Babylon the Great

by mtwtf 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mtwtf

    mtwtf WARNING. This post contains much speculation.

    It does not mention the Mayan calendar.

    I don’t know the hour, or the day – nor for that matter, the week, or the month, or the year, or the decade, or the century, or even the millennia – when the “END” will come, yet I’m still interested in it.

    I would also like to know the: what, where, how, who and why of it all. Nonetheless, despite my ignorance I can still visualize answers to most of these questions, but I wouldn’t bet my life on them.

    I’ve had these ideas niggle away in my mind for long enough to make me want to vent my thoughts and thereby dispel them, even if they might ultimately prove correct.


    My Venting #5

    Even when wars are raging in other countries, Israel /Palestine conflicts always seem to grab global headlines. Despite their best efforts, the UK/US duo have been unable to find any lasting solution in the Middle East. Also noticeably, they have been unable to improve Israel’s tarnished image as the one of the world’s most widely hated nations. Similarly, have they done nothing to enhance Palestine’s image as one of the world’s most pitiful nations.

    However, one day “soon” (wts time) a new deal is going to be hammered out allowing the powerbroker nations (probably Anglo-American again) to gleefully proclaim “peace and security at last”. With the Middle East at peace the rest of the world can relax.

    What could possibly then go wrong? Israel, being as it is, will quickly manufacture a situation that will allow it (compel it in its own eyes) to resume its task of repossessing the Promised Land. And why shouldn’t it? God gave it to them! (Of course, this claim acknowledges that they had no right to be in Europe in the 1940s’ and that Hitler had every right to expel them from Germany!)

    By breaking this (soon-to-come) Peace and Security pact, Israel will so exasperate other nations – including Anglo American friends – that former allies will switch sides and help the Palestinians. This will move the battle-front from Gaza to Jerusalem. The prospect of Jerusalem being destroyed will excite so many other nations, that previous supporters will feel powerless to help Israel.

    Worldwide, Jews will be aghast. Diplomatic, political, commercial and religious pressures will be brought to bear to save Israel. They will not succeed. Whatever country they live in, Jews will resort to street marches; “Christ will return to Jerusalem” Christians, and a raft of other do-gooders will march alongside them in shows of solidarity.

    In turn, worldwide attacks will be unleashed on local synagogs, churches of Christendom and their supporters. Governments will make little effort to stop this global rampage. The only expressions of sympathy for Israel will be those of onlookers who are too afraid to help. “Too bad, too bad, you great city”, they will say as Jerusalem / Israel goes down.

    Q. Would this scenario suffice to qualify for the label: Babylon the Great – destroyed by the Wild Beast?

    The global conflict will then address the question of Israel’s intrinsic value to the world. Villages, towns and cities in every country where Jews or their supporters live, will be torn apart by sectarian violence. One by one, every religion will be drawn into the conflict and suffer violence. The term Great Tribulation will spring to mind for many. As the level of violence against all things religious continues to ramp-up many will pray for God to step in and end their tribulation. If this should then happen, it could have fatal consequences for all those judged to be part of the problem.


    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Governing Body of JWs will still be deadlocked on whether to drop all reference to 1914, 1919, and now 2012, and how best to express these changes in the Watchtower masthead. The Curia , Public Service, “Whatever” continues to pressure the GB. They have to be made part of the Slave class. The only question is:

    From when?

    And why?

    And should all Other Sheep be included?

    And should Bro. Russell be posthumously disfellowshipped?

    The list would be endless.


    In conclusion, some of these more speculative thoughts clearly ought not to be taken too seriously. Others, you might agree, provide a realistic Bible based scenario – if you believe the Bible – for:

    The fall of Babylon the Great,

    The Great Tribulation,

    The final judgement, and

    The end of the …... .


  • Satanus

    Make a movie, man! Fundies will go gaga. You'll be a xillionaire. God will come. Jesus will shine.


  • Satanus

    Or, just a book or a screenplay. A lot less work.


  • Nambo

    How do you come up with Israel being Babylon the Great mtwtf?

