share your reaction after reading CoC and ISoCF

by suavojr 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ucantnome

    I was happy

  • AgentSmith

    COC was written without hate speech. I would have understood if it was written with loathing towards the BORG. However it was written with care and the love Ray had for his Bethel family was evident in his writing.

    My initial reaction was, OK, he sounds like dozens JW's with tales of their ministry and persecution.

    And then the realization started hitting home. This 'God directed organization' was nothing of the kind!

    It was lies and deceipt and cover ups. When I had finished the book, and i picked up my jaw off the floor, I felt slightly confused. How could I not see all this before?

    The guilt thing of abandoning Jehovah's organization, and being a dog 'returning to his vomit' disappeared.

    CoC helped me a lot. It put it all in perspective. I was so relieved that e-mailed Ray to say thanks for his courage to write it.


  • suavojr

    insearchoftruth4 and indian larry:


    Amazing how little we know when you compare the teachings from the WTBS with all the available knowledge at our disposal!

    Keep those stories coming!

  • Phizzy

    CoC opened my eyes straight away to the fact that the WT was not just in error, and therefore just another false religion, it showed me that the whole thing was a scam, run by dishonest men. Just a business.

    I don't know if Ray realised the book would have that effect on someone, I think his motive was to simply help people away from lies and toward the truth.

    It squashed within me the slightest doubt I had as to whether God had an interest in the JW religion or not, I now knew that a God of Truth could have no association whatsoever with the WT/JW Org, which was founded on falsehood and maintained on lies.

    ISOCF I read a few months later, it helped me to continue my examination of belief, it led me no one place in particular, but the questions it raised in me spurred on my research.

    I am still learning about life, the Universe and 42, so I have Ray to thank for pushing me along.

  • jookbeard

    I actually read ISoCR first then CoC, I never went through the whole range of extreme emotions the more I read the more I just couldn't put it down it just enforced the opinion I had of the WTS, I kept saying over and over in my head "I knew it!" that their lies , dishonesty and outright claims were so flawed and I came away thinking they are this evil corporate fraud. In no way did it make me feel closer to a God or JC, nor did it make me want to read the Bible any longer( I dont even own one) and folks from different economic/ehtnic backgrounds worldwide all share the same common factor; we were all duped into this fraudulent cancer, I remember using the illustration of The Wizard of Oz behind the curtain in conversations with the 2 elders that instigated a JC against me and they used it as evidence in my full JC, Rays words of wisdom have probably been spoken about in more JC's world wide then any other subject. One bit of irony is the clear dishonesty and lies printed to response to Rays works when they released "The Proclaimers" book, Rays words live on!

  • John_Mann

    I felt angry, nausea, and some kind of hope towards my future. But the first and main feeling was pure angry, I punched the table many times while reading it. How fool I was believing all the WT crap!

    The book made me research deeply in the bible.

    I was a kind of an independent christian afterwhile (short time, less than 6 months), but when you honestly read the bible the only logic decision is to throw it into garbage.

    But I still like to study some academic issues about the bible and it's translation and historical background.

    I gave up the bible by parts. First was the entire OT, after was the revelation book, after was the Paul's letters, and finally was the gospels.

  • John_Mann

    I did not lose faith in the Bible and Jehovah and all the crap stuff after reading the Ray's books. I realize the BS after finally reading and studying the very bible.

  • minimus

    I loved the books because it was an eye opener for the secrets that go on in that Holy of Holies, the GB Headquarters. I knew a lot of things abvout the history of the Organization before reading his books. His books, though, were not mean spirited. They simply told the irrefutable truth. It was an easy read and even after I read them, I still hung on in the hope the Organization might soften. HA!

    Once I realized the dead end I was in, I arranged my "fade".

  • Kojack57

    When I read COC and ISOCF I was angry that I was duped and lied to by the Borg. It proved to me that the WB&TS was truly controlled by Satan and A weight of feeling quilty was lifted off my shoulders. I've learned it's by Gods GRACE and not by selling books for the Borg that we will gain life.

    Its great to be free from all the lies and deceit that the BORG spews from its demonic pages called the watchtower and all it's false writings.

    This brings to mind a scripture that the witnesses apply to those who are NOT J.W.'S but actually applies to THEM and they dont realize it ( 2 Cor. 4:4) "among whom the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is in the image of God, might not shine through".

    Once you break free from this CULT you will find Christ.


  • wannaexit

    While I was reading Ray's books I started feeling like a heavy rock fell off my back. I felt a tremendous relief. All those pieces of the puzzle finally fit. But after everything sank in then I became really angry. I went through a period of depression at the thought of having been so gullible and stupid --and sacrificing my entire youth for men in New York.

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