest watchtower medical


    I love this thread! For the record I have never smoked pot or used drugs except for nicotine and alcohol. I did try smoking once because my dad smoked. I also smoked a cigar that was pretty dang good. When I did smoke I just tried it and quit. I never felt that I had to do it again. I think I could smoke a cigar right now, and never have another one for the rest of my life. I have been D-runk lots of times as a dub, of course I do not recommend that behavior at all. Anyway, I think drinking is a far more dangerous thing as far as addictions go. I don't really think you should smoke anything to be honest. I would use it in other ways if I could get access to it.

    So is it true that in some States you can go into a bar or shop and just get some in a vaporizer or food? I want to go to there!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    there are no "bars" that serve MJ in cali. But u can walk in and buy bud or edibles. As long as u have the precription, which is about as easy to get as a library card.

    I use a vape and those are avaialble at any smoke shop, or on the net.

    What state are u in?

  • Hortensia

    who erased my post? Sorry for the blank post, folks.

  • designs

    Hemp is native to the Middle East, do you suppose Jesus dabbled.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades

    no. otherwise he would have turned purple irises into purple haze

    and he would have turned caesar's gold into afghan gold.


    I live in a State that is extremely strict as regards MJ. You will do some time for having a tincy wincy amount. I also seems like you must meet a very narrow set of criteria to get a prescription. Saying I live in the Tri-state area is as specific as I can get right now.

    Just look how awesome this plant is! It is beautiful!

  • Honeybucket

    lol@ rather be in hades.

    I am in WA state wahappen

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    @Data-Dog: I told the Elder to do what you said with all those "illegal immigrants", he said his "landscape and construction" companies would be "employee-less", he can't afford to hire legal immigrants!"

    @tal: I caught your post on "Lyrica" the modern day version of "Neurotin", old anti-seizure medications being used for new things "chronic pain", Fibro, IBS pain" or Neurapathy pain. I can't say anyone has had much possitive to speak of Lyrica or Neur-rotting-your-stomach", the side affects outweigh the benefits I hear.

    Did you check out places like "Attitude Seeds" in the UK, their supplier "Dutch" has cool names "Dutch Passion Blueberry" "Yumboldt County" "Dutch Orange Passion".

    I played raquet ball with a orthopedic surgeon, for the foot he says OTC "Biofreeze", cold presses or the "ten's unit"? Your pain under better control tonight?

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    "Breaking Bad" I watched up to Season 4, I was hooked after episode 1 but I don't want to use my show up. It's hard to find good TV shows like BB, maybe toward the end of December I can catch up on BB Season 5. Walt is tough, I heard he got a new role in a movie?

    Think for a moment, how many fights are triggered by drunks? If marijuana is a gateway to spiritism, alcoholic beverages are the freeway to physical violence and murder using that elders reasonings.

    What's the propensity for murder and drinking? Murder and smoking marijuana

    Data-Dog, I will find a way to upload some "sticky" stuff! Data-Dog, it's fun to obseve elders who joined "Wine Clubs", watch them (test their skills of wine knowledge-fake snobs) drink three of four bottles (per person) getting hammered and talk "spiritual topics" and "how Jehovah is using them to clean up the Kingdom Hall", they laughed about kids getting reproved for getting high as they slur their words??????

    You have to be really tweaked to follow their logic.

  • talesin

    Arb,,, Yes, there are many 'meds' available for fibromyalgia, but that is one dis-ease that can be managed without pharma (for the most part), and I'm happy to share my personal experiences; that Lyrica is hella powerful stuff, nuff said. It was the last pharma I tried for the fm, and good riddance!

    I do very well with having hot baths, healthy diet, and rest, rest .. lucky to be able to rest when I need it. Positive attitude, and dealing with stress, is key. Anyhow ... it was good to share some positive info re the herb and related matters. Tx.


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