    I thought I was the only person to have let go of the JW "false religion" doctrine and find a comparison of Matthew 23v29-37 with Revelation 18v24 points to Jerusalem as being "The Great City which rules over the Kings of the Earth", and that the Jewish owned banking system collapse would lead to a more realistic fullfillment of Revelation 18 than people not buying Christmas cards anymore.

    My personal view is that its not just Elite Banking Jewry that runs the world, but there are also many Elite Goyim, high level Freemasons for instance, the New World Order Beast is some way involved with Finance, hence the need for the mark of the Beast in order to buy and sell, so I dont think Israel prevents the cry of Peace and Security, in fact I think its thier United Government that brings it about, but then God will put it into the hearts of the Goyim collaborators to turn on Jerusalem so that they can have the whole pie, rather than just a piece of it.

    Having said that, you are correct in how the world is waking upm to whats happening to the Palestinians, and then you probably also know about the "Samson Option" which cant be winning too many genuine friends for Israel.

    You might like to here my date theory based on the fact the original Babylon occupied Jerusalem for 70 years, if that is a pattern for things to come, Present day Babylon the Greats occupation of Israel has its 70th anniversary in 2018 which also puts it within the 42 month timescale of 2016 if as is hoped for, thier global currency is implimented by then.

  • PSacramento

    Babylon did NOT occupy Israel for 70 years, the total Babylonian reign ( all their conquered lands) last 70, Babylon only occupied Israel for 50 years.

  • Perry

    The above link represents the most common view among believers (believers whose official authority source is the bible alone)

  • Larsinger58

    Babylon the great is the "Illuminati" and those organizations controlled by them, like the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve. The UN will destroy this organizations and confiscate their funds.

    The UN must become the last "world power" and thus it is this entity that will announce "peace and security" just before Armageddon. All the nations will give up their sovereignty to the UN when BTG is destroyed.

    The 666-beast in Revelation, which comes out of the "sea", represents trinity-666-believing Christendom. The lamb-dragon beast who is also the "false prpohet", of course, represents the WTS. This beast comes out of the "earth" and thus is associated with some aspect of Jehovah's recognized organization. Even so, the GB still becomes apostate.

    The chronology of the ancient NB and Persian timeline was revised by the Persians but is now corrected. Following the Bible strictly and closely, this is best corrected for our interest by dating the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE. This was even recognized by Martin Anstey in 1913 in his "Romance of Bible Chronology" where he discovered the Persian Period was 82 years too long. That sounds like a lot of time, but it isn't -- just 3 generations of 30 years each, really. We now are able to reduce these 82 years by removing 30 years each from the rule of Darius I and Artaxerxes I and combining the 21-year rule of Xerxes with Artaxerxes I, since both were the same king. That removes 81 of the 82 years right quick. When all is done, the 1st of Cyrus reverts back to 455 BCE. We add 70 years to the last deportation in year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar II dated to 525 BCE. Year 19, the fall of Jerusalem falls in 529 BCE, which in turn, dates the 2nd coming in 1992, which did occur on December 25, 1992, as epxerienced and/or witnessed by some of the selected elect.

    I think most think the "great tribulation" could break out at any time. But if that's the case, that means the 2nd coming should have already happened. It did already happen as prophesied, it occurred in 1992. It soon will be 20 years since that event. Satan was only to be around for a "short while" before being abyssed, so Armageddon must be quite near. How much longer can "a short while" be? 20 years is half a generation of 40 years. We know the maximum amount of time will be used by Jehovah, though, since Armageddon is said to seem "delayed" though not late.

    Finally, the "end" that is spoken of in Matthew is not Armageddon but the "end of the gentile times" or the "appointed times of the nations" which occurred on November 30, 1947. By then the "good news" was to be preached in the entire world first. Early in 1947, then president NH Knorr went on an international speaking tour around the world, thus proving the "good news" being preached world wide. The "end" came that November 30, 1947. So that was fulfilled.

    The second coming occurred on December 25, 1992. 2 Thess 2 clearly says the "man of lawlessness" must be revealed before the second coming. That took place on November 10, 1992, exactly 45 days earlier, when the GB was "disfellowshipped" by Jehovah in a letter written to them by one of the anointed who called himself "the watchman." Later, with great surprise to himself, he became the anointed Christ of the second coming 45 days later on December 25, 1992.

