Come one Come all to the Jehovah's Witness Circus of Horrors!!

by Terry 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • designs

    For a religion that knocked other religions about superstition we sure had our own chest full of demons and goblins.

  • smmcroberts

    Margarett: " Dying after refusing blood equals dying 'from' refusing blood. This is irresponsible."

    Margarett, I lost a lot of blood when I underwent surgery to correct the curved spine your Jehovah gave me when I was born. You can play games with your semantics all you like, but if I had refused blood I would've died.THAT would've been irresponsible. Irresponsible of me for not having researched the facts about blood transfusion [just about the safest medical procedure there is], and irresponsible of the people who had lied to me about blood (the publishers of the Watchtower). Fortunately for me I did the research, so I am still alive 25 years later, and can respond to your cold-hearted post.

    I have dontated whole blood, and now donate platelets. I'm truly sorry that you refuse them for yourself and any children you may have due to your leaders' lies and misunderstanding. But I'm glad to know that at least non-Witnesses are having their lives saved. It's much better than anything I ever did as a Witness.

    You can learn the real truth about blood and why the Watchtower is dead wrong from my online blood course.

    BTW: The Bible Students didn't get anything right in any of their predictions. 1914 was supposed to be the END of the "last days" not the START of "last days" that would last a generation -- and now generations... They've never gotten anything right, so why trust their stance on blood?

  • MrFreeze

    The JW's batting average is .000

  • Finkelstein

    'One' blood transfusion infected all of Mr Paul Michael Glaziers family with deadly AIDS. His only surviving child, his son, fights a brave battle to this day. This is not an isolated case of this type of outcome with this disease through misuse of blood. Also, AIDS is not the only harmful bug spreading like this. This is a screaming hint of the real statistics. You'll find them in the denial file.

    It isn't a matter of denial at all, since aids was found to be in blood, organizations that receive and distribute blood from donors have developed

    screening process that can find diseases such as this.

    Why does the WTS. NOT tell or bring forth the "Truth" that millions of lives have been saved from using blood transfusions since its

    inception into medical practice ? Thats a question you have to ask yourself, why do they (WTS.) not want to reveal themselves to this very

    known fact ? BTs to this day are still deemed somewhat of a risk but when the alternative strongly suggests probable death by not using a BTs ,

    most doctors are willing to proceed with that risk in hand.

    The trouble with the WTS. is that they intensionally will only and selectively put out information that supports their own doctrines, leaving out

    any information that is in opposition to them.

    There are many threads on this forum concerning information on blood transfusions, I strongly suggest that you read up on some of the thread topics.

    or start one yourself if you wish, this discussion forum is for everyone.

  • scary21

    Great post Terry !

  • Finkelstein

    Behold the awesome bedazzlement of door to door magazine salesmen pitching poorly written books with nonsense articles on imaginary doctrines pretending to be from the throne of God!

    Gaze in amazement as the self-appointed Faithful and Discreet slave stumbles over its own history with coverups, denials, rationalizations and false prophecies while tightening its iron grip on the numbed minds of its fellowship!

    Well said Terry

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