Wake up Reading list

by perfect1 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Chariklo

    Very useful thread!

    i heard this afternoon of some more people locally who are currently being diligently wooed by the very same JW's who got me caught up in it. My daughter has a work colleague who is deeply into the Bible Teach book and feels rather as I did at that stage, not really wanting to do it but these JW's have never heard what the answer no means. And the love bombing is spectacular.

    This particular colleague of my daughter has heard from her about my experience, but he's clearly torn, drawn by the weirdly seductive power of the JW system and yet knows it's not right.

    How to help without getting involved is a bit of a poser, for me.

  • Xanthippe

    Crisis of Conscience

    The Naked Ape (very simplified look at evolution, now often criticised but it helped me enormously)

    Plato, particularly Euthyphro,The Apology, Crito, Phaedo. Taught me that people were debating what it meant to be a good person 400 years before Jesus (plus they were also ostracising those they accused of corrupting others with their ideas!)

    Families and how to survive them, Life and how to survive it by Robin Skynner and John Cleese. Taught me, among other things, that disfunctional people and families hang out together- sounded familiar.

  • Terry

    For me, it all started coming together when I stumbled upon a most wonderful book.


    The book was so simply written. It explained without pomp or technicality how we know what we know.

    It traced the mistakes great thinkers made by identifying how and why those mistakes changed how civilizations understand things slightly incorrectly.

    Little fundamental errors in our premise make huge consequences in how we introduce error into our conclusions historically.

    1.The mistake about our own "consciousness"
    2.The mistake about the human Mind.
    3.The failure to recognize that ideas are meanings.
    4.The mistake that philosophy is not as important as science.
    5.The mistake that makes "good" and "evil" subjective.
    6.The mistake of not understanding happiness.
    7.Misunderstanding freedom of choice vs determinism.
    8.Denying human nature.
    9.Failure to understand how forms of human association are both natural and conventional
    10.The Fallacy of reductionism

    The Author demonstrates reasonably and logically why knowledge consists of:

    1. The addition of new truths to our existing body of knowledge.
    2. The replacement of less accurate or comprehensive forms with
    better ones.
    3. The discover and rectification of errors.
    4. The discarding of generalizations that have been falsified by
    negative instances.

    If only I had read this book BEFORE I encountered Jehovah's Witnesses!!

  • lilbluekitty

    The Bible, as in, a normal one (ESV or NIV or the like) versus NTW.


    Combatting Cult Mind Control.

    And prayer, lots of it.

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