    This means that nothing is holding back the great tribulation from beginning at any time, especially since we are now close to 20 years past the 2nd coming!

    WHAT TO LOOK FOR? We must look for the end of the Illuminati-controlled world banking and influence over the UN via the CFR, Trilateral Commission and other agencies including the IMF and the Federal Reserve. When these end, all governments will give up sovereignty to the UN and it will be the 8th king, the last world power. It will establish some degree of "peace and security" at which point Armageddon will begin.

    Per the Bible, the nations give up sovereignty for "a time and a season" and so that would be a very short while (1 year and 3-4 months?). So once the UN takes over, which might be during the great tribulation, we know Armageddon will be close on its heels. There is nothing preventing this since the 2nd coming did already occur in 1992. Surprised? Well, the Bible did say Christ would arrive as a "thief in the night" meaning he would have been here a long while before the majority realized it.

    But we are seeing all these things prophesied being fulfliled, so it is very encouraging and confirming the Bible is true and that God, indeed, is real! These are happy times for the elect!

  • Larsinger58

    Babylon the great is the "Illuminati" and those organizations controlled by them, like the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve. The UN will destroy this organizations and confiscate their funds.

    The UN must become the last "world power" and thus it is this entity that will announce "peace and security" just before Armageddon. All the nations will give up their sovereignty to the UN when BTG is destroyed.

    The 666-beast in Revelation, which comes out of the "sea", represents trinity-666-believing Christendom. The lamb-dragon beast who is also the "false prpohet", of course, represents the WTS. This beast comes out of the "earth" and thus is associated with some aspect of Jehovah's recognized organization. Even so, the GB still becomes apostate.

    The chronology of the ancient NB and Persian timeline was revised by the Persians but is now corrected. Following the Bible strictly and closely, this is best corrected for our interest by dating the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE. This was even recognized by Martin Anstey in 1913 in his "Romance of Bible Chronology" where he discovered the Persian Period was 82 years too long. That sounds like a lot of time, but it isn't -- just 3 generations of 30 years each, really. We now are able to reduce these 82 years by removing 30 years each from the rule of Darius I and Artaxerxes I and combining the 21-year rule of Xerxes with Artaxerxes I, since both were the same king. That removes 81 of the 82 years right quick. When all is done, the 1st of Cyrus reverts back to 455 BCE. We add 70 years to the last deportation in year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar II dated to 525 BCE. Year 19, the fall of Jerusalem falls in 529 BCE, which in turn, dates the 2nd coming in 1992, which did occur on December 25, 1992, as epxerienced and/or witnessed by some of the selected elect.

    I think most think the "great tribulation" could break out at any time. But if that's the case, that means the 2nd coming should have already happened. It did already happen as prophesied, it occurred in 1992. It soon will be 20 years since that event. Satan was only to be around for a "short while" before being abyssed, so Armageddon must be quite near. How much longer can "a short while" be? 20 years is half a generation of 40 years. We know the maximum amount of time will be used by Jehovah, though, since Armageddon is said to seem "delayed" though not late.

    Finally, the "end" that is spoken of in Matthew is not Armageddon but the "end of the gentile times" or the "appointed times of the nations" which occurred on November 30, 1947. By then the "good news" was to be preached in the entire world first. Early in 1947, then president NH Knorr went on an international speaking tour around the world, thus proving the "good news" being preached world wide. The "end" came that November 30, 1947. So that was fulfilled.

    The second coming occurred on December 25, 1992. 2 Thess 2 clearly says the "man of lawlessness" must be revealed before the second coming. That took place on November 10, 1992, exactly 45 days earlier, when the GB was "disfellowshipped" by Jehovah in a letter written to them by one of the anointed who called himself "the watchman." Later, with great surprise to himself, he became the anointed Christ of the second coming 45 days later on December 25, 1992.

    This means that nothing is holding back the great tribulation from beginning at any time, especially since we are now close to 20 years past the 2nd coming!

    WHAT TO LOOK FOR? We must look for the end of the Illuminati-controlled world banking and influence over the UN via the CFR, Trilateral Commission and other agencies including the IMF and the Federal Reserve. When these end, all governments will give up sovereignty to the UN and it will be the 8th king, the last world power. It will establish some degree of "peace and security" at which point Armageddon will begin.

