Got the Job!

by LouBelle 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blackbird Singing
    Blackbird Singing


  • ziddina

    Congratulations again, LouBelle!

    Oh, and Blackbird singing - WELCOME TO THE BOARD!

  • cofty

    Congratulations Loubelle, that's brilliant. I'm so pleased things are looking up for you.

  • LouBelle


    I have chosen to live my life very honestly with those around me, be it in person or those of you on the board - you are all important to me in some way, because we have all been down the Jdub path and come out.

    When I was at my lowest and wanted to end it, I did tell people, I told them I wasn't well. There wasn't anything they could say or do because I really was in so so so so much pain that it hurt to breath and opening my eyes in the morning was horrific for me. I didn't think those days would end.

    I'm still recovering. You can't switch a button and you're all better. It took every ounce of - I don't even know what it was - to keep going.

    ...and then the news of our dear friend Oompa - it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had only ever shared stuff with him online but it hit me. I knew that pain he was going through, though mine wasn't from being shunned (I actually embraced that) Mine was the financial. I saw the out pouring of grief and how everyone wished he had just hung on.

    I have learnt a great lesson from Oompa. It could have really been me. My one friend from here even asked if he should mention it on JWN if he got the news of my demise. I got to keep on going, no matter the pain.


    Yes good news! A huge huge relief and burdon has been lifted from my shoulders. I have grown more in this last year than all the years I've been out. I appreciate every rand (or dollar) I respect money. I am not wasteful. To enjoy those rare moments in the dark when your soul/your inners truly soar that it brings tears to your eyes.

    To others that are in pain or are struggling - please - take it from me. Take it one day at a time, remember to breathe a lot and focus on that specific moment.

    Love to all

  • TOTH

    ALRIGHT!! Congratulations!


    So pleased to read this LouBelle. I know this situation you spoke of all too well.

    Congratulations and continued success with work and everything else. Best wishes!!

  • Lozhasleft

    Wow Loubelle you are inspirational! I love your honest approach and your excellent self discipline with your funds. Times like that are so very difficult to get through. Im pretty good at juggling the finance, not so clever at saving or self denial lol. Well done and congrats on getting the job. Am so glad about the positives you've learned from Oompa's tragedy. It's a lesson to us all.

    Loz x

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy


    Congratulations and very well done! Remember that your employer is lucky to have you.

    You have a PM.

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead



  • coffee_black

    Wonderful news!!!!!


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