Need some help!!!!! ***URGENT***

by sinis 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • nochoice

    Are you in a financial position to take your wife away for a week? A little trip, maybe even a nice weekend? It's already been mentioned by you and other posters that she's needing the "feel good" and is not currently interested in a life change or the doctrine. I doubt reading apostate books and getting into deep doctrine will interest her right now. The person emailing her is not giving academic stuff, but providing hope, at least in your wife's mind.

    YOU have to provide that feel good for your wife! Please understand, I am NOT saying at all that you're not a good man and haven't been providing emotionally for your wife! But it's super hard to compete with "everlasting life in paradise" and a "resurrection where you can see your mom again if you come back to the KH."

    From someone "in" who has NO CHOICE as my username suggests, you don't want to loose her again, or be stuck in again yourself! It's worth time off from work to get her out of the house just to let her decompress and cry and mourn, without the reading stupid emails. My humble suggestion would be not even to discuss the meetings until the last few hours of the trip, unless she brings it up first. Just let her talk about her feelings and don't judge them. She's got guilt, regret, dread of the future, and all kinds of other things that people who suffer losses have, that she should share with her caring husband before she shares them with an opportunist witness!

  • Hortensia

    Direct communication is always better, in my opinion. Rather than email the JW and tell her to back off, tell your wife you are concerned, that you love her and that you hope she'll wait a while and think about it before making such a serious decision.

    Of course it's too late -- you sent the email. But you can still tell your wife the truth and apologize for treating her like a child, which is what you did when you sent that email.

    As the wife, I think I'd be pissed off that my husband couldn't talk to me honestly about it.

  • Si1

    be a good husband and support your wife, don't destroy her life anymore than you already have by taking her away from the bestway of life.

  • MrFreeze

    Sounds like the JW memorial service did exactly what it was designed to do.

  • Finkelstein

    be a good husband and support your wife, don't destroy her life anymore than you already have by taking her away from the best way of life.

    First up don't listen to this hideous bullshit

    Obviously from the mouth of a brainwashed JW

    Stand your ground sinis and protect your wife from exploiting and devious JWS !!!!!!

    JWS are typically known to use situations of a death of a family member or friend, when they sense vulnerability in people.

    I would personally advise not going to the KH for the funeral, you wont like the bullshit propaganda talk devised by

    the WTS. and wouldn't like the imposing stares and looks from devout JWS who know of your escape out of the cult.

    Or your going to receive love bombing pretentious grins from the JWS and the well we haven't seen you in awhile, where have you been

    scenario. If you do go pre-warn your wife on what to expect as a forewarning, you might be able to stomach it.

  • harleybear

    Sinis For whatit's worth for a very short time after my Mom died I went back. I can't even being to explain it but I did but it did not take long to see the light and leave again. That has over 10 years and I am better off now that even the first time I left.
    Trust you wife she obviously is a smart gal (she married you ) If she does go back been supportive but make it clear your feelings.

    Best of Luck

  • harleybear

    Sinis For whatit's worth for a very short time after my Mom died I went back. I can't even being to explain it but I did but it did not take long to see the light and leave again. That has over 10 years and I am better off now that even the first time I left.
    Trust you wife she obviously is a smart gal (she married you ) If she does go back been supportive but make it clear your feelings.

    Best of Luck

  • harleybear

    Sinis For whatit's worth for a very short time after my Mom died I went back. I can't even being to explain it but I did but it did not take long to see the light and leave again. That has over 10 years and I am better off now that even the first time I left.
    Trust you wife she obviously is a smart gal (she married you ) If she does go back been supportive but make it clear your feelings.

    Best of Luck

  • harleybear

    sorry my bad

  • sinis

    To be quite honest, although I love my wife dearly, I would leave her if she went back. I cannot swallow the bullshit I went through for years as a JW again. It is destructive. Its funny though that my wife still has emotional ties I guess to the dubs, although she celebrates ALL the holidays, swears occassionally, etc. It was funny the looks I got in the Kingdum Hell from the bros looking at my long goatee and tats. I could care less. This person rarely contacts her, but when this happened it was like a shit storm of emails. I laid the law down, and have not heard anything back. I absolutely will not support my wife when it comes to this shit cult as one person said. Never will happen again. Thanks for the comments!!!

    It was also amazing that NOT one JW actually visited the family at their home after the services or since. It was all a dog and pony show...

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