How soon can I put my Xmas tree up ?

by equinox 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • 00DAD

    When I was a kid my mom left it up until June so I don't see why you can't put it up now!

    Why wait!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LOL finallyawake...are you and Just Ron being shitzophrenic again!

    I say put it up whenever you feel the urge. I haven't even thought about it yet. But if I felt like it today, I would!

  • ziddina

    We ARE talking about plastic trees...

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Still Thinking LOL I assure you we are two separate people. We share an email address so our avatar is the same

  • james_woods

    I believe that the general custom of putting up the tree the day after Thanksgiving (not before) is so that the Thanksgiving holiday (decorations, etc.) would not be overshadowed by Christmas stuff.

    Same reason that you don't put up your thanksgiving turkey stuff before Halloween.

    I was also taught that the Christmas stuff should be taken down by the 12th night. (It was OK to leave it through New Years day, but not longer than 12th night).

    Mai likes to take ours down Christmas day afternoon - which I find just a little too cold-heartedly quick.

  • QuestioningEverything

    I put up my tree in my office on Monday. I LOVE Christmas and can't wait to set up the tree at home!!!

  • tiki

    hhmmm.....i would think december put it up too soon and you are going to get sick of the sight of it before the saturnalia hits..............

  • finally awake
    finally awake


    My first Christmas tree since 1998!

  • equinox

    Well, I assembled my 8 ft tree. Then my husband suggested I put the lights up. But I haven't got round to putting the ornaments on. Will do tomorrow I think. It looks great! Can't wait for Christmas, although, it's always difficult with family cos they are in and we are out.

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