A letter from a College Dropout

by Ethos 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    So Einstein, where should one go to get a secular education without bowing to the gods of Knowledge?

    Seriously, did u take the GED to get out of high school early?

  • atrapado

    Ethos are you a troll or do you actually believe what you are writing?

    "Obviously Marvin has never been to university. Whatever's in the textbook is on the test. You will fail the class if you fail the tests. Arguing with the professor about something wrong in his textbook will get you nowhere. Violate the rules and you are kicked out. What a cult!"

    If you find something wrong in the books and can proove it the professor will not required you to preach it to pass his class. Here is the advice you can get from professors "While you are an undegrad or grad student be respectful to your professors don't make a big issue out of things get your degree. Once you get your degree you can challenge anything you want and be published if you are correct."

    Can you imagine every single student like "Ethos" talking crap to the professors? You know there are Grad students that look for any errors professors make and if is a big deal they can publish it make a name for themselfs even a Ph.D to go with that.

    So if you publish anything you must be sure you can reproduce it because there will be many others going after what you wrote and challenge it.

    Can anybody in the WT challege anything? Can COs or DOs challege anything how about elders? You can't really challenge anything in the scientific community without credentials, you can do it but won't be taken serious. Can anybody in the WT challege anything?

    And if you think the WT teaches the same things it taugh 100 years ago you don't know their story very well. You mention using the name Jehovah. Even if we accept that is a correct translation(which is not and the WT has acknowlege that Yahweh might be a better translation), how come 100 years ago that name was hardly used by the WT. Look at the magazines from early 1900s if you found Jehovah once per WT thats a lot. Why did they worship Jesus while he appointed them in 1919 isn't that idolatry that Jehovah hates?

    Now consider the most JWs teachings are not unique other religions teach and preach them. Plus many of them are 2000 year old debates which can go either way like the Trinity. And not the Trinity the WT teaches.

  • problemaddict

    Hey Ethos,

    So I understand why you THINK the analogy is appropriate. It simply is not for the very specific reason, that df'ing is not analgous to getting kicked out of a university. Every community has standards and unspoken "rules". Even this little web community. A community is important because it supports you and simultaneously challenges you. We all have severl communites we belong to. Our family, our work, our school, our friends, our religion. Having these various communities, and CONTRIBUTING to them is key in our developement, and then in our journey as human being trying to live in accord with our mind set. With JW's you find their communities ALL INTERSECTING with some minor exceptions.

    When you then question something your community teaches, they challenge you on it. It is their right to do so as all communities function this way. However, the community does not have the right to expel you and shut down all intersecting communities, under the name of God, and at the same time remain uninspired.

    I said it before and you have yet to respond my friend. It isn't the changing teachings that has everyone up in arms. Its the claim that GOD is somehow behind it all, and even though their teachings are prone to error, that the sword of damaclease (sp) hangs above anyone who question the validy of one of their teachings.

    Have you attended university may I ask? That isn't meant to insinuate you have not, I am just curious. If so, which one?

    Thank you in advance.


    Is there a point to this Thread?

    You go to college you learn,you leave..

    You go to the WBT$ and they try to Lock the Door behind you..

    Your never getting out of here..

    You JW S.O.B`s..

    ...........................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • atrapado

    "Arguing with the professor about something wrong in his textbook will get you nowhere.”

    Actually this is not true. At UC Berkely is common for students to contradict the professor. I remember two occasions. One where the professor desided to grade a project a certain way which many felt it was unjust. We brought it to his attention and he agreed with us and made modifications to his grading.

    I remember taking another class pass/no pass. The professor didn't like my essays and I got a No Pass. Which I found odd. I help another student on the same class and proofread all of his essays but he got a Pass and I got a No Pass. I brought it up to my professor and she didn't want to change my grade, so I went to the administration they contact the professor and they re-graded my essays. I got a Pass and the person from administration told me the following "this is exaclty what we encourage students to do, fight for what they think is right. Sometimes professors make mistakes, sometimes they might grade a paper very late or in a bad mood which under different circumstances they would have graded differently. Congratulations on changing your grade."

    Obviously Ethos only knows what the WT teaches him I doubt he has taken any classes at a University.

  • jwfacts

    Every thing they write we are expected to memorize, regurgitate, and blindly accept as truth.

    That comment shows he was too ignorant to succeed at Harvard. You may need to regurgitate to pass an exam, to show your ability to understand current theories, but you are not expected to blindly accept it as truth. It is hoped you will be intellectual enough to find the flaws and enhance the theories.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    when are u ever expected to accept everything at a university as "truth". Does not the enviroment actually encourage challenging the status quo? I used to get into it all the time. All those protesting students don't seem like they just accept everything as truth as well.

    Either an apologist or just an ass here to make waves. Doubt he ever finished high school. Especially if he's a dub. Alot of the JW students in the 70's and 80's here in L.A. took the GED or high school equivalency test

  • mrsjones5

    "Is there a point to this Thread?"

    Nope, unless it was to showcase the ignorance of the OP. And why post a premise so full of myths and holes on this board? That's what I don't get.


    That was dumb. Nice try anyways.... The difference is the College is not intentionally hiding information, and the Faculty is not required to expel you for finding errors in teachings. Plus you can get a degree from home and leave campus without being expelled. The Library would be full of easily accessible material so that you the student would be free to research everything. Also, the teachers are willing to accept the blame for any errors they make instead of blaming it on the students.

    Oh yeah, And the GB have never claimed to have any special ability-

    NOT TRUE!!! The Elders in my hall read me a scripture from the OT about " ones having insight " to re-adjust my thinking. It was applied to the GB to show that what is written in the WT equates with Jehovahs thoughts. The GB know and print Jehovah's thoughts! That is what the ELDERS believe!! That is what they are taught. All JW's believe the GB have special powers of insight granted to them via Holy Spirit. If YOU don't believe that then you are an apostate. You have private beliefs and interpretations that differ from current truth and unique teachings of JW's. You are not in good standing within the congregation. ( congregation as JW's use it, not the Biblical meaning of congregation or church, you are not a member of the scriptural congregation according to the GB) Sinner........

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    do we have any Harvard graduates here, or did he intentionally pick a college that none of us would be intimately familiar with

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