“You can’t use Patterson!” – Court denies Watchtower’s bond motion

by cedars 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    Here's my article on the latest development in the Conti case...


    I've tried to write it in such a way as to explain what's going on for people (like myself) who struggle to understand complex legal issues.

    I've also availed myself of the help of a valued poster on this forum who wishes to remain anonymous.

    I hope people will find the article helpful. As always, if people notice any problems with it, please let me know (as kindly as possible!) and I will do my best to make any corrections ASAP.


  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Excellent summary and explanation in very easy to understand terms and illustrations. Please thank your anonymous helper.

    Has anyone figured the $cost/day to the WTB$ for their unchristian intransigence on this matter?

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    Awesome article! And nice than Candice Conti's mother commented she appreciated it.

    Who knows where this case may lead...

  • nugget

    The longer they drag this out the more petty and corrupt they seem. Their only aim must be that this is a war of attrition and they hope that she runs out of support before they do.

  • Fernando

    Hey Cedars!

    Thank you for taking the time to make this information understandable and accessible to a very broad audience instead of hidden and buried below tons of complex legalese as the WBTS hoped would once again be the case.

    Odd how the WBTS would rather bear increasing pain and eventual collapse than do the right thing...

    Not that one would want the WBTS to "reform" and postpone their inevitable collapse as one of the prime harlots comprising Babylon the Great, the world empire of religion.

  • wannaexit

    Thanks Cedars! Very nice and easy to understand. I can't wait to see this through.

  • cofty

    Thanks for an excellent article cedars.

    "expressio unius est exclusio alterius" - sounds like the Watchtower lawyers missed that day at law school.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thanks ceaders and so glad to have you back.


  • cedars

    Thanks guys. I've done my best to go "back to basics" on this article and explain things clearly. I glad some of you are finding it helpful.

    It's certainly been good to have the article edited beforehand. I think I'll follow this model with all future articles of a legal nature!!


  • Refriedtruth

    Well done

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