    Per the Bible, the nations give up sovereignty for "a time and a season" and so that would be a very short while (1 year and 3-4 months?). So once the UN takes over, which might be during the great tribulation, we know Armageddon will be close on its heels. There is nothing preventing this since the 2nd coming did already occur in 1992. Surprised? Well, the Bible did say Christ would arrive as a "thief in the night" meaning he would have been here a long while before the majority realized it.

    But we are seeing all these things prophesied being fulfliled, so it is very encouraging and confirming the Bible is true and that God, indeed, is real! These are happy times for the elect!

  • Larsinger58

    Babylon the great is the "Illuminati" and those organizations controlled by them, like the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve. The UN will destroy this organizations and confiscate their funds.

    The UN must become the last "world power" and thus it is this entity that will announce "peace and security" just before Armageddon. All the nations will give up their sovereignty to the UN when BTG is destroyed.

    The 666-beast in Revelation, which comes out of the "sea", represents trinity-666-believing Christendom. The lamb-dragon beast who is also the "false prpohet", of course, represents the WTS. This beast comes out of the "earth" and thus is associated with some aspect of Jehovah's recognized organization. Even so, the GB still becomes apostate.

    The chronology of the ancient NB and Persian timeline was revised by the Persians but is now corrected. Following the Bible strictly and closely, this is best corrected for our interest by dating the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE. This was even recognized by Martin Anstey in 1913 in his "Romance of Bible Chronology" where he discovered the Persian Period was 82 years too long. That sounds like a lot of time, but it isn't -- just 3 generations of 30 years each, really. We now are able to reduce these 82 years by removing 30 years each from the rule of Darius I and Artaxerxes I and combining the 21-year rule of Xerxes with Artaxerxes I, since both were the same king. That removes 81 of the 82 years right quick. When all is done, the 1st of Cyrus reverts back to 455 BCE. We add 70 years to the last deportation in year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar II dated to 525 BCE. Year 19, the fall of Jerusalem falls in 529 BCE, which in turn, dates the 2nd coming in 1992, which did occur on December 25, 1992, as epxerienced and/or witnessed by some of the selected elect.

    I think most think the "great tribulation" could break out at any time. But if that's the case, that means the 2nd coming should have already happened. It did already happen as prophesied, it occurred in 1992. It soon will be 20 years since that event. Satan was only to be around for a "short while" before being abyssed, so Armageddon must be quite near. How much longer can "a short while" be? 20 years is half a generation of 40 years. We know the maximum amount of time will be used by Jehovah, though, since Armageddon is said to seem "delayed" though not late.

    Finally, the "end" that is spoken of in Matthew is not Armageddon but the "end of the gentile times" or the "appointed times of the nations" which occurred on November 30, 1947. By then the "good news" was to be preached in the entire world first. Early in 1947, then president NH Knorr went on an international speaking tour around the world, thus proving the "good news" being preached world wide. The "end" came that November 30, 1947. So that was fulfilled.

    The second coming occurred on December 25, 1992. 2 Thess 2 clearly says the "man of lawlessness" must be revealed before the second coming. That took place on November 10, 1992, exactly 45 days earlier, when the GB was "disfellowshipped" by Jehovah in a letter written to them by one of the anointed who called himself "the watchman." Later, with great surprise to himself, he became the anointed Christ of the second coming 45 days later on December 25, 1992.

    This means that nothing is holding back the great tribulation from beginning at any time, especially since we are now close to 20 years past the 2nd coming!

    WHAT TO LOOK FOR? We must look for the end of the Illuminati-controlled world banking and influence over the UN via the CFR, Trilateral Commission and other agencies including the IMF and the Federal Reserve. When these end, all governments will give up sovereignty to the UN and it will be the 8th king, the last world power. It will establish some degree of "peace and security" at which point Armageddon will begin.

    Per the Bible, the nations give up sovereignty for "a time and a season" and so that would be a very short while (1 year and 3-4 months?). So once the UN takes over, which might be during the great tribulation, we know Armageddon will be close on its heels. There is nothing preventing this since the 2nd coming did already occur in 1992. Surprised? Well, the Bible did say Christ would arrive as a "thief in the night" meaning he would have been here a long while before the majority realized it.

