Antisocial behavior encouraged

by braincleaned 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • braincleaned

    "Our choice of associates. Of course, some contact with unbelievers—such as at school, at work, and when sharing in the ministry—is unavoidable. It is quite another matter, though, to socialize with them, even cultivating close friendships with them. Do we justify such association by saying that they have many good qualities? “Do not be misled,” warns the Bible. “Bad associations spoil useful habits.” (1 Cor. 15:33) Just as a small amount of pollution can contaminate clean water, friendship with those who do not practice godly devotion can contaminate our spirituality and lead us into adopting worldly viewpoints, dress, speech, and conduct."

    WT Study Feb. 15, 2013.


  • Honeybucket

    Yeah! They are also self centered and selfish people. They only time they are taught that giving is better then recieving is when they are encouraged to give to the society. How do they expect people to devolop social skills when they are ALWAYS told that if are friends with a non member you are not going to live forever with your family. Its seriously messed up. I blame ALL of my mental issues on them.

  • mamochan13

    yep. wordly people polluted us. ex-JWs were even worse. Pretty sad when you are so mentally weak that you cannot have a friendship with someone different than you without immediately adopting all their terrible, horrible wordly attitudes. All wordly people are evil.

  • LostGeneration

    Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    I can't believe how many friendships I short-circuited because of this cultish advice.


  • mamochan13

    wonder how this would affect the opinions of outsiders? What if "wordly" persons knew that the "nice JW" they work with or go to school with views them as pollution and contaminating?

  • NeverKnew


    I can tell you what is happening with me. I'm experiencing two polar reactions.

    A. Knowing that they're in a cult, love and accept them harder to show this is not the case.

    B. Tell them to go screw their self-righteous selves.

    The more I experience with the various JWs I'm dealing with, the harder it is for me to exercise option A.

    Pray for me.

  • Scott77

    Just as a small amount of pollution can contaminate clean water, friendship with those who do not practice godly devotion can contaminate our spirituality and lead us into adopting worldly viewpoints, dress, speech, and conduct."
    WT Study Feb. 15, 2013.

    Wow, what hypocrites Jehovah's Witnesss are! How about their friendship with the United Nations? OMG! Excuse me, the Watchtower was only associating with the United Nation but not was not seeking friendship. Right?


  • BlindersOff1

    Here is the link to download mag

    This way I can count all the placements.

  • Finkelstein

    Do we justify such association by saying that they have many good qualities ?

    A true personification of a controlling cult in action.

    Unfortunately there are JWS by way of their character and personality who are also not worthy or advantageous to associated with.

    ie ... I had the PO's son live a couple doors down from where I lived, he was known in the neighborhood as the worst behaved kid and

    most of them didn't like him because of it, guess who I was pushed to always play with growing up ?

    ie. ... My father who was a JWS most of his adult life was a abusive parent and husband, a heavy drinker and a exploitive and abusive company owner.

    The point is you can also find bad associations within the said select organization of JWS.

    I'm always reminded of the WTS. trying to protect THEIR flock ( THEIR Property ) as if they personally owned these people,

    well in some ways they do, don't they ? Mental slavery is still legal as opposed to physical slavery.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    During a meal at Bethel, Br. Knorr said not all association here is good. If your roommate is bad association, request a new one through the home office!

    CoCo was an SR, not BA

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