What is your view of miracles

by FutureAndAHope 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    God is an eternal God, what we do in this life will effect our eternity. Even a person who dies of starvation has the ability to live eternally - F&H

    How do you know this? I suspect its just blind faith and childhood indoctrination, am I right?

    you suffer eternally for wanting sin more than God. - F&H

    Threats, the last refuge of somebody with a weak argument. A god who would punish somebody eternally is a moral monster and is unworthy of my worship.

    Atheism and sin have nothing to add to this world, no morals - F&H

    Why do you think atheists have no morals? Do you realise the evidence is to the contrary?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    There was a story out of mexico of a person who had their head amputated from a truck rolling over their head. The church prayed for hours and the persons head came back onto thier body and they came alive again. God's power is unlimited, we as people are limited in what we can achieve but God is limitless. The bible says Jesus holds all things together by his own power, if he holds even our very atoms together there is no reason why he can't do the miraculous.

    Praise Jah....must be true...he heard it from a friend who swears it is true.

    Where are the other believers? Why aren't they supporting this new poster who shares their beleif that god can do anything. He is almighty, why wouldn't he be able to do this?

    God does not need to save people who are starving, as his long term plan already allows for it

    None of the other believers disagree with this particularly. They may phrase it differently but they still accept god allows people to starve to death.

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