    But we are seeing all these things prophesied being fulfliled, so it is very encouraging and confirming the Bible is true and that God, indeed, is real! These are happy times for the elect!

  • Larsinger58

    Babylon the great is the "Illuminati" and those organizations controlled by them, like the CFR, Trilateral Commission and the Federal Reserve. The UN will destroy this organizations and confiscate their funds.

    The UN must become the last "world power" and thus it is this entity that will announce "peace and security" just before Armageddon. All the nations will give up their sovereignty to the UN when BTG is destroyed.

    The 666-beast in Revelation, which comes out of the "sea", represents trinity-666-believing Christendom. The lamb-dragon beast who is also the "false prpohet", of course, represents the WTS. This beast comes out of the "earth" and thus is associated with some aspect of Jehovah's recognized organization. Even so, the GB still becomes apostate.

    The chronology of the ancient NB and Persian timeline was revised by the Persians but is now corrected. Following the Bible strictly and closely, this is best corrected for our interest by dating the 1st of Cyrus to 455 BCE. This was even recognized by Martin Anstey in 1913 in his "Romance of Bible Chronology" where he discovered the Persian Period was 82 years too long. That sounds like a lot of time, but it isn't -- just 3 generations of 30 years each, really. We now are able to reduce these 82 years by removing 30 years each from the rule of Darius I and Artaxerxes I and combining the 21-year rule of Xerxes with Artaxerxes I, since both were the same king. That removes 81 of the 82 years right quick. When all is done, the 1st of Cyrus reverts back to 455 BCE. We add 70 years to the last deportation in year 23 of Nebuchadnezzar II dated to 525 BCE. Year 19, the fall of Jerusalem falls in 529 BCE, which in turn, dates the 2nd coming in 1992, which did occur on December 25, 1992, as epxerienced and/or witnessed by some of the selected elect.

    I think most think the "great tribulation" could break out at any time. But if that's the case, that means the 2nd coming should have already happened. It did already happen as prophesied, it occurred in 1992. It soon will be 20 years since that event. Satan was only to be around for a "short while" before being abyssed, so Armageddon must be quite near. How much longer can "a short while" be? 20 years is half a generation of 40 years. We know the maximum amount of time will be used by Jehovah, though, since Armageddon is said to seem "delayed" though not late.

    Finally, the "end" that is spoken of in Matthew is not Armageddon but the "end of the gentile times" or the "appointed times of the nations" which occurred on November 30, 1947. By then the "good news" was to be preached in the entire world first. Early in 1947, then president NH Knorr went on an international speaking tour around the world, thus proving the "good news" being preached world wide. The "end" came that November 30, 1947. So that was fulfilled.

    The second coming occurred on December 25, 1992. 2 Thess 2 clearly says the "man of lawlessness" must be revealed before the second coming. That took place on November 10, 1992, exactly 45 days earlier, when the GB was "disfellowshipped" by Jehovah in a letter written to them by one of the anointed who called himself "the watchman." Later, with great surprise to himself, he became the anointed Christ of the second coming 45 days later on December 25, 1992.

    This means that nothing is holding back the great tribulation from beginning at any time, especially since we are now close to 20 years past the 2nd coming!

    WHAT TO LOOK FOR? We must look for the end of the Illuminati-controlled world banking and influence over the UN via the CFR, Trilateral Commission and other agencies including the IMF and the Federal Reserve. When these end, all governments will give up sovereignty to the UN and it will be the 8th king, the last world power. It will establish some degree of "peace and security" at which point Armageddon will begin.

    Per the Bible, the nations give up sovereignty for "a time and a season" and so that would be a very short while (1 year and 3-4 months?). So once the UN takes over, which might be during the great tribulation, we know Armageddon will be close on its heels. There is nothing preventing this since the 2nd coming did already occur in 1992. Surprised? Well, the Bible did say Christ would arrive as a "thief in the night" meaning he would have been here a long while before the majority realized it.

    But we are seeing all these things prophesied being fulfliled, so it is very encouraging and confirming the Bible is true and that God, indeed, is real! These are happy times for the elect!

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