Service on holidays= unannounced visitors

by Honeybucket 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Honeybucket

    Its thanksgiving- that means all those who went out in service today come over to harrass those who are "spiritually weak".

    2 car groups have already stopped by, plus they said the CO is going to stop by this afternoon...

    They first off, dont call before they stop by and then they bring the whole car group in.

    I have gotten texts from witnesses hoping to see me at meeting tonight since the CO is in town.

    Why dont they just do some door-to-door? If you dont want to do that on a holiday, DONT GO OUT IN SERVICE!

    Dont come and bug me because you dont want TO knock on doors of "wordly" people.

    Witnesses feel they have the right to intrude in your life at anytime. err.. I hate being harrassed

  • Sauerkraut

    Not that it's funny but the expression "spiritually weak" makes me laugh. They are the weak ones. Anyway, unanounced visits irritate me. When it happens I'll meet them at the door (happened again a few days ago, while they were preaching in the area) and not let them in. Don't want to make them feel too welcome. I do feel a little guilty though, it's not very polite, but to me unanounced visits aren't polite either. It's not that hard to pick up a phone, but then you can't pass the time in service.

    Witnesses feel they have the right to intrude in your life at anytime. err.. I hate being harrassed

    Not just our lives, everybody's lives. Try doing the same with them and see the look on their faces. It might not be a happy one.

  • blondie

    Wow, we missed the Thanksgiving drop-in..........can you count your time. I thought only elders could and designate counting tme talking to inactive jws.

    I hated dropping by non-jws...I asked my car group once what they did when people dropped by their home, sales people, people inviting you to their church, political surveyors, etc., did they invite them in and give them a witness. Heavens, you thought I was asking them to invite in a serial killer or expose themselves to false religion. So they sent these people on their way and whined how impolite it was to just drop by........

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Thank goodness for restricted entryways in Apts and condos

  • WTWizard

    Obviously, they want to harass everyone into pious-sneering, going to all the boasting sessions, and obeying endless rules all designed to stifle your real spirituality. And such harassment is designed to continue until you agree to it, even signing legal documents that would legally bind you to serving them until death. Since they can't do that, they have to settle for ruining our holidays.

    I wonder what would happen if people did that to them on their REJECT Astaroth Party. Like showing up at it with Astaroth sigils prominently embossed on their bags, Ouija boards, and whatever they could get their hands on. During the prayer, they would loudly vibrate runes and do black magick rituals binding the witlesses to Father Satan forever. The hounders--including the ones ruining our holidays--would be pxxxed. They would claim that we are trampling on their right to their "holy day". Never mind that they are trampling on ours.

  • puffthedragon

    2 100+ pound muddy dogs roaming the yard keeps unannounced visitors to a minimum. They love my UPS guy though, because he is smart enough to bring treats for the dogs. But the JW's are too dull and cheap for something that creative.

  • Phizzy

    When I was an active JW I would never go out on Christmas Day or boxing Day etc , people simply don't want you there, they really are "Too busy" !

    I went out once in fact, when I was about 15 yrs. old and worked alone as I usually did, unless a hot female was around to accompany me, several HH's thought it in the spirit of the day to refuse my literatrash but to offer me a drink of Sherry or similar, Phizzy being already a drinker by that age was pleased to accept their kind gifts.

    Phizzy had to cease F.S a little early as he was unsteady on his feet by about the sixth drink.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    As a Witness, I never have and never will do Field Service on Christmas Eve/Day, New Year's Eve/Day, regardless of the circumstances or who says it is a "good time" to do so.

    IMHO, I am observing Christ's Golden Rule by not disturbing people at these times. It is rude and inconsiderate not to allow people who are totally absorbed in their annual festivities a respite from our calls. It's only 4 days out of the year - give them a break and it will give a better impression of what we are about!

  • moshe

    Honeybucket, you need to go into the recycling business- I promise the calls from JWs will stop-

  • DesirousOfChange

    Honeybucket -- you have TWO groups of JWs stop in, plus the CO is going to make a visit too?

    You must be some high profile fader!!

    We haven't even gotten a phone